Why Can't You Take Anything From The Cemetery? Dead Energy - Alternative View

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Why Can't You Take Anything From The Cemetery? Dead Energy - Alternative View
Why Can't You Take Anything From The Cemetery? Dead Energy - Alternative View

Video: Why Can't You Take Anything From The Cemetery? Dead Energy - Alternative View

Video: Why Can't You Take Anything From The Cemetery? Dead Energy - Alternative View

Why can't you take things from the cemetery? To begin with, this is at least ugly. Secondly, the cemetery is a place that is saturated with negative energy through and through. People come here not to rest and enjoy life. There is pain, despair and tears.

Any thing, be it flowers or a souvenir in a cemetery, has its own hidden meaning. When grieving friends and relatives decorate the grave with flowers and souvenirs, they put a piece of their soul into it, and the dead perceive this gift as a manifestation of love.

No mysticism

Taking something from the grave, a person makes it unpleasant in the first place for the living, who the next time they come to the grave will not find gifts.

Cemeteries evoke all kinds of feelings. Some are afraid of them, for others, on the contrary, this is a place of endless peace, where you can walk alone. However, it is always worth showing proper respect to cemeteries. Drinking alcohol and stupid photo shoots near the graves will not bring you any good. The reckoning will surely come.


This is one of the strongest trends in black magic. In all rituals of necromagy, a cemetery is involved, using dead energy, sorcerers induce curses and damage.


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By bringing something from the cemetery, unknowingly, you can start the absorption process, and transfer all the negativity to yourself and your loved ones. The consequences can be the most dire. Dead energy is capable of completely destroying living energy, and a person begins to fade right before our eyes.

Flowers from the cemetery. Eyewitness Tamara

I live in an ordinary village, and my house is located directly opposite the cemetery. My great-great-grandfather still lived at this place and I don't know how it happened that the house stands next to the cemetery, perhaps it just expanded over time.

In the villages, it is so customary that almost the whole village comes to the funeral. I got used to funeral processions from early childhood. I was then eight years old, once, after another funeral, I saw beautiful flowers on the grave. And right after the funeral, I ran to the cemetery to pick up the bouquet to put it in my room. My parents worked late that day and when they got home, they did not notice the flowers in my room.

At night I woke up from some rustle in my room. Opening my eyes, I saw in the semi-darkness that in the center of my room, there was some animal that looked like a dog, but it had a human head. The monster's lips moved and whispered something. I tried to scream, but my voice was gone from fear. I sat on my bed and could not move from horror. I sat and looked at the monster for fifteen minutes, maybe longer. Gathering all my strength, I jumped out of bed and ran to my parents' bedroom.

It was already daylight, my mother reassured me, but took it for an ordinary nightmare. A couple of hours later, my mother noticed a bouquet in my room, she guessed where it came from and took it back to the cemetery.

Now I am the mother of two wonderful girls myself. We live in the same house opposite the cemetery. And my daughters know that nothing should be touched in the cemetery.