A Man With Angel Wings - Alternative View

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A Man With Angel Wings - Alternative View
A Man With Angel Wings - Alternative View

Video: A Man With Angel Wings - Alternative View

Video: A Man With Angel Wings - Alternative View
Video: Legion (8/10) Movie CLIP - Gabriel's Arrival (2010) HD 2024, July

When the mysterious object crossed the sky over Mount Vernoy, Illinois on the evening of April 14, 1897, more than a hundred of its residents, including the mayor of the U. S. Wells, watched him, and subsequently gave testimony.

The press described this event as follows: “… It was something like the shape of the body of a large man, which floated through the air and electric light. Its body was definitely black."

Articles and reports of the military and police about "flying creatures" that resemble humans and their physique are quite rare even among anomalous phenomena, although they make their way into a special and even periodical press. The Man with Wings was once spotted over Brooklyn. It happened on September 18, 1877, or so the New York Sun reported on September 21.


And 3 years later, a similar message appeared in the respected New York Times: “In the sky over Coney Island, on September 12, a man with bat wings was seen. Its hind limbs resembled frog legs in structure. He flew at least 300 meters and kept heading towards New Jersey. This creature could be easily seen from the ground."

In 1947, the Russian writer V. Karseniev told a story that happened on July 11, 1908. It was officially published in his book. There he talks about his personal experience of life in the Sikhote-Alin mountains, not far from Vladivostok.

“Once in the mountains, during a period of prolonged rains, the downpour suddenly stopped, although the temperature remained relatively low over the waters of the rivers, water haze crept. And then I noticed a certain mark on the dirt path.

It stood out clearly against the background of untouched soil and resembled a clear trace of a human foot. My dog Alpha sniffed the print, immediately bristled all over, growled and rushed to scour the nearby bushes. However, she did not go far, and then completely froze in place. I stopped and stomped on the spot for several minutes. Then I lifted a stone from the ground and threw it towards the unknown beast. And then something happened that I had never expected.

Promotional video:

Another American shot of a creature with wings.


I heard the sound of the wings as they hit each other during takeoff. Something large emerged from the misty haze and flew over the river. In a moment, this something disappeared into a thick fog. And my dog, frightened, clung to my feet. After dinner, I told the man from Udehe this story. And he began to painfully tell me numerous stories about a man who can fly in the sky. Hunters, he said, often met him on their way. The bird-man leaves footprints that suddenly disappeared. Arsenyev heard a great many similar stories and epics in those parts.


One night in 1952, US Air Force Private Sinclair Taylor, while on alert at the Okubo military camp (Japan), heard the loud noise of a bird taking off (or the sound of wings). Looking at the sky, he immediately noticed the silhouette of a huge bird, clearly distinguishable against the background of the bright moon. When the bird flew over the private, he was noticeably frightened and disappeared into the guardhouse. The bird interrupted its flight, hovering in the sky and watching the soldier.

At the next lowering of the bird to the ground, the private noted that the flying creature has a human body. Taylor later recalled: “She seemed to me over two meters, if you take her from head to limbs. And the wingspan was not inferior to these parameters. I started shooting essentially and used up almost the entire magazine of my carbine. Eventually, it began to glide to the ground. There are no more cartridges left. And when the sergeant of the guard appeared to investigate the incident, he told Taylor that the same emergency happened there a year ago.

The following story about a flying humanoid belongs to the soldier Earl Morrison from the security unit. This story reached the ears of the famous ufologist Don Worley, who later interviewed the private himself. Here the incident took place in August 1969 in Vietnam. The 1st Marine Division was based in Da Nang. Three soldiers at once witnessed an extraordinary spectacle an hour after midnight. The soldiers were sitting at the bunker and chatting at ease when they noticed a large bird in the sky: “At first it seemed to us that we were observing a bird with a large wingspan.

We could not distinguish anything behind the wings. It was very much like a big bat. The creature reminded me of a woman, a naked woman. I remember we laughed at that too. But it really looked like a dark-skinned nude woman. At any rate, this strange creature's skin looked dark brown in the moonlight. And the feathers were also very dark, almost black. And at the same time, this creature shone everything, even blazed, giving off a green gloomy sheen.

At one point it caught up with us. The wings were no more than 2-3 meters away. We stared at the creature with all our eyes, and it calmly glided over our heads, flapping its wings, not making any other noises and sounds.


On January 6, 1948, an adult woman with a group of children observed near the city of Chiheilis (Washington) a supposedly man who skillfully manipulated special tools, adjusting the equipment of mechanical wings attached to his chest. At the same time, he moved through the air in a straight (vertical) position.

On June 18, 1953, three Houston residents at once acted as witnesses that they all saw with their own eyes the landing of an unknown object in the form of a plate. Three grown men at this morning hour sat in the shade of a small cafe, which was located on the spacious terrace of a two-story building. It was very hot, and therefore the visitors of the cafe did not want to go out into the sun from the shady coolness of the terrace.

Then they all turned their attention to the unknown man, who was wearing an unusual tight-fitting black and gray jumpsuit. On his shoulders, witnesses clearly saw some wings, reflecting a metallic sheen in the sun. This strange subject also had a cylindrical rocket-shaped object. When he, without haste and without fuss, fitted all this equipment on himself, the humanoid literally melted into thin air within a few seconds, like an ephemeral vision.

Yet the most striking facts are the Mothman stories, which startled and terrified the inhabitants of the Ohio River Valley in 1966 and 1967. They were watched by dozens of eyewitnesses who swore and swore on the Bible in the accuracy of their words. The flying humanoids were described by eyewitnesses as follows: “These strange two-legged creatures had the physique of ordinary people. Perhaps only the rib cage looked more developed and stronger than in humans.

Their wings were very much like the wings of bats. They folded easily so that they were not even noticeable. They were distinguished by large eyes that produced a hypnotic effect: very large and shiny. When these creatures flew in the air, we heard a kind of mechanical buzzing. The sound came from them or their mechanics."