"Lolland's Plate" And "Bayan-Khara-Ula Discs" - Alternative View

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"Lolland's Plate" And "Bayan-Khara-Ula Discs" - Alternative View
"Lolland's Plate" And "Bayan-Khara-Ula Discs" - Alternative View

Video: "Lolland's Plate" And "Bayan-Khara-Ula Discs" - Alternative View

Video: Skyr trenniretsept 2, seljalihased 2024, September

Recently, interest in the mysterious "Bayan-Khara-Ula discs" has increased again. Don't be embarrassed if this name doesn't tell you anything. It can only be remembered by long-time readers. Here is exactly the case when the new is the well-forgotten old.

If I started to tell this story in my own words, I would have to make reservations at every step: “if you believe”, “as they say”, “supposedly” … The information that appeared in the summer of 1962 on the pages of a foreign publication is too unusual. Therefore, it is better to just cite that note in its entirety, especially since it is a mystery in itself. UFOs in ancient times? The Bayan-Khara-Ula ridge rises on the border between Tibet and China. In the caves of this ridge 25 years ago (that is, in 1937 - Yu. M.), very strange tablets with inscriptions were found. People about whom Chinese scientists have the most vague idea, several thousand years ago, using some completely unknown tools, they carved discs in the form of gramophone records from extremely hard granite. 716 stone discs found to date in the Bayan-Khara-Ula caves, as well as gramophone discs,have a hole in the center.

A double groove extends from it in a spiral to the outer edge. Of course, this is not a soundtrack, but a letter - the most unusual of those that have ever been found in China, and, perhaps, in the whole world. It took archaeologists and philologists more than two decades to decipher the written tracks. Their content is so amazing that the Academy of Ancient History in Beijing at first even refused to publish the scientific report of Professor Tsum Umnui. For the archaeologist Tsum Umnuy, together with four of his colleagues, came to the conclusion: "The furrowed letter informs about the aircraft that existed, according to the inscriptions on the discs, 12,000 years ago." In one place of the text literally the following is said: “The Drops descended from the clouds on their gliders. Ten times before sunrise, the Ham men, women and children hid in caves. Then they understood the signs and saw that this time the drops arrived with peaceful intentions. " It is possible, of course, to assume that thousands of years ago some scholar from the Ham tribe allowed himself to joke or that his message about "flying machines" is based on mythology. But then what about the content of other records, which are the usual lament of the ham people about the fact that their own "air fleet" crashed in a remote mountainous area and there is no way to build a new one?which are the usual cry of the boor people about the fact that their own "air fleet" crashed in a remote mountainous area and there is no way to build a new one?which are the usual cry of the boor people about the fact that their own "air fleet" crashed in a remote mountainous area and there is no way to build a new one?


The hieroglyphic inscriptions of Bayan-Khara-Ula represent such a mystery for Chinese archeology that it introduces them into scientific circulation with great care. After scraping off stone particles from the inscribed discs, a sensational discovery was made: the discs are high in cobalt and other metals. And the examination of the whole disk on an oscilloscope revealed an amazing rhythm of oscillations, as if the disks were once "charged" or somehow served as a conductor of electricity. No one can tell what lies behind these 12,000 year old discs.

Any assumptions would be risky and insufficiently objective. But the ancient Chinese legend about small yellow people who came "from the clouds" comes to mind. Due to their ugly appearance - an unusually large head on a slender body - they were avoided by everyone, and, in the end, they were killed by "people on fast horses" (Mongols?)

In the caves of Bayan-Khara-Ula, graves and skeletons that are 12,000 years old were indeed found. These remains, attributed to the Dropa and Ham race, are, in fact, distinguished by their frail constitution and powerful skulls. Archaeologists have not yet managed to ethnically classify these miniature people, whose height did not exceed 1 meter 30 centimeters.

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In the photo: Leaders of the Dropa tribe

They have no resemblance to the Chinese, Mongols or Tibetans. The first comments by Chinese archaeologists even talked about the "extinct species of mountain monkeys." But have you ever heard of the "graves" of monkeys lined up in regular rows, and in some way connected with discs covered with inscriptions?

No wonder the archaeologist Zhi Putei, who put forward this hypothesis in 1940, was ridiculed throughout Asia. But in his defense, he explained that, in his opinion, only skeletons are monkeys, and discs with inscriptions were folded in caves by representatives of some later "cultures". All this is somewhat confusing. However, such hypotheses do not change anything in the mystery of the Bayan-Khara-Ula hieroglyphs, which becomes even more complicated because images of disks are scrawled on the walls of the caves, the rising sun, moon and stars are repeatedly drawn, and among them there are many round specks, which are graceful in structure approaching the mountainous surface of the Earth. Let's take a breath. The story is extremely curious, but it also raises a lot of questions. Much in this message is not clear. For example, who are “dropa” and “boor”?

