Evil Comes From Outer Space - Alternative View

Evil Comes From Outer Space - Alternative View
Evil Comes From Outer Space - Alternative View

Video: Evil Comes From Outer Space - Alternative View

Video: Evil Comes From Outer Space - Alternative View
Video: 10 Body Horror Movie Fates Worse Than Death 2024, July

At one time, in the 80s, all training flights in the Air Force units were often closed in the Moscow Military District due to unfavorable conditions, which were expressed in various anomalies. Then it was surprising. There were no apparent reasons, and it was possible to fly.

It turned out that there are reasons for this.

If there are reports of a major accident in the media, expect more than one accident. The map of the traffic situation on Yandex map is especially clear. And it has the greatest visibility in big cities - millionaires.

In real time, the map tells about traffic jams due to an accident.

There are days when there are not many accidents.


And it happens that everything is red around and there are dozens of collisions.


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This is due to external reasons. Not every day a person controls his attention and reaction speed equally well.

Experienced drivers know that there are no accidents on the road. When starting to drive, driving experts immediately assess the general trend in the behavior of other road users.

On some days it is dynamic, most drivers feel the situation well, are adequate, polite and smart. And on some days people are lethargic, like "hens". They get stupid, make inadequate maneuvers, and completely forget why they need a turn signal. It is on such days that annoying clashes take place. As the saying goes, "tinsmith's day" is coming.

An experienced driver is not one who knows how to get out of a critical road situation, but one who does not get into it. These drivers have a good sense of the environment and are guided by caution.

We talked about drivers because they are in more harsh conditions in relation to people who sit at home or in offices, or in other less dynamic places. But, the emanation of evil, periodically descending to the surface of the planet, affects everyone.

After all, you can collapse out of the blue.

To understand the "weather" for today, you need to start with an assessment of your condition. How to analyze your nervous state from the outside. Do not think that the person is guilty that he got up "don't stand your feet." Not the leg is the cause of increased nervous excitability, but the general characteristics of the state of space. They are always different and each person will not feel the same in him either.

Incompleteness, scattering, uncomfortable state - the first sign of the background of an unfavorable energy environment descending to the Earth. It makes sense to evaluate your observation and see the traffic situation on the map. Most likely, it will match your well-being.

So, today it is worth being extremely careful. If there are chronic problems with personal health, you need to take care of the supply of medicine for the coming day. Given the general emergency predisposition, there is no need to rush anywhere. Before each decision, you should listen to yourself - is it worth taking it today, or not. If you don't really want to, then it's better not. Postpone risky and unnecessary events for a more comfortable day. It will be wise.

In communication with people, exactly the same anomalies occur. A conflict can arise just out of the blue and with a half kick. It makes sense to carefully control your thoughts, emotions and behavior. And do not succumb to provocations.

Here you need to understand that even a small nervous breakdown always has a detrimental effect on human health. And on unfavorable days, this destructiveness increases many times. Apparently, it is more profitable to limit your ambitions and keep your health until favorable conditions, when they are necessary for your own growth.

A person, an integral part of the surrounding world, who plays with a huge spectrum of energies, not only of planetary but also of cosmic origin. The planet flies in the vast expanses of space, and its life, its tasks, its state cannot bypass all living beings living on it. This needs to be understood as people understand constant changes in the weather. Bad weather, or good weather, is always adequately perceived by people. Energy weather should be taken into account in the same way. Nobody walks barefoot and without a hat in the cold. When the planet passes unfavorable spatial sectors, one must also dress in increased caution, prudence and rationality.

And I wish all readers a warm, cheerful and welcoming weather in life.