Climate Myths - Alternative View

Climate Myths - Alternative View
Climate Myths - Alternative View

Video: Climate Myths - Alternative View

Video: Climate Myths - Alternative View
Video: The Biggest Lie About Climate Change 2024, July

“How dare you? You stole my dreams and my childhood!”Adolescent climate change activist Greta Thunberg rebuked at the United Nations. “We are on the verge of mass extinction!” She added.

Many believe that humanity is gradually destroying the Earth.

This all sounds scary.

But as a reporter for many years, I have covered many fear-generating issues: plague, hunger, overpopulation, SARS, West Nile virus, bird flu, radiation from mobile phones, carnivorous bacteria, killer bees, and so on. The list of terrible things that had to overtake us is very long.

But we continue to live, and the life expectancy is longer than ever.

Now they say that global warming is a more serious matter.

The average temperature of the Earth is rising. Since 1880, it has risen by 0.78 degrees Celsius. In the United States, it is predicted that it will rise a couple more degrees this century. And if this happens, then there will be problems.

But is there any confirmation of this?

Promotional video:

“We have 12 years left to take action!” Says Joe Biden.

“The world will cease to exist in 12 years if we do not solve the problem of climate change!” - adds Republican Ocasio-Cortez.

Twelve years old? Is this a new slogan?

The Heartland Institute brought in some climate alarmists to explain where the 12 year number came from and other scary claims they continue to make.

But these alarmists didn't bother to show up. They always do that. Give speeches and preach fears to gullible journalists, but refuse to argue with skeptics.

Over the years, I have repeatedly invited Al Gore to my TV shows. His secretaries always replied that he was "too busy."

At an event at the Heartland Institute where I was a moderator, climatologist Pat Michaels assessed the prospects for this 12-year forecast with the words: “Since 1900, temperatures have risen by about 1 degree Celsius, and life expectancy in industrialized democracies has doubled! If it rises another half a degree, then what - the whole system will collapse? This is a very absurd belief!"

Astrophysicist Willie Sun added: "These are strains that have nothing to do with science and are associated with emotions and the desire to involve children in protests."

If this is true, then I would like alarmists to come to the studio and convince opponents in disputes.

They declare: "Miami will soon be under water!"

Few serious people deny that the Earth is warming up and that ocean levels are rising. But even if warming intensifies, people can adjust to it, Michaels said.

For example, most of Holland is below sea level. “They said,” says Michaels, “we will adapt to the conditions of a low-lying country and we will build dams. Are you saying that people in Miami are stupid enough to sit back and drown?

Climatology professor David Legats added a fact that climate alarmists never mention: "The water has been rising for about 20,000 years and will probably continue."

But aren't there unexpected climate changes now? Haven't hurricanes become much more powerful?

“No, it’s not!” Michaels replied.

“You can see hurricanes all over the planet. We have seen them since 1970, thanks to the global coverage of satellite systems. We can measure their strength … There is no significant increase - there is no relationship between hurricane activity and the temperature of the planet's surface!"

He is right. This is confirmed by the data provided by the government.

Nonetheless, activists and politicians are urging the US to move towards zero carbon emissions. But it will "take you back to the Stone Age," Michaels says.

Another myth is the claim that carbon dioxide, the main creator of greenhouse gases, threatens to provide the world's population with food.

However, carbon dioxide helps plants grow. “There are places on earth where vegetation is blooming,” says Michaels.

But if the crisis is far-fetched, why do governments seek to respond to it with regulations and costly projects? Why is the US Climate Council (IPCC), which advocates the creation of an intergovernmental panel on climate change, so alarmed?

Experts say, "Governments want to maintain control … Carbon dioxide is becoming the molecule with which (they) can control your life."

Government activity is a real crisis.