Moon - Satellite Or Space Base? - Alternative View

Moon - Satellite Or Space Base? - Alternative View
Moon - Satellite Or Space Base? - Alternative View

Video: Moon - Satellite Or Space Base? - Alternative View

Video: Moon - Satellite Or Space Base? - Alternative View
Video: No Human Has Ever Left Earth’s Atmosphere, Here's Why 2024, October

When it was formed - centuries, hundreds of thousands of years, no one can say. I believe that it appeared before our planet and has been a satellite of the Earth from the day of its birth. After all, someone created the planet Earth, which means it is necessary to follow it and help in its development.

Yes, our planet has magnetic properties, but this is apparently not enough to exist alone in a huge space.

What is our Moon? The only thing humanity knows is that this planet is round. And what it is made of and what is inside it - we do not yet know.

I think that many have pondered the question of why our planet rotates on its axis, while its satellite, the Moon, does not. It is permanently located with only one side to the Earth. If it is a solid magnetic object, then why does it not follow the elementary rules of our physics?


Perhaps I will not surprise you if I say that this small planet is artificial and habitable. For a long time, intelligent beings have settled on it. And they do work not only on the orientation of our planet Earth in the cosmic universe, but also support our human life on the planet.

We would really like to know what is inside this moon, not to mention getting to know its inhabitants. But, unfortunately, this is not given to us.

If we imagine that it is inhabited by intelligent beings and we do not observe them, looking through powerful telescopes, then why are they hiding from us?

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Therefore, we can assume that inside our satellite some kind of life "rages". How many intelligent beings live there - 10 or thousands?

Maybe there are whole cities inside? It's hard to say.

But I can say unequivocally that inside our satellite there is (and possibly more than one) magnetic installation, and very powerful.

As mentioned earlier, when our planet moves in its orbit, at distant points of the ellipse, our planet experiences insufficient magnetic attraction from the Sun. It is in these distant points that our satellite, the Moon, helps us out (just like other planets of the solar system). Otherwise, there would be fears of a break in the magnetic connection (spiral) between the Sun and the Earth, with a further departure of the latter into distant outer space.

Unfortunately, I have no data on other satellites of the planets of the solar system - how they are located to their planets, whether they have their own rotation.

Pay attention to the fact that the larger the size of the planets in our solar system, the more their satellites are next to them.

Having a large own mass, it is not enough for them to have one satellite, that is, one magnetic installation that would control their movement in the solar orbit.

And of course, all satellites have their strongest magnetic installations. There are planets that do not have satellites, but I cannot tell what orbits these planets have. If they have enough of their magnetic energy to carry out circular motion in orbit around the Sun, then they do not need outside help (in the person of a satellite).

Again, by analogy. On the major planets of the system, in order to keep them in dangerous points, several installations located on their satellites come into operation. This is how our luminary, the Sun, is made, where there is a weak magnetic effect at its poles.

I think that all the planets of the solar system, like our Earth, are man-made in the orbits of the Sun, the satellites of these planets successfully control all their movements.. I cannot say whether the satellites of the planets of the solar system rotate, but I think that astronomers of our there are planets. I assume that all the satellites of the planets, similar to our Moon, are always located on one side to their planet. If we return to the previously described, that is, in our solar system, the planet, which does not have its satellites. Again, I assume that magnetic installations are installed inside them, which work only for one function - movement in orbit around our star. Perhaps these planets were abandoned by aliens as unusable, but they must be kept in orbits, otherwise, according to the laws of gravity,a simple attraction can occur and it is not known what our Sun will say after such a collision.

Please note that the Moon is only a night satellite of our planet. It turns out that almost always, our Earth is between the Sun and the Moon.

And the magnetic spiral link, between the Sun and the Moon, works constantly. If the Earth blocked them, then we simply would not observe the Moon at night. And so, almost always the Moon is visible - full or crescent-shaped. In view of the fact that the magnetic installation located on the Moon is very strong, I think that it is she who controls the coordination of the planet Earth. The moon is always in conjunction with the sun and thus, with the help of a magnetic spiral, it itself rotates in its orbit, so it also leads our planet with it. Yes, the Earth has the necessary magnetic field to communicate with the Sun. But sometimes it is weak and without the help of our satellite, our planet would be difficult.

In principle, everything is very simple, it's hard to just believe it. Nothing is born out of nothing. Even to grow a tree, you have to throw a seed into the ground.

This lunar installation is directed to us constantly, no matter what rotation our planet does. There is no doubt about the existence of such an attitude.

Let's take our Sun. It brings us incomprehensible thermal energy - this is during the day, and at night, we experience magnetic Lunar energy. What is the difference in them, I cannot say. Everything is very related to each other. Which of these energies is more useful is also a question. On the one hand, the trees bloom when it gets warm, on the other hand, mushrooms grow at night. I think that the magnetic energy of the Moon is more useful for our body, but at the same time, it is more dangerous. The appearance of monsters at a time when the moon is absolutely full in the sky is not just invented. And there is a proverb that a person grows only at night. These two energies compensate for all vital components. I often ask myself the question, what if there was no magnetic energy of the Moon, what would happen on the surface of the Earth and man. Losing this necessary energy of the Moon for the body for ten hours is very serious. I think that a person would not have lived ten days.

And take, for example, the necessary movement of air currents, water in the oceans, without which any circulation would not be possible. This is only the work of the Moon.

It is by its installation that the Moon gives us life for now. Even a worldwide flood, easy to explain. As the magnetic flux from the moon increases, the water level in the ocean rises. At that time, from the side of the Sun, there is a decrease. And if you add the power of energy to the installation from the side of the Moon, then you can achieve the level rise to almost any height. Such actions on the part of lunar intelligent beings are performed only in extreme situations. For example, the planet Earth, for some reason, began to leave the trajectory of its orbit. For such purposes, additional magnetic energy is turned on through the installation on the Moon to put our planet in its place. Yes, the lunar installation will primarily work with the Sun. But the Earth will also get this increased magnetic flux.

Perhaps, once upon a time, humanity deserved this worldwide flood. Again, I repeat, we are given the right to develop on our own (again, ideas from outside), but we cannot do and STEAL what does not belong to us.

Victor Kuksin