UFO - What Eyewitnesses Say - Alternative View

UFO - What Eyewitnesses Say - Alternative View
UFO - What Eyewitnesses Say - Alternative View

Video: UFO - What Eyewitnesses Say - Alternative View

Video: UFO - What Eyewitnesses Say - Alternative View
Video: Woman Witnesses Strange UFO Sighting In British Columbia | Alien Mysteries 2024, September

In "Komsomolskaya Pravda" dated January 28, 1989, a small article was published: "UFO over Jakarta?" It said:

“The Pelita newspaper reported about the appearance of a mysterious flying object over Jakarta the other day. According to eyewitness accounts, which included two reporters for this newspaper, an unknown object, which emitted a bright light, moved silently at an altitude of 1.5-2 km above the southern part of the city on Wednesday evening. He then suddenly stopped in the air, then continued to fly, then moved in the opposite direction, noted witnesses who observed the maneuvers of a mysterious flying object from different points at approximately the same time, reported in "Pelita".

Early the previous morning, a similar phenomenon was observed outside Jakarta. The flying vehicle also performed unusual maneuvers: it suddenly hovered in place, made sharp turns, and then moved in the opposite direction, the newspaper reported.

In "Moskovskaya Pravda" of December 25, 1988 in the article "Triangular Saucer" it was written:

"The next" flying saucer "was observed in the Swiss canton of Ticino. As reported by a seventy-year-old resident of the village of Gentilino, waking up at night, she drew attention to the unusual glow from the street. Looking out the window, she saw at a distance of 80 - 90 m from the house a strange triangular object hanging low above the ground. One side of the "plate" was illuminated with blue rays, and the other - with red. Even stranger was the alarm that stopped at that moment. According to her, she watched the unknown object for about seven minutes."

There are UFOs and other forms. The newspaper "Trud" on February 19, 1989 published an article "Banana" over Alabama ". It said:

“On the evening of February 14th, residents of Northwest Alabama began calling their sheriff, as police chiefs are called in the countryside. The first recorded call was from the village of Lixkillet: “Send your man urgently. I don't know what the thing is, but it scared my hunting dogs to death."

Sheriff Fred Works with his deputy, Junior Garmani, drove to the scene, and, according to the latter, personally saw the UFO. As Garmani described, it was in the shape of a banana flying with the curved side up. The UFO is larger than an airbus, and its entire body is completely covered with green, white and red lights.

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Residents of Lixkillet, Grove Oak and other Alabama townships who witnessed this strange phenomenon are bewildered. Is this really a UFO or maybe the Pentagon is testing a new aircraft?"

The places where UFOs are observed are located in various parts of the planet. And, as usual, newspapers diligently reflect sensational news. In the "Construction newspaper" on July 11, 1989, an article was published "UFO over the Karakum Desert?"

“A ball glowing from the front the size of a large watermelon. Behind him was a reddish tail, as if he were in fog or haze. Tiny "windows" were visible on the tail. The impression was that a train was moving completely silently over Karl Marx Avenue at an altitude of about 300–400 m. " These are lines from the official report of 4 militiamen of private security, headed by Y. Ismailov. They saw a UFO-like phenomenon at midnight March 22-23, while on duty in a market area in the Turkmen city of Tashauz, in the north of the Karakum desert.

So what was it? An artificial satellite burning out in the atmosphere, a spent stage of a launch vehicle, or is it a UFO? Experts definitely cannot answer. The riddle has not been solved …"

Izvestia on October 6, 1988 reported a "UFO over Argentina".

“A UFO appeared in the skies over Argentina, according to news agencies. Inhabitants of many cities in the north and in the central part of the country observed a giant orange fireball. The ball hovered in the sky for several minutes, producing rhythmic vibrations, after which it abruptly took off from its place. One amateur photographer from the city of Catamarca managed to film this unusual phenomenon."

"What is it in heaven?" - asks the question "Soviet Russia" June 24, 1983

“Thousands of residents of the Peruvian city of Chimbote, in the north of the country, have witnessed an unusual sight. A strange "object" of an oval shape flew around the streets and squares of this city for 4 minutes. According to the correspondent of the newspaper "Kronika", a bright light emanated from the zigzag "object", which resembled beams of powerful searchlights. “It became bright as in the sunlight,” the journalist writes, “despite the fact that the city's power supply system has failed as a result of prolonged torrential rains. Then, at high speed, the mysterious "object" retired towards the Pacific Ocean."

