How To Use The Power Of Imagination To Create The Life Of Your Dreams - Alternative View

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How To Use The Power Of Imagination To Create The Life Of Your Dreams - Alternative View
How To Use The Power Of Imagination To Create The Life Of Your Dreams - Alternative View

Video: How To Use The Power Of Imagination To Create The Life Of Your Dreams - Alternative View

Video: How To Use The Power Of Imagination To Create The Life Of Your Dreams - Alternative View
Video: 3- How to use your imagination to create your dreams! - Neville Goddard 2024, June

Not everything you want out of life can be created if you don't see it possible. For your dreams to come true, you must have a clear vision that will help you navigate life.

Having a vision is also extremely important in substantiating the meaning of your life and justifying the reason why you are here. Each of us has a vision. Each of us can call it in our own way - a dream, desire or hope. But how to make your dream come true?

Long answer: Many things must be set in motion and completed before your dream manifests. Short answer: it starts with imagination.

Importance of imagination

Imagination is the only state of mind that allows us to be free from the limiting reality in which we live. Allowing our imaginations to flow freely frees us from the limitations of ordinary life.

Imagination creates for us a vision of what might be. Imagination gives us hope in the face of adversity because it has no boundaries. This allows us to believe in possibilities that would not otherwise exist. It makes us feel refreshed, alive, optimistic and enthusiastic. It connects us to a deeper part of ourselves.

Imagination is the essence of sustained motivation to achieve any goal.

Imagination constantly and steadily connects you to tangible results. This determines your behavior. Do you see that your imagination has a real physiological effect on your emotions, allowing them to be triggered positively or negatively? When you imagine, you physically feel what could happen if the situation that you imagine becomes reality!

Promotional video:

Let me give you an example. We have all had the experience of constantly imagining the negative outcome of an event and the immediate feeling of our hearts starting to beat as anxiety grows in us. Perhaps you are in a tense situation and are surprised:

What will a medical test show?

Will I be embarrassed at this presentation? What if I forget what I'm about to say?

We all felt like negative thoughts cause the same stress and anxiety as if the potential result actually happened! The body reacts with physical symptoms to the images provided by our mind. The opposite effect can also be achieved. If we present a positive, uplifting experience, don't we feel excited and energized? The point is that your body is simply programmed to respond to your mind, and your mind responds to the pictures you feed it. This is the same for all of us.

"Your body is simply programmed to respond to your mind, and your mind responds to the pictures you feed it."

Now this is where things get very interesting. Your emotions and behavior are also associated with the images you render. Although often overlooked, it is a very powerful combination. Understand and internalize this truth: your imagination is a guide. It will help you find your life purpose and future as you visualize it. It's all about the mental pictures you create.

Ask yourself a question. How many times have you really wandered through your imagination in the back of your mind to come up with a huge idea and were prompted to move forward on this incredible idea, only to be told by others that it was impossible?

Don't they ask you why you even think or imagine this? And if you don't have education, finance or resources, they really bring you grief! Regardless of their intentions, they try to ground you before you take the first step towards flying. Sounds familiar?

If so, remember one truth: no one created their dream life by fulfilling the desires of others.

You may be motivated to please others or seek satisfaction through an external affirmation, but don't let go of your dream, your vision, or whatever you imagine, simply because someone says it is impossible. You have the tools and resources to help you make your dreams come true.

Three facets of consciousness

Every experience, every conversation, and every reaction to every circumstance in your life is recorded, recorded and reproduced in your mind.

Sometimes this constant repetition leads to a negative result. It can prevent you from making your dreams come true - turning your imagination into physical form. This may prevent your dreams from manifesting. Believe it or not, a lot of this happens without conscious thought.

Our responses to our situations are subconscious. The way we live, the people we interact with, and the contributions they make to us, shape the belief systems we develop in ourselves - and those beliefs shape the habits and responses we live with. Naturally, sometimes this is good and sometimes bad. The opinions of others are stored and ready to be played back automatically. We don't even need to think about the answer. We simply act from our previous conditions - and all conditions begin and end with our subconscious. For example, if you had a bad experience in a relationship, that experience persists. Then, when you meet someone new, any behavior similar to what you have experienced in the past will replay the old ones, and the behavior will look like "red flags" in your new relationship. Your subconscious mind has a memory of previous relationships, and such events act as triggers.

But shouldn't the relationship be based on the present and not the past? As you might expect, the subconscious mind doesn't let go of memories or conditioning so easily.

The only way to get rid of old thinking, to clear your subconscious mind, is to diligently reprogram your responses. You decide what is good to store and what is bad for your growth and well-being.

Basically, your subconscious mind stores, plays and develops new habits that groove your brain, and like an old turntable, the needle gets stuck and plays the same old tune over and over. You know the feeling of being stuck in a rut, and that is essentially what happens when you just follow the lead of your subconscious mind. It's the same old song. Your habits may be good for your well-being as you grow and develop, but they aren't always good. You have to consciously decide which tunes you want to play, when and how. You must imagine and create new patterns to replace the old, worn out grooves.

Does your musical taste change over the years? Your clothes? What are your food and environmental preferences? These are external changes.

Doesn't it make sense that your habits should also change over time? Habits are internal, and internal changes tend to be more complex than external changes. If the right habits become permanent, they can change the course of your life when applied correctly.

External changes - like a bigger car, a promotion, a brand new home - can sometimes give a false sense of progress, but external changes very rarely affect habits or conditioning.

Understand and apply this: changing your habits is the essence of behavior change.

Changing your behavior requires changing your attitude towards situations and circumstances that you face in life. Change in attitude and change in behavior go hand in hand.

You have the choice to create your own reality using your imagination in the deepest recesses of your subconscious, ready to be reproduced. By creating your own reality, you can live your life on your own terms and manifest your vision to yourself.

After going through the stream of past conditions, there is only one thing that can be done: tie you to the status quo.

We all live primarily in a conscious state: we feel and see things on an everyday level and are under their influence. This includes everything that we can touch, taste, smell, see and hear. Our senses are by definition limited to the body. The body and feelings are inextricably linked to our conscious state, which is why we tend to believe that everything around us is real. As a result, when we let our imaginations take off and when we believe that anything is possible, the superconscious mind takes over because it deals exclusively with limitless realms of possibilities.

When you are not conscious, you are not limited by your senses. You are limitless. There is no reference point for oneself as a sentient being (possessing the power of perception by the senses) in the realm of imagination. Your feelings do not limit you in any way.

This concept of the three facets of consciousness - subconsciousness, consciousness and superconsciousness - is vital to your understanding of the importance of imagination. If you don't realize that you are working to continually move forward in three different realms of reality, you are essentially undermining the vision of your life.

You must make all three facets of consciousness work together like a symphony in order to unleash the potential of your vision of life. Vision is an aspect of you that allows you to find your purpose, but you can only move forward when you understand that you are a whole being. You are not trying to manifest in reality only one aspect of yourself. You have many different aspects that require full integration.