Questions About Evolution And Reincarnation - Alternative View

Questions About Evolution And Reincarnation - Alternative View
Questions About Evolution And Reincarnation - Alternative View

Video: Questions About Evolution And Reincarnation - Alternative View

Video: Questions About Evolution And Reincarnation - Alternative View
Video: Origin of Life & Evolution: Proof these questions don’t have answers 2024, July

Life on Earth (according to science) develops according to the laws of evolution. On the one hand, these laws seem to be aimed at improving this very life, that is, the adaptation of specific creatures to changing living conditions. On the other hand, they, in a strange way, contribute to the preservation of fragility, vulnerability and dependence on the diversity of species, genera, families and types of life. Moreover, periodically there is a total cleansing: official science identifies 5 mass extinctions of all living things over the past 450 million years. Why are plants doomed to immobility on land? Indeed, in the water, the same plants move well for themselves. The soil to which they are attached is depleted, moisture, due to the circulation of water in nature, comes in the form of rain, which is much easier to extract not by roots from the soil, but, so to speak, on the way, in the air. It would seem more logicalif an ideal living creature had already emerged, which felt equally well and lived in water, in the air, or on the ground, and at the same time did not depend much on the surrounding fragile and interdependent diversity. Moreover, there is no fundamental ban on chimeras, which, at least, was shown by genetically modified potatoes with genes of lily of the valley and even some kind of mollusk. Yeah. And what if another pebble hits the Earth, or what kind of cataclysm, and all these chimeras die at once? Firstly, in any case, with all the cataclysms, some kind of life was preserved, albeit primitive, and it is easier for a viable chimera to survive such horror. Secondly, nothing prevents nature from preserving the genes of this ideal chimera for such cases and, among other things, sending them spinning in near-earth orbit, because viruses and bacteria are found on meteors. And than,nature, in any case, should be more inventive than the author of the article in terms of preserving life. It seems that life did not originate on Earth, and the planet is successfully trying to prevent it from developing strongly.

And to a person who is most likely genetically modified, nature is also not very supportive, as, indeed, to any chimeras. In one of the interviews, Vitaly Sundakov defined the extraterrestrial origin of man as follows: a person cannot live without shelter and without cover (clothes), does not fly, cannot live in water. On land, he is one of the most unadapted creatures, he cannot orient himself to the cardinal points, he cannot do many things, which is quite accessible to any earthly inhabitant. Say, many animals build or use burrows, they can even live in caves, but not a single living creature dresses and does not get food, using only, so to speak, improvised means and various mechanisms. However, here too there are many questions to human modification. For example, wool. The man needed a hairless cathe created Sphynx cats by selection. At the same time, he left neither a tuft on his head, nor a brush on his tail. Well, okay, when a person was modified from an ancient primate, the latter's tail fell off, the hand changed, and the claws were removed. The tail is not needed for walking straight, the hand has become functional and suitable for small manipulations. But why was it necessary to deprive a person of his skin, having received the most unprotected skin on Earth, but at the same time leaving hair on the head, under the armpits and in the groin, and the beard of men? To force him to dress, while inventing a needle, thread, making skins or cloth, which, of course, develops the brain? But, firstly, without a tail and claws (you can't climb trees, you can't get root worms), a person was still forced to develop. Secondly, since he covered the whole body anyway,then I could carve out a small blotch on my head for anyone.