"Soviet Russia" on March 24, 1989 also wrote about "UFOs in Switzerland":

“The UFO appeared on the night from Tuesday to Wednesday in the Swiss canton of Tessin, in the south-east of the country. Residents who saw him in the Locarno area claim that he was an orange sphere with two stripes in the form of wings along the edges. The object flew at an altitude of about 200 m and was heading towards Italy. Some time later, the inhabitants of Ascona, on the Swiss side of Lake Maggiore, who watched it, claimed that, before reaching the border, this unidentified flying object exploded and turned into a ball of fire. According to the Swiss scientist-ufologist Massimo Cantoni, the fact that this UFO was observed by residents of two settlements at once is the rarest case in the history of the study of unidentified flying objects."

"Soviet Russia" on July 12, 1989 published an article "UFOs in England": "With the approach of suffering in the grain fields of the south of England, alarming rumors again spread among farmers about the facts of the uninvited interference of mysterious" extraterrestrial "forces leaving incomprehensible traces - clearly marked round-shaped areas on which bread lay.

Two enthusiasts from Britain, Colin Andrews and Pat Delgado, have been studying a strange phenomenon in the fields of southern England for 8 years, which, according to them, repeats from year to year in the most unexpected places. They have collected extensive material on dozens of cases of the appearance of mysterious "circles", the diameter of which sometimes reaches fifty meters and which can be mistaken for the landing site of "flying saucers". Delgado and Andrews themselves believe that it is rather about an unknown force field induced by some "unidentified mind" and leaving huge round areas of lodged wheat."

It seems that UFOs are actively exploring the entire territory of the Earth. The newspaper Molodoy Kommunar of June 20, 1989 published a rather interesting note:

“In September 1979, between 7 pm and 8 pm Moscow time, I was patrolling in a GAZ-24 service car in the district of ul. Minsk Railway District, Voronezh. I had a need to stop a hundred meters from the railway crossing. Leaving the car, I turned off the engine, while leaving the sidelights burning.

For a while I stood with my back to the car, and when I turned to face it, I noticed that the sidelights had gone out. At the same moment, I heard a loud bang, similar to the one produced by an airplane crossing the sound barrier. Turning to this sound, I saw a bright glow emanating from a source located 500 meters above the ground. The light was very bright, it resembled the glow of a television screen, emanating in a sharply outlined cone from an object that was illuminated by it from below. The object had the shape of a dark lentil, the size, as it seemed to me, 100-120 m in length and 5 m in height (I mentally compared it with the dimensions of a five-story building).

The top of the subject was also illuminated by an equally bright light source. The object, when I saw it, was hanging motionless. A few seconds later, the object went down sharply and landed on a small hill, located in the field, 400–500 meters away from me. At that moment, frankly speaking, I got scared and rushed to the car. He sat down, tried to start the engine, but to no avail - the starter did not rotate, the dashboard was not lit. I quickly closed all the doors and began to observe the object. It was almost invisible against the dark background of the earth's surface, but a chain of lights flashed along the perimeter of its hull, shaped like portholes, illuminated from the inside with bluish light, there were about 10 of them, each measuring about 1-1.5 lunar disk. The upper light source also shone, the lower one went out.

A few seconds later, two bright beams, resembling searchlights, flashed along the edges of the object. They quickly fumbled across the sky, then across the field, and one of them deviated in my direction and illuminated the car. After that, both beams were extinguished. During the entire observation period, I did not hear any sounds, except for the initial pop. The object was on the ground for about half an hour, all this time, naturally, I watched him, experiencing an acute sense of fear.

Then the object took off in the reverse sequence. It somehow instantly detached itself from the ground and hovered at the same height as before landing, that is, about 500 m, while the lower light source was also brightly burning. Then there was a loud bang, and the object suddenly, almost instantly, at an angle of 70 degrees to the ground, took off upward, turning into an asterisk. After that, the dashboard immediately lit up in the car. I turned the ignition key and easily started the engine. At that moment, I was literally shaking with fear. For a week I could not recover, being under the impression of what had happened."

Press reports bring numerous UFO sightings. The newspaper Trud, dated June 24, 1989, published an article: "Believe it or not":

"A whole" squadron "of UFOs landed on June 6 near the village of Konantsevo, Kharovsky district, Vologda region. Local schoolchildren who were returning home from the river witnessed the extraordinary event. According to the stories of the guys, looking at the kite hovering over the outskirts of the village, they suddenly noticed a yellowish sparkle that appeared in the sky. The luminous point rapidly increased in size and soon became like a shining ball. The mysterious object dropped over the meadow, sank to the ground and, as it seemed to the young observers, rolled towards the river. The ball was no more than half a kilometer away. Two little girls rushed home in tears.