The quotation from the inscriptions on the disks, given in the note, seems to make it clear that the tribe "Ham" are earthly inhabitants, highlanders, to whom uninvited guests, called "drops", have repeatedly appeared from the sky. But then we learn that the "masters" of these places themselves flew here from somewhere far away, apparently from space, and in general the "drop" and "boor" belonged to the same race, biologically very different from all the inhabitants of the Earth. It is even more difficult to understand from the note how the inscriptions on the disks were made. They are reported to be spiral grooves, and at the same time they are said to be hieroglyphic writing. For example, I am powerless to combine one thing with another in my imagination. I will not comment on other absurdities of the text.


One mummy from many hundreds from the caves

Apparently, the anonymous author of the note had a rather vague idea of what he was writing about. By the way, in one respect this speaks in his favor: it is clear, at least, that he did not write the story about the discs from the Bayan-Khara-Ula caves. Usually hoaxers (we will still have the opportunity to be convinced of this) launch their "ducks" into the light more foldable and smoothed. And here we see a crumpled retelling of the information received by the author from the wrong hands. Why do we pay so much attention to publications of a clearly secondary nature? Everything is very simple: it was not possible to find the primary sources of this message.

It is not only the origin of the publication that is mysterious. Her further fate is also quite surprising. Appearing in July 1962 in the German magazine Das Vegetarishe Universum (Vegetarian Universe), the note had no effect. Only some time later, Belgian ufologists paid attention to it, who presented its content in their journal. Again, no resonance.

The issue of a Belgian magazine with a story about finds in China ended up in the USSR in a roundabout way, where in the 60s a hypothesis about space aliens that operated on Earth in ancient times was actively developed. The supporter of this hypothesis V. K. Zaitsev used a plot with Chinese discs in his articles, and one of them was published by Sputnik magazine, addressed to a foreign reader. And only after that the world started talking about “Bayan-Khara-Ula disks”. But how!.. Now the whole story has acquired a stable "Russian accent"! It's funny to say that even German authors transmit this story "according to Zaitsev," although he simply retelled the information that came from their own country … In addition, in the Western press there were fictions about the fact that some of the granite discs from China were "sent for research to the Academy of Sciences in Moscow ",and it was here that their amazing properties were discovered. Inquires from abroad have poured into our country, some eminent researchers specially came to Moscow, hoping to find out here the details of the exciting discovery. It seems to me that foreign seekers of traces of aliens from outer space still suspect that their Russian colleagues know more about the mysterious disks than they say …

Alas, this is not the case. We know exactly as much about the stone "gramophone records" as other people who are interested in this riddle, that is, nothing definite is known. Perhaps, only one statement of the sensational note is an indisputable fact: on the territory of China, east of the Tibetan Plateau, there really is a ridge Bayan-Khara-Ula. As for the rest … “The message about the discovery of 'granite disks' in China is groundless. We also do not know anything about any professor Tsum Umnue,”read the official response from the Institute of Archeology of the Academy of Sciences of the PRC to a request from one researcher who tried to verify the truth of journal history. Moreover, connoisseurs of the Chinese language claim that the very name "Tsum Umnui" is unthinkable for a Chinese. In scientific circles, they have not heard anything about Zhi Pute,allegedly disgraced "all over Asia". Specialists do not know the “Dropa” and “Ham” tribes. And so on all counts … As a result, the sensation was considered at least dubious, talk about it gradually died down. But the secret was not going to die. Apparently, there was something in it that made many people, despite all the denials, try again and again to find the trail of the elusive discs. Austrian journalist Peter Krassa has shown particular persistence in this matter. Having made the mysteries of history associated with space aliens as the main theme of his books, he is known in the West as an expert on two exotic countries - Russia and China. He visited us several times, traveled to China even in the difficult years of the "Cultural Revolution" - and every time he did not miss an opportunity to make inquiries about the "Bayan-Khara-Ula disks." At first, he was unlucky: no reliable information, only rumors. But Crassa did not give up. I went again, sent requests, talked about the mystery of the disks in my book "When the Yellow Gods Came".

