Evolution? Quantum Transition? - Alternative View

Evolution? Quantum Transition? - Alternative View
Evolution? Quantum Transition? - Alternative View

Video: Evolution? Quantum Transition? - Alternative View

Video: Evolution? Quantum Transition? - Alternative View
Video: QUANTUM TRANSITION: FIRST RESULTS || Rodina TV channel. Live broadcast 2024, July

Man is great in that he is a bridge, not the end of development, the famous philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche argued more than 100 years ago. In our time, this topic has acquired relevance again. In connection with the reasoning about a certain transition or quantum transition. Where and how?

There are a lot of options. From another dimension to the Parallel World. Some modern models from quantum physics add to the sharpness of the discussion. They argue, in particular, that every change in the quantum state of the system leads to the “splitting off” of the new Universe with the new Earth.

The Holographic Principle of World Order is also discussed in respectable scientific journals; Wave Function characteristic of any object, including humans. Moreover, in fact, the wave begins to spread in space from the moment a person is born and continues to move even after his death on Earth.

And if we take into account the “observer effect”, when the wave function “collapses” (in fact, it materializes into an object, for example, a person), then there are even more questions. Indeed, according to the classics of quantum mechanics, an observer is required. What observer? Here the famous reincarnation rests.

Even with the movement of a person from one point (for example, a kitchen) to another (for example, a room), not everything is so simple. And, as shown by the Nobel Prize laureate physicist Feynman (based on his model of "summation along trajectories), although the probability of finding yourself in a room is the highest, it is necessary to take into account all possible" routes "of movement.

Up to the most fantastic. And there is, although negligible, but never equal to zero, the probability for each individual to instantly find himself not only on Earth, but also everywhere where the wave has time to spread, up to and including some planet near Alpha Centauri.

And by any probabilities, as physicists convince us, for example, the famous prof. Kaku, and not only him, will eventually learn to manage. The question is just a "technological" one. This will allow you to instantly transfer to any part of not only our galaxy, but also to the "neighbors". Without any starships, portals, hyperspaces, etc. There are many theoretical physicists who claim that "consciousness" is material, and is one of the types of matter. On this "occasion" the aforementioned physicist Feynman once wrote that the quantum mechanical description of nature is "absurd" from the point of view of common sense, and yet it is completely consistent with experiment - so he hoped that in time everyone would be able to accept this nature in her absurd, but real, image.

So, quantum transitions? Maybe so. And the man? One of the first authors who reflected on this topic outside of religious concepts were science fiction writers Strugatsky. They assumed the appearance of a "cosmic man" capable of wandering in space and time. They called them "Ludens" in a small fantastic story "Waves Extinguish the Wind". Simple ScFi? Who knows. Against the background of the wave function, observer effect, waveform of any object. A form capable of "materializing" in the presence of an observer. Or maybe for a long time "someone" in the Universe has been using such technologies. And "they" participated in the formation (creation?) Of a person who should take over the baton over time. And spread intelligent life in the universe. Fantasy? Who knows. In a short video, an attempt is made to present some of the issues discussed.

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