Golden Woman As A Sacred Symbol Of Asia - Alternative View

Golden Woman As A Sacred Symbol Of Asia - Alternative View
Golden Woman As A Sacred Symbol Of Asia - Alternative View

Video: Golden Woman As A Sacred Symbol Of Asia - Alternative View

Video: Golden Woman As A Sacred Symbol Of Asia - Alternative View
Video: Старинный головной убор — Курхарс (ЧIугал) 2024, July

But where did the golden statue come from on the Perm land? Researcher L. Teplov suggests that the idol could have been taken out of the burning plundered Rome in 410 - during the attack on Italy by the Ugrians and Goths. Some of the conquerors returned to their homeland - to the Arctic Ocean, and an antique statue from a distant southern city became the idol of the northern people.

Other scholars insist that this is a statue of Bodhisattva Avaloka Teshvara, in Chinese Buddhism the image of the goddess Guanyi.

Defenders of the Christian origin of the "Golden Woman" say that this is a statue of the Madonna and stole it from a Christian temple during a raid.

The golden idol is so unlike the statues found among the Khanty and Mansi peoples that it seems as if it fell from the sky. The original version of its origin was proposed by the ufologist S. Ermakov, who believes that the golden idol came from space! This is nothing more than a robot alien, for some unknown reason, abandoned by the owners.

However, even more interesting than the question of the origin is the mystery of the disappearance of the golden idol … So, let's try to figure it out.

The location of the statue's sanctuary is first mentioned in the saga of the Viking Thorir Hund's campaign in Biarmia. “The Vikings happily sailed at the mouth of the Dvina to the trading city of Biarmia. Anyone with gold or barter? got a good profit. " At the end of the bargaining with a large load of fur goods, the Vikings descended the Dvina and, going out into the open sea, began to hold advice. The temple of the supreme deity biarm was in a dense forest, not far from (Dvina). It was there that the Vikings decided to make their way in order to seize the treasures stored there … Finally, they got to the $ image of "Yumala", towering among the sacred fence. The neck of the Biarmian god was adorned with a golden chain. Carly, who was seduced by her, hacked the statue's neck so hard with an ax that his head rolled off his shoulders with a terrifying crack.

The Vikings could not take the stolen treasures: the guardians of the sanctuary arrived in time and drove away the impudent ones. The latter miraculously made their way to the ships, abandoning the treasures they had collected near the Golden Woman.

During the campaigns on Yufa, Novgorodians also tried to take possession of the cherished idol, mercilessly robbing pagan sanctuaries.

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The golden statue of Yermak's dashing Cossacks also seduced, as evidenced by the Siberian Chronicle, which tells about the adventures of Ermak's friend and comrade-in-arms Bogdan Bryazgin. The Chuvash, who fled to their camp during the siege of the Tatar settlement, told them about the golden idol. Trapped in Siberia as a Tatar prisoner, he spoke a little Russian. From his words, Yermak learned that in the besieged settlement the Ostyaks pray to "the golden god that sits in the bowl."

Hearing the words about gold, the inspired Cossacks rushed to the walls with renewed vigor and after a bloody battle they took the fortress, but they did not find the precious idol. On the eve of the assault, they carried him out of the besieged settlement through a secret underground passage.

For the second time, the Cossacks heard about the "Golden Woman" when they got to Belogorie - an area on the Ob near the confluence of the Irtysh. Here was the most revered temple of the Ostyaks. Every year the “great congress” gathered in it and performed “secret food”. It is here, according to rumors, that the main shrine of the Siberian peoples was brought. However, when the Cossacks approached, the residents managed to hide the Golden Woman. The Cossacks began to question the Ostyaks about the "Golden Woman", and they confirmed that "they really had a prayer place greater than the ancient goddess sitting on a chair." At her feet, according to the Ostyaks, they brought and laid the shell removed from the deceased Ermak - a gift from the Tsar. It was he, according to legend, who caused the death of the famous conqueror of Siberia.

After some time, the deity that disappeared from Belogorie appeared in the Konda river basin, where the Belogorsk Khanty secretly transferred him. However, then the traces of the "Golden Woman" were lost.

Orthodox missionary Grigory Novitsky, at the beginning of the XVIII century. preaching Christian teachings to the Ostyaks, he tried to find and destroy the statue, but to no avail. Judging by the map of Mercator, where the words “Zolotaja baba” were inscribed at the mouth of the Ob, the statue remained for some time on the Yamal Peninsula, and from there, admirers of the “Golden Woman” allegedly carried it east, to the inaccessible gorges of the Pu-toran mountains in Taimyr.