And once fate rewarded him for his perseverance … On the sidelines of the next conference devoted to "alien" topics, a stranger of middle age approached Peter Crassus. Introduced himself: * Ernst Wegerer, engineer. I travel a lot around the world. In 1974, my wife and I visited China. And, it seems, they saw what you describe in your book … The route of the Wegerer couple's trip ran through the city of Xi'an, one of the most ancient cities in China. Here, among other historical attractions, tourists are attracted by the Banpo Museum, built on the site of the village of the same name, where archaeologists unearthed a Stone Age settlement. Looking at the exposition of the museum, the guests from Austria suddenly froze in disbelief: in the glass window were displayed two discs with holes in the middle. On their surface, except for concentric circles,spiral grooves were seen running from the center. Are Bayan-Khara-Ula disks? The Wegerer spouses very much hoped to find out something about them while traveling in China, but they really did not hope for such luck … "Is it possible to photograph these exhibits?" The pretty woman, the director of the museum, did not mind.

However, she reacted with a clear hesitation to the natural request to tell about the origin of the discs. Obviously, she said, the items are of cult significance and are made of clay, since the museum only displays pottery. Strange: these discs did not resemble ceramics. Engineer Wegerer asked permission to hold them in his hands. The disks turned out to be weighty. “Although I am not a geologist,” he later said, “it seemed to me that their material was similar to marble. In any case, it was undoubtedly a stone, greenish-gray in color and hard as granite. Where these items came from, the headmistress also did not know, but when looking at a map of China, it immediately catches the eye that the city of Xi'an is located not so far from the Bayan-Khara-Ula ridge. Soon after meeting with Vegerer, Peter Crassa had photographs of stone discs in his possession. Looking at the photos,the journalist regretted only one thing: he himself also stayed in Xi'an, spent several days there, but did not bother to look into the Banpo Museum … So, the sluggish sensation received a new impetus, and what a great one! For the first time, behind the foggy tales, something tangible material was highlighted. And after a while, a completely stunning story became public. …


In 1945, a certain Sergei Lolladov, an Englishman of Polish origin, who served in a British military unit in northern India, acquired a curious antique for the occasion.

It was a disc with a diameter of 23 centimeters, made of a very hard material. The item, according to the seller, was an attribute of the religious ceremonies of the Dzopa tribe living in eastern Tibet. Upon returning home, Lolladov showed the disc to a scientist from Oxford, Dr. Caryl Robin-Evans. He began to research the rarity. And surprising was discovered. Weighing on a balance connected to a recorder showed that the disk had no constant weight - during the day during which the experiment lasted, it became sometimes lighter, sometimes heavier! The unusual thing interested Dr. Robin-Evans so much that he decided to go to the mysterious "Dzopa" tribe, in whose possession such discs were. The trip took place in 1947 and was very difficult. At the final stage of the route, the Tibetan porters flatly refused to accompany Robin-Evans - so great was their fear of the "land of dzopa". Alone, the traveler nevertheless achieved his goal. We met him rather unkindly. However, thanks to the efforts of Robin-Evans, the ice of mistrust was eventually melted. The owners even provided the British scientist with an assistant who taught him the Dzopa language. And little by little, the secrets of the tribe began to unfold before him. Of particular importance was the conversation with the high priest of the "dzopa" named Lurgan-La, who recounted what was written on the sacred stone discs. According to these records, "dzopa" was home to a distant planet in the Sirius system. The inhabitants of that planet mastered the art of space flight early. First, they mastered their own star system, having withstood a hard battle with aggressive neighbors,then they began to explore other worlds. One of the ships orbited twelve planets of different star systems - all of them were lifeless - before finding an inhabited planet.

It was Earth. The first visit of the Dzopa ancestors to our planet took place about 20 thousand years ago. The second expedition arrived here in 1014 according to the earthly (Christian) chronology. She became unsuccessful. When approaching the Earth, the spacecraft lost control and crashed in a remote mountainous area. Only a few crew members survived. There was no question of going back. The natives turned out to be extremely inhospitable, having opened a real hunt for strangers who fell from the sky. In such conditions, the astronauts from Sirius were doomed to gradual savagery. To preserve the cultural tradition, they recorded the sad tale of days gone by on long-lasting granite discs that have become iconic over time. As for the name of the tribe, the sounds of European languages are not able to adequately convey it:you can pronounce both "dzopa" and "dropa", but the first version, as heard by Robin-Evans, is nevertheless closer to the original.

And one more thing: the descendants of the aliens from Sirius were extremely short. Dr. Robin-Evans snapped a photograph of the ruling Dzopa tribe. According to him, the growth of the ruler reached 1 meter 20 centimeters, and his wife was even lower. Strange, almost inhuman faces look at us from the photograph … The end of Robin-Evans's Tibetan adventure is banal. Daily classes with the British scholar of the language "dzopa" did not go without consequences for his teacher: she became pregnant. The explorer thought it best to retreat to foggy Albion. There he died in 1974.