Therefore, most likely, the call for a return to Nature is akin to a return to a surrogate mother. However, flesh of flesh, all earthly beings are the flesh of the Earth, because on it and from it were created, like the children of surrogate mothers, who have a very distant similarity with their genetic parents, except perhaps outwardly. Because in the process of bearing a fetus, a surrogate mother not only nourishes the fetus (we all eat the same animals and plants, but we do not approach them), but also acts on it hormonally, and somewhere what is called a hormonal shift happens when parts of the genetic chains can be replaced. And, in addition, even the heart rate of a surrogate mother, and her mood, and attitude towards the growing fetus, form part of the personality of the unborn child. No, and genetics and habitat, of course,participate in the creation of the psychological type of a person, but there is one oddity here. Even when a child is born by a biological mother in a complete family, he can and often turns out to be far from his parents as a person. And not to say that it is a very original statement, but a person still has a soul in addition to a body. Another thing is who and what is investing in this concept. Science, which, for the most part, is material, operates only with psychological processes, reducing everything to the chemistry and physiology of the body. Religion is concerned with the soul. And neither evolution, which is directly related to genetics, nor civilization, nor culture can explain such phenomena as unaddressed manifestations of good and evil. A good that will not bring any benefit to a person and will remain without gratitude, but simply altruism. Not an ostentatious charity, but onewhich will remain unknown. And evil, which does not carry any semantic load, when the creator does not even understand why he is doing it. Culture, you say? But both culture and civilization are concerned only with organizing a community of people into a stable state in which no-directed good and evil are needed. Of course, the concepts of rational good and evil are relative, but this is not about them. And about those that cannot be explained by any hidden fears, suppressed desires and childish dissatisfaction. Say, there is also irrational evil in the animal kingdom. But, for example, wolves slaughter a herd of rams by virtue of the program of “orderlies of the forest” and instinctive regulation of the number of eaten animals. In nature, they mostly hunt weak, old, sick animals and young animals that are poorly protected. When the same wolves get into a herd or foxes in a chicken coop, they begin to cut what cannot run away, that is, for them, by definition, it is sick, and the fact that there are many of them creates a threat of hunger, because such a number of their habitat does not able to feed. Mentally ill, you say? So they are also called the mentally ill. And still, by the way, medicine does not know the etymology of not only schizophrenia, but also many mental illnesses. But exorcists, shamans and sorcerers can heal.medicine does not know the etymology of not only schizophrenia, but also many mental illnesses. But exorcists, shamans and sorcerers can heal.medicine does not know the etymology of not only schizophrenia, but also many mental illnesses. But exorcists, shamans and sorcerers can heal.

But what about art? So art is the former witchcraft for good luck on the hunt, treatment of the sick, communication with ancestors or patrons of the tribe and clan: for this they sang, danced and painted. Music and poetry are harmoniously ordered waves, like dances in a certain rhythm, which induce a trance. Many great artists are still, shall we say, out of this world. Birds also sing, but other animals almost dance, you say. Yes, but they do it to attract a couple during the mating season, to communicate or designate their territory. It would be strange if, during matchmaking, the suitors would dance with songs, and while protecting the territory, someone made intricate knees. And here too. As soon as the urgent need for witchcraft practices disappeared, the latter turned into a commodity, which we now call art.

But, at the same time, all these sorcerers, shamans and others like them, at least somehow concerned themselves with the soul and were interested. With the development of civilization, these functions were transferred to religions. All religions are ultimately concerned with, so to speak, the life of the soul after death. Well, in parallel, since there is a civilization (where to go) is also the structuring of society. Let's take reincarnation. As a discipline for a person, the thesis that the “right” soul will get into better conditions in its next incarnation, and the “wrong” one will be punished in its incarnations, may be good. But from the point of view of the most primitive logic, there is bewilderment: after all, the person in whom this “wrong” or “right” soul is incarnated does not remember his sins, or righteousness. This forgetfulness is explained by religions in which reincarnation is recognized, by the fact thatthat a person should not remember his past lives, otherwise he will not live a new, but continue an old life. But why then punish him, if he is neither a dream nor a spirit about how bad his past incarnation was. Even in training, there is an immutable rule that punishment should immediately follow the offense, and the punished person should be aware of what he is being punished for. And here we get a problem with an infinite set of unknowns, which, in principle, cannot be solved. And here we get a problem with an infinite set of unknowns, which, in principle, cannot be solved. And here we get a problem with an infinite set of unknowns, which, in principle, cannot be solved.