The others saw that the ball seemed to split and something like a headless man in dark clothes appeared in the meadow. It was striking that the "hands" of the alien dropped below the "knees". At that moment, the "aircraft" seemed to melt into thin air, and its "passenger" seemed to be heading for the village of Konantsevo.

The schoolchildren remembered that a woman in a red dress was walking nearby. When the alien caught up with her, both suddenly disappeared from sight. A few minutes later the guys again noticed the woman who was running away. The adventure did not end there. On the same meadow, 3 more balls descended one after another. Two of them turned out to be "manned". No one left the latter, although it also “split in two”. The balls and "passengers", like the first one, quickly became invisible. True, the creature that flew in on the third device disappeared from sight only after it passed between the poles of the power line. This "alien" was separated from the schoolchildren by no more than 150 m. There was something on his chest that looked like a luminous disk.

“I don’t presume to judge what the guys saw, but I don’t have any reason to say that this whole story was invented by them,” says I. Shaverin, editor of the Kharovskaya regional newspaper Prizyv. - When Sergey Belyaevsky, Sveta Karetina, Olga Krylova, Marina Shiryaeva and Lyuda Rybakova came to the editorial office, our employees talked to them separately in different rooms. What they said completely coincided. I think they really saw something unusual …

Unidentified flying objects reminded of themselves after just 5 days. On July 11, O. Lubnina observed a fireball over Vologda. He appeared over the city at 21 hours 20 minutes and disappeared into the evening sky, without trying to land, after 17 minutes. A day later, at 10:05 pm, a fourth-grader Sergei Plaksin saw a UFO in the Vologda sky. According to his descriptions, an elongated silvery body was observed in the sky at an altitude familiar to a jet plane for about a minute.

From Sergei's drawing, his UFO resembled a giant electric flashlight. And even earlier, on April 24, in Cherepovets, a mysterious object sailed over the streets, three times the size of the plane (so it seemed to the resident of the city I. Veselova who saw it). The UFO moved at an altitude of 300 m completely silently, leaving behind a "large shining tail". An eyewitness assures that the "bow" and "stern" of the object were marked with flashing reddish stars. The UFO visited the city at 22 hours 55 minutes. I. Veselova's description largely coincides with the observations of an 8th grade student I. Chaikov, who saw a UFO that evening. The schoolboy and his mother, however, believe that the flight altitude was no more than 150 m.

So what was happening in the sky over the Vologda region? How to explain such a "harvest" of UFOs? In an era of skepticism, I want to quickly find the earthly causes of heavenly miracles. But … visual errors are unlikely. After all, the phenomena in the sky have been seen by different people who give similar descriptions. In any case, all the Vologda phenomena cannot be explained by referring to the fact that sometimes in the atmosphere their spent artificial earth satellites and stages of carrier rockets burn out”.

So, the observations are massive, sometimes it is even said about some strange creatures - inhabitants of mysterious balls and "cigars". Once upon a time, articles in the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper were very popular. We are looking at the newspaper dated 01.05.1990. The article "500 meters to contact" makes us apply not only imagination, but also knowledge of physics. So, we read: “Indeed, it is better to see once … And, I must admit, we had to hear creepy stories about UFOs, to see them - alas … The case, as usually happens, presented itself unexpectedly:

Alexander Kalashnikov, a 25-year-old engineer at one of the Moscow research institutes, brought this unique picture to the editorial office. When editorial experts confirmed its authenticity, Alexander said:

“Actually, I'm a skeptic by nature. I don’t believe in any aliens and rams. But yesterday my attitude towards UFOs seems to have changed dramatically.

At seven o'clock in the evening I was returning from work and literally at the entrance I looked at the top floor - through the windows of my apartment … No, I will not say that I was scared. I was just dumbfounded. Above the roof of my house, at a height of about 500 m, a luminous ball hung and revolved around its axis. At the same time, it changed its color - from fiery red to bright purple - depending on the size: the closer its color was to the red band of the spectrum, the greater its volume.