And now I propose to turn to S. Ermakov's hypothesis about the cosmic origin of the Golden Woman. There are three of its features that can be explained only by agreeing with the assumption of the ufologist. First, some legends about the golden idol say that it could move. Secondly, the idol was able to make sounds. In particular, in the notes of the Italian A. Gvagnini, made in 1578, it reads: “They say that in the mountains next to the idol they heard a sound and a loud roar, like a trumpet”. The historian T. Samoilova drew attention to the third feature, although she does not adhere to the cosmic hypothesis of the origin of the idol: "If the statue is solid, its mass practically reaches 3 tons, with all the ensuing consequences for transportation by off-road, swamps and taiga." Indeed, one cannot drag a three-ton idol through the taiga. But if the Golden Woman is indeed a robot and consists of a frame covered with gold, it seems quite doable. Let's remember the Viking Thorir Hund, who chopped off the head of a huge idol with one stroke.

Now let's pay attention to the places where the Khanty and Mansi heard the voice of the “Golden Woman” and how it influenced people. In the Northern Urals, there is a domed mountain Manya-Tump, covered with dense forest. Reindeer herders, who drove herds along the Ural ridge in the summer, did not come close to the mountain. According to them, there is a sanctuary with the "Golden Woman", which sometimes begins to scream heart-rendingly. Us-

hearing her voice, a person falls ill and soon dies. A little to the north of Mount Manya-Tump there is Mount Koyp (translated from Mansi - drum), which got its name for its conical shape. But if you look at the mountain from a small, nameless ridge, along which the Mansi drove herds of deer to the south, you can clearly see a woman with sharp features lying on her back. This is a petrified shaman, punished for trying to insult the Golden Woman. When the golden idol was crossing the Stone Belt of the Ural Mountains, the shaman, who imagined herself to be his mistress, wanted to detain the idol. The idol cried out in a terrible voice, all living things died from fear for many miles around, and the presumptuous shaman fell on her back and turned to stone.

And here is another story, and no longer a legend. Between the mountains Manya-Tump and Koip there is the highest point of the Northern Urals - Mount Otorten. In the winter of 1959, a group of skiers from the Ural Polytechnic Institute perished here. Rescuers who went in search of tourists found a tent with a cut back wall and the bodies of nine participants in the hike. Their faces expressed mortal terror. In the opinion of the commission investigating the tragedy, one of the reasons for such a terrible death could be the impact of high-intensity infrasound.

Maybe the ominous idol is not hiding in the gorges of the Putoran Mountains in Taimyr, but much closer: in the triangle between the Koip, Otorten and Manya-Tump mountains? By the way, it is in this area that there are caves, including the longest in the northern Urals - Medvezhya.

The last place where the "Golden Woman" may be hiding, logically follows from the idea that she is not only a pagan idol, but also an object of worship of the Christian sect of Molokans.

The founder of the famous Russian dynasty of breeders and landowners, Nikita Demidovich Demidov, in 1721 informed Peter I, who was interested in all kinds of rarities, in writing that “his little people on the Kama had taken a golden idol of a female from the depths of the great, without an expressive face”. Moscow archaeologist K. Mylnikov and Tobolsk local historian I. Vyugin, who learned about this message, decided to go in search and tried to organize collection of donations for the needs of the expedition. Fundraising was sluggish until one of the descendants of N. Demidov intervened. He not only gave money to search for the idol, but also added a note with the following content: “It is no secret for all the Demidovs that the ancestor Nikita dug up the golden Yomala in his lands in the Urals. There was no point in destroying the idol, since the ancestor was already eating on gold. He spared the idolhaving given it to Peter I … The idol was transported to the Isetsky plant to be melted down. But my relatives did not fulfill the task, having paid off with gold bars …"

So, K. Mylnikov and M. Vyugin went to the Urals. A month passed in unsuccessful trips to the former possessions of the Demidovs. And suddenly the Borovnikov brothers, who literally asked for the expedition, revealed to the researchers the secret of the location of the idol, but on the condition that the expedition should be curtailed as soon as its leaders were presented with what they were looking for: “We are from the Molokan sect, do not recognize churches and priests, we pray from house to house, obeying the elder elder. The mentor ordered to bring you two and show what you are looking for …"

The researchers were taken to a bathhouse, dressed in white robes and taken to a clean, like swept pine forest, from which a descent into a deep rocky crevice began, and from there - into a cave. Later they wrote: “In the light of fires kindled ahead of time, we saw a huge statue emitting solar flares. It (and it was Yomala) was as if alive. Moreover, the statue did not seem impersonal! On the contrary, we seemed to see the light, having discovered the familiar canonical face of Christ. Has come to pass: God has no dead, God has all the living …"

The golden idol suddenly appeared in three persons: a pagan idol, a space robot and a Christian God. Although, perhaps, there were several idols, and each of them had its own path …

Source: “Miracles. Puzzles. Secrets No. 1 (48). E. Usachev