7-year-old Girl Sees Invisible People, Including On The Ceiling - Alternative View

7-year-old Girl Sees Invisible People, Including On The Ceiling - Alternative View
7-year-old Girl Sees Invisible People, Including On The Ceiling - Alternative View

Video: 7-year-old Girl Sees Invisible People, Including On The Ceiling - Alternative View

Video: 7-year-old Girl Sees Invisible People, Including On The Ceiling - Alternative View
Video: A Mom Abandoned Her 1-Year-Old In An Empty House. Then A Decade Later She Faced Up To Her Actions 2024, September

A Reddit user with the nickname "poshmaraschino" reports.

“My niece, let's call her Anna, sees strange elderly people that no one else sees. She is seven years old, she is a lively and cheerful girl and does not at all look like that boy from the movie "The Sixth Sense" who saw the dead.

She started seeing strange things from about age 4 when she told me about my cat, Delilah, who died long before she was born. However, I then thought that she had once heard about her from myself.

But then she began to say things that made me shiver down my spine. Behind my house there is a yard, behind which is a neighbor's house, but from our yard you can see only part of his balcony and nothing else. And then one day my niece and I were in our yard and she was calmly playing with her toys, and then suddenly raised her head, looked towards the neighbor's house and said, “There is an old witch sitting on the porch and she is very angry.”


I decided that she was joking and noticed that I did not see anyone there, and then asked her to show where exactly this witch was. Anna pointed to a neighbor's house and said, “You cannot see her, but I can. She is sitting there on the porch and she is very angry with us because we make loud noise and it annoys her."

Then I said that there was probably just an old woman sitting there, but Anna insisted that it was a witch there. And besides, she looks in our direction.

All this was very creepy, because I did not see anyone in that direction, including on the balcony. But this incident was quickly forgotten. However, as Anna got older, she continued to see something frightening that no one else saw.

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When Anna grew up, her nursery was moved to the old room where my mother once lived (by the way, my mother is still alive). And once my mother saw a strange old woman in this room. And this was long before the birth of Anna. According to my mother, this old woman just stood between the closet and the window and looked at her, and after a couple of seconds she disappeared.

And now, 12 years later, Anna began to live in this very room. She still lives here. There is a TV in Anna's room and once we sat with her and watched cartoons. And then Anna as if casually declares "There is a woman sleeping on the ceiling."


»What woman? What are you talking about? I ask.

“Sometimes when I sleep and wake up, I see this woman and she is sleeping on the ceiling, just above my bed.”

"Does she bother you?"

“No, and she doesn't speak. But if I ask her to leave, she disappears."

"Do you only see her asleep?"

"She crawls on the ceiling and sleeps over me."

Gee! I tried to convince Anna that all this was just a dream, but when she got a little older, she told me the same thing, she did not forget everything and no one reminded her of it. At first I sinned on the rich imagination of children, but I was worried that both my mother and Anna saw the old woman in the room.

I still feel a lot of discomfort from all this, because imagine that something is crawling along the ceiling of your room, invading your life ….