The Most Guarded Repositories With Historical Documents And Artifacts - Alternative View

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The Most Guarded Repositories With Historical Documents And Artifacts - Alternative View
The Most Guarded Repositories With Historical Documents And Artifacts - Alternative View

Video: The Most Guarded Repositories With Historical Documents And Artifacts - Alternative View

Video: The Most Guarded Repositories With Historical Documents And Artifacts - Alternative View
Video: Nazca Culture | A Forgotten Civilization 2024, July

Despite the age of Internet technologies, when almost any document, video or digitized manuscript is just a couple of mouse clicks away from you, there are closed archives where classified data is stored. Here are some of these secret vaults that I want to tell you about today.

Mormon Vault

And I want to start with the Mormon underground storage, which is located exactly under Granite Mountain at a depth of 200 meters not far from Salt Lake City. And belongs to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Granite Mountain
Granite Mountain

Granite Mountain.

This bunker is capable of withstanding the consequences of a nuclear strike. And large banks will envy the security system. What exactly is there so carefully guarded by the adherents of the church is unknown. After all, only the top of the Church has access to it.

There is only an assumption that records are kept there where the entire history of the organization and more genealogical trees are described.

Promotional video:

Scientology Vault

The Church of Scientology can also boast of having a storage facility closed from all prying eyes. This bunker is located in the New Mexico desert and is capable of withstanding the impact of a hydrogen bomb.

Satellite view of the Scientology Vault
Satellite view of the Scientology Vault

Satellite view of the Scientology Vault.

The sacred texts of the organization are available only to the most important priests of the church, and if you look at the location of the object, you can see some signs, the purpose of which is also unknown.

The secret archive of the Pope himself

Perhaps the most famous secret vault is the Pope's vault, which is monitored by the Vatican Swiss Guard 24 hours a day.

View of the main square of the Vatican
View of the main square of the Vatican

View of the main square of the Vatican.

This repository contains a huge number of different folios and the oldest document dates back to the eighth century of our era and, according to official data, there are already more than 1 million documents, and the total length of specially prepared repositories has already reached 84 kilometers.

It is also extremely difficult to get into this repository, because in addition to the Pope himself and the highest echelon of church authority, only those historians who have passed a special selection have access.

Historical document
Historical document

Historical document.

Although certain documents are posted from the repository at regular intervals, conspiracy theorists and conspiracy theorists are convinced that ancient knowledge is hidden in these corridors, which runs counter to many official versions.

Chapel of the Temple of Mary of Zion in Ethiopia

This religious building is famous for the fact that it houses the most important shrine of Christians in Ethiopia - a chest, which is called the Ark of the Covenant.

According to legend, it was in it (the casket) that were previously kept: a golden vessel with heavenly manna, Aaron's rod and two out of ten tablets at once with the commandments of Moses.

Chapel of the Temple of Mary of Zion
Chapel of the Temple of Mary of Zion

Chapel of the Temple of Mary of Zion.

An exact copy of the casket has been erected in the new building and every parishioner can see it, but only one person is allowed to enter the old building - the hermit guardian.

The Guardian never communicates with strangers and does not even have the right to leave the territory of the temple. His work is lifelong, and the keeper has the right to touch the relic only in the only case - when the Day of Judgment comes.

This is just a small fraction of the secret places where various knowledge recorded in the past are stored.