However, a person can alter quite simple and clear foundations and precepts in such a way that it is incomprehensible to the mind. For example. In the territories controlled by ancient Persia, Zoroastrianism was mainly spread. And in this very Zoroastrianism, the dog was also revered, like a cat in Ancient Egypt. When these areas were Muslimized, the dog was rushed to be called an unclean animal. This is a common practice of any victorious ideology: the old must be forgotten, or discredited. All these devils, kikimors, evil devil, genies are pagan deities. Only a few hurried with the dog. Because the Quran mentions a dog three times, and there is not a single blasphemous word about it. Once it is said that the game brought by a dog on a hunt is clean and can be eaten, that is, a dog cannot be an unclean animal. The dog is mentioned for the second time in one of the most mysterious verses of the Qur'an. We are talking about several young men and a dog whom Allah put to sleep for 300 years so that they would avoid violence for their faith. Moreover, there were either 3, or 5, or 7 young men, but the dog is always with them. In the third case, the traveler gave the thirsty dog a drink, for which all his sins were forgiven. But the point is that most Muslims who do not speak Arabic do not even read the Koran. And this resulted in the fact that now, in particular in Azerbaijan, all stray dogs are brutally shot. Yes, it should be noted that the cities are getting prettier, the cleanliness is almost perfect, everything that is possible is being ennobled and brought closer to European standards. Of course, stray animals do not run around Europe, but there they are not shot in front of children.whom Allah put to sleep for 300 years so that they would avoid violence for their faith. Moreover, there were either 3, or 5, or 7 young men, but the dog is always with them. In the third case, the traveler gave the thirsty dog a drink, for which all his sins were forgiven. But the point is that most Muslims who do not speak Arabic do not even read the Koran. And this resulted in the fact that now, in particular in Azerbaijan, all stray dogs are brutally shot. Yes, it should be noted that the cities are getting prettier, the cleanliness is almost perfect, everything that is possible is being ennobled and brought closer to European standards. Of course, stray animals do not run around Europe, but there they are not shot in front of children.whom Allah put to sleep for 300 years so that they would avoid violence for their faith. Moreover, there were either 3, or 5, or 7 young men, but the dog is always with them. In the third case, the traveler gave the thirsty dog a drink, for which all his sins were forgiven. But the point is that most Muslims who do not speak Arabic do not even read the Koran. And this resulted in the fact that now, in particular in Azerbaijan, all stray dogs are brutally shot. Yes, it should be noted that the cities are getting prettier, the cleanliness is almost perfect, everything that is possible is being ennobled and brought closer to European standards. Of course, stray animals do not run around Europe, but there they are not shot in front of children.for which he was forgiven all his sins. But the point is that most Muslims who do not speak Arabic do not even read the Koran. And this resulted in the fact that now, in particular in Azerbaijan, all stray dogs are brutally shot. Yes, it should be noted that the cities are getting prettier, the cleanliness is almost perfect, everything that is possible is being ennobled and brought closer to European standards. Of course, stray animals do not run around Europe, but there they are not shot in front of children.for which he was forgiven all his sins. But the point is that most Muslims who do not speak Arabic do not even read the Koran. And this resulted in the fact that now, in particular in Azerbaijan, all stray dogs are brutally shot. Yes, it should be noted that the cities are getting prettier, the cleanliness is almost perfect, everything that is possible is being ennobled and brought closer to European standards. Of course, stray animals do not run around Europe, but there they are not shot in front of children.stray animals do not run around Europe, but there they are not shot in front of children.stray animals do not run around Europe, but there they are not shot in front of children.

Although there are positive examples, in Orthodoxy. It was not possible to immediately discourage the people from pagan, for the most part, agricultural holidays and ceremonies, so they were adapted to church holidays, only under a different name. Thus, a mass of days of all kinds of saints appeared, which, however, have a very distant relationship to the Orthodox population. But now, when people have become, for the most part, townspeople, the memory of these rituals, albeit indirectly, is preserved.

Of course, all religions are priceless achievements of humanity. That's just, with the increase in the general intelligence of the latter, when it became almost the norm to be interested in the cause of everything and everyone, and scientific achievements have become quite accessible and are very actively promoted in the same network, the role of religion is unfairly reduced. All world religions have powerful research institutions, after all, even in monasteries, monks have been practicing meditation for centuries. So maybe it is worth somehow adapting to convey this experience to the rest? And another question may not be about religion: in cases when children still remember about their past life, what is it, genetic memory or a spiritual mold?

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