Of course, I am not immune from visual hallucinations, but I had no doubts that I really saw an unknown object: a very unpleasant whistling sound emanated from the glowing ball, when it began to change color and size. About the same as a knife sliding on a plate. How long I stood in a daze - I don't know. It seemed to me - eternity. And only when the ball trembled and began to slowly swing from side to side, it dawned on me: it will fly away! I reached the eighth floor twice as fast as I could have taken the elevator. I'm not fond of photography, so I rushed to my neighbor. We were filming from the window, from the top floor, with his old "Zenith". By that time - and I remembered exactly the moment of the start of shooting: 18:57 - the "plate" began to fade and after 1.5-2 minutes. took on a silvery color. Then she began to move to the western part of the city, constantly changing the angle of inclination, flight trajectory and speed.

At 19:01 she went into the clouds somewhere above Kuntsevo. We stood at the window for another 40 minutes, but did not see her again. The most incredible thing was discovered later: 33 frames on the developed film were overexposed. We got only the last two, taken at the moment when the object had already stopped glowing. At ten o'clock in the evening, we walked through several apartments in our house. Almost none of the residents paid attention to the "plate", but many heard a piercing sound of a very high frequency. On the upper floors in two apartments, about half an hour before my meeting with the UFO, the dogs behaved in a strange way: as if by agreement, one crawled under the bed, the other scaredly hid in a corner. Both the one and the other that evening flatly "refused" to go out …

We do not put an end to this story. This is the lot of scientists."

And a few more words about the Petrozavodsk phenomenon.

On September 20, 1977, at about 4 o'clock in the morning, many residents of Petrozavodsk were awakened by an unusual light. A huge "star" shone in the night sky, sending sheaves of light into space. Later, according to descriptions of eyewitnesses of this phenomenon, the object was given the name "jellyfish". The formation hung over the city, and many of the finest ray streams gave the impression of pouring rain. After some time, the glow of the rays stopped. The jellyfish turned into a bright semicircle and began to move across the sky towards Lake Onega. A hole of bright red color formed in the veil of clouds. The event was watched by such a large number of witnesses that it was impossible to pass over it in silence.

Director of the Petrozavodsk Hydrometeorological Observatory Yuri Gromov said that they had never encountered such phenomena in the atmosphere before. “We also know,” he noted, “that no technical experiments were carried out at that time.” The Petrozavodsk phenomenon has caused a lot of controversy and debate. The official version of what happened is the launch of the spacecraft. The rocket took off from a cosmodrome located far from the city of Petrozavodsk. But the fact is that during the climb, it can be observed from territories far from the starting point. During the flight, the rocket drops the spent stages, sometimes the remnants of a combustible substance get into the atmosphere. After analyzing all the data on the Petrozavodsk phenomenon, scientists came to the conclusion that in this case the anomaly is associated with technical human activity.

Perhaps this is a classic example of how research provides a reasonably detailed explanation of experts. However, it should be remembered that UFOs show an increased interest in the technical activities of mankind, appear where there is an active exploration of space or any experiments. The area near the city of Petrozavodsk has attracted the attention of researchers more than once. For example, on February 14, 1985, there was a unique case with a train. A freight train was leaving Petrozavodsk. A fireball appeared over the trees along the railroad. For a while, he kind of accompanied the train, and then flew out to cut the locomotive and settled in front. According to the train driver Sergey Orlov, instead of slowing down, the train suddenly began to pick up speed.

There was a descent near the Novye Peski station and it was necessary to slow down, however, despite the applied braking efforts, the train continued to pick up speed. When braking at maximum air pressure in the cylinders, the wheels should have jammed with pads. But this did not happen, the speed increased to 50 km / h. UFO dragged the train along! The driver gave an emergency message that he could not slow down the train. Permission was given to skip the station. The station attendant Zoya Grigorievna Panshukova saw a fiery red disk flying in front of the train, just to the right of the track axis. Before the station, the UFO abruptly left the train, but when it passed the station at full speed, it reappeared. The driver and his assistant began to feel as if a wall was growing in front of the train. The speed dropped sharply from 50 to 20 km / h. But after a while the UFO began to disperse the train again,although the engine was idling.

The movement continued until the UFO left the train. When Orlov went out to check whether the wheels were in order after such vigorous braking, a ghostly blue light flashed behind him and the driver felt as if something heavy pressed down on his shoulders. Only when the UFO finally retired did the driver and his assistant breathe freely. The UFO was seen on the same evening at the Kutezhma-Sortirovochnaya station. And a few days later near Kostroma. And all the appearances also took place near the railway. Researcher of the Leningrad Section for the Study of Anomalous Phenomena, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Senior Researcher of the Leningrad Hydrometeorological Institute V. Psalomshchikov analyzed information on this event and confirmed that the UFO supplied the locomotive with energy, 300 kg of diesel fuel remained unused.

"UFO - The X-Files"
