Ram Bahadur Bamjan. Living Embodiment Of Buddha - Alternative View

Ram Bahadur Bamjan. Living Embodiment Of Buddha - Alternative View
Ram Bahadur Bamjan. Living Embodiment Of Buddha - Alternative View

Video: Ram Bahadur Bamjan. Living Embodiment Of Buddha - Alternative View

Video: Ram Bahadur Bamjan. Living Embodiment Of Buddha - Alternative View
Video: Is Ram Bahadur Bomjon a legitimate Buddha? Buddhist monk Acharya K. Lobsang (English subtitles) 2024, July

Now no one can say for sure when people first thought about the transmigration of souls, but it happened at the very dawn of human civilization. The pagan beliefs of the ancient Egyptians argued that the human soul can migrate to various animals.

The ancient Greek mathematician Pythagoras tried to scientifically substantiate the process of transmigration of souls. But only in Buddhism (and a number of its offshoots), reincarnation is a fundamental tradition. In particular, it is believed that each person is doomed to eternal life in different bodies, and each of us goes through an infinite number of reincarnations (the so-called Wheel of Samsara).

Followers of Buddhism firmly believe that every few hundred years, another incarnation of Buddha comes to earth. As a rule, such people have an unenviable fate. Earthly incarnations of the Buddha rarely live to adulthood (they usually die under unexplained circumstances or disappear without a trace). All the more surprising is the fate of the last person, whom popular rumor dubbed the incarnation of the god Buddha, known as Ram Bahadur Bamjan.

The boy was born on April 9, 1990 in a tiny village in mountainous Nepal. From childhood, he was an amazingly serious and friendly boy who treated people of any age and social status with equal respect. At the age of five he was ordained a monk, and accepted the commandments of Pancha Sheela. Already at that time, he showed unusual tendencies for meditation, which could last up to several days without interruptions for sleep and food.


In 2005, Ram Bahadur Bamjan simply sat down under a sacred tree, and sat under it in deep meditation for 9 months. Moreover, there is a mass of evidence proving that the young boy did without food and drink all this time and lost only 1.5 kilograms in weight. Then the first rumors went that the Nepalese boy was a living embodiment of Buddha. The interest in him was so high that the young man was forced to move to the jungle, as he was constantly harassed by tourists and simply curious.

In January 2006, Ram Bahadur Bamjan self-ignited in front of more than a hundred people and a pair of video cameras. The fire burned for several seconds, covering the entire human body, but when it went out, not a single burn remained.

As you might guess, this caused a huge wave of interest in the Nepalese guy. Buddhists from all over the world came to this tiny village to glorify the incarnation of their God.

Promotional video:


In the spring of 2006, Ram Bahadur Bamjan simply disappeared, and was found six months later, meditating in a deep jungle. Then, for several years, he consecutively meditated in an underground bunker left over from the Second World War and under a hanging fig tree.

At present, Ram Bahadur Bamjan continues to live in his native village (where thousands of tourists flock), occasionally preaches and continues to meditate, refusing food and water.