His notes about his stay at the "dzop" were preserved in the family archives and were published in 1978 as a separate book. Nicely thought out, isn't it? So your humble servant, having first got acquainted with this story in its presentation, did not see through the fake in it, although many details, of course, did not allow to accept it immediately "with a bang." And yet now I can report with complete confidence: this is a hoax. And as proof to refer to documents, which in such situations are extremely rare, - a self-written confession of the author of the fake. The origin of this document is as follows. My old friend and colleague Vladimir Rubtsov, having read about the publication of the book by Robin-Evans, wrote to the address of the publishing house, not knowing that the British scientist had been declared dead in the book. The answer was not long in coming.

You could guess everything by looking at the signature: David Gammon ("Caryl Robin-Evans"). In his letter, this two-faced gentleman confessed that he had composed the book with the intention of “making fun of those who too easily take such stories for granted. Having little or no factual basis … My goal was to ridicule the books on contacts, which are very common in the UK and USA, designed for the uncritical reader. A little later, "Robin-Evans" also sent his book, reiterating in the accompanying letter: "I must remind you that this is a fiction, satire …". Well, let's pay tribute to David Gammon. His "satire" with an elaborate biography of a non-existent scientist,with fake photographs (which on closer inspection look more like drawings) and other "reliable" details, it deserves to take an honorable place in the history of hoaxes. Masterfully crafted!

An indicator of this can be considered a characteristic stroke. Vladimir Rubtsov has repeatedly appealed to the editors of foreign publications, which to this day treat their readers to the "discovery of Robin-Evans", with explanations received from Gammon. The reaction is the same everywhere: the information is very interesting, but … we will not publish it. It's funny that these same figures routinely throw critical arrows at conservative science, which, it says, is silent about facts that threaten to destroy established concepts. But, as you can see, it is just as difficult for "free-thinking" researchers to part with their own illusions …

Thus, the only hopeful clue in the whole epic with "gramophone records" from the caves of Tibet is the find in the Banpo Museum. But here, unfortunately, some oddities were revealed. In March 1994, Peter Crassa visited China again. He was accompanied by Hartwig Hausdorf, who had his own cherished goal - to check rumors about the existence of ancient pyramids in China, comparable in size to the Egyptian ones. He finally found, examined, photographed the pyramids - their discovery became one of the brightest sensations of recent years. But this is a separate topic. For now, suffice it to say that Xian also attracted Hausdorff on that trip - according to available information, the pyramids were located in the vicinity of this particular city.

And, of course, he, like Crassus, was worried about the opportunity to see "Bayan-Khara-Ula discs" with his own eyes. Ancient Pyramids in China Here is the Banpo Museum. Both travelers inspect the exhibits with the greatest attention. In vain: nothing like the discs filmed twenty years ago by the engineer Wegerer! The museum staff accompanying the guests are unable to provide any explanation. They hadn't even heard of discs. Could you talk to the headmistress of the museum, whom the Wegerer couple remember? Alas, she hasn't worked here for a long time. In the mid-seventies - yes, yes, shortly after a visit to the museum of a European couple - she was recalled from here, and her current fate is unknown. Dead end. Crassa and Hausdorff are discouraged, but press questions about the "Bayan-Khara-Ula discs."

Finally, the Chinese lead the guests to the museum's back room and lay a book on the table. This is some kind of Chinese archeology textbook. Having leafed through the pages covered with hieroglyphs, one of the owners of the study points a finger at the drawing. It depicts a disc with holes in the center, from which arcuate grooves extend along the edges. Close to what was captured by Vegerer's camera and fully corresponds to the descriptions of the Bayan-Khara-Ula disks! It turns out that they are still known to Chinese archaeologists? Unfortunately, the publication of Hausdorff and Crassa does not say anything about how the museum staff who showed it commented on the drawing, so I have to interrupt this plot with an intriguing ellipsis … And the last news to date, possibly related to the topic of the article. At the end of 1995, the Associated Press reportedthat in the Chinese province of Sichuan (bordering on Tibet), a hitherto unknown tribe was discovered, numbering about 120 people.

The most notable feature of the tribe members is their extremely small stature. It does not exceed 1 meter 15 centimeters. Really the descendants of those very "drop" or "boor"? So far, no additional information has been received on this account. Threads break, facts slip away, material evidence disappears … "Bayan-Khara-Ula disks" remain almost as ghostly as they were thirty years ago. But maybe it is not in vain that many researchers are attracted by this mystery like a magnet, maybe their attempt to get to the bottom of the truth is not in vain.

As long as there is at least one chance in a thousand that the legendary discs exist, the game is worth the candle.

Yuri Morozov
