Chinese Robot Cloned 13 Pigs - Alternative View

Chinese Robot Cloned 13 Pigs - Alternative View
Chinese Robot Cloned 13 Pigs - Alternative View

Video: Chinese Robot Cloned 13 Pigs - Alternative View

Video: Chinese Robot Cloned 13 Pigs - Alternative View
Video: How Scientists Made the World's First Human-Pig Hybrid 2024, October

Despite significant advances in the field of cloning and, in general, the promise of this technology, it still has not received widespread acceptance. Nevertheless, research and experimentation continues. For example, recently, according to an article published in the China Daily, a group of scientists from China managed to clone 13 piglets using a special robot.

The experiment was carried out at the Nankai University. In April this year, two sows underwent artificial insemination, and 110 days later they gave birth to healthy offspring in the form of 13 piglets. In the course of their research, Chinese researchers have applied the classical technology of therapeutic cloning. It consists in the fact that in the process the nuclei of somatic cells are transplanted into an "empty" egg without a nucleus. At the same time, scientists under the leadership of Zhao Xin used a rather interesting addition to the existing scheme: they used a robotic micromanipulator to test, analyze and carry out operations to remove the nucleus. The use of the robot made it possible not only to facilitate the process, but also to reduce the risk of damage to the cell during the operation.

At the preparatory stage, the experts determined the minimum force that must be applied by the robot arm in order for the procedure to proceed without complications. As the scientists explain, their technology can be widely used not only for cloning, but also as an auxiliary method of reproductive technology, for improving crops and animals, and in practical medicine.