Found The Person Who Launched The Coronavirus Pandemic - Alternative View

Found The Person Who Launched The Coronavirus Pandemic - Alternative View
Found The Person Who Launched The Coronavirus Pandemic - Alternative View

Video: Found The Person Who Launched The Coronavirus Pandemic - Alternative View

Video: Found The Person Who Launched The Coronavirus Pandemic - Alternative View
Video: How coronavirus (Covid-19) spread day by day 2024, June

It turned out to be a market trader from Wuhan.

The Chinese authorities confirmed that the "first spark" from which the coronavirus pandemic fell across the planet flashed in the market in the city of Wuhan. And it was “lit” by a local trader named Wei. But she did not trade in bats at all, as was previously believed, but in ordinary shrimps. After all, only seafood was sold in this market.

Wei has lived near the market for a long time and was well known to buyers. Where and how she managed to pick up a dangerous infection is still not clear. But now we know exactly WHEN this happened. A Chinese woman (by the way, she was cured of the disease) said that she felt bad on December 11, 2019: a high temperature rose, and coughing fits began. The woman blamed everything on a common cold - something like this had happened to her before, and there was always a quick recovery.

In the clinic, where she went out of habit, the patient was prescribed medications for the flu, but they did not help. Prescribed injections and droppers - again no effect. The doctors of another clinic, where Wei hurried, turned out to be powerless. Only a week later, a Chinese woman came to the Sehe Hospital at the City University of Science and Technology. There she was confirmed to have a coronavirus.

The Chinese authorities were able to establish that the "zero" patient, having fallen ill, managed to infect 24 buyers on the market, among them - four members of the same family (all infected were identified by surname). And from them the virus went on a walk further.