Are Ufologists Right - Alternative View

Are Ufologists Right - Alternative View
Are Ufologists Right - Alternative View

Video: Are Ufologists Right - Alternative View

Video: Are Ufologists Right - Alternative View
Video: Meet India’s UFO Hunters 2024, June

In the press, you can often find such lines as "ufologists have studied …", "ufologists have found …". People read such materials with interest, but not everyone knows for sure, but what, in fact, does such a science as ufology do.

Many experts believe that ufology is not a science at all, but something that only tries to position itself in the scientific segment, but does not possess any theoretical and practical laws. Ufologists themselves say that this is a clear delusion, since theories and practices in ufology, as they say, are above the roof.

The term itself appeared approximately when people started talking about unidentified flying objects and creatures that control these objects. UFO into Russian and translated as UFO. Therefore, in translation into Russian, ufology can be translated as a science that studies everything that is associated with UFOs.

And although the term "ufologist" itself appeared in the middle of the 20th century, people who began to study inexplicable flights of strange aircraft and objects existed up to this moment. In our country, people who today would be ranked among the "family" of ufologists appeared in the 40s. It was at this time in the USSR that a special interest arose in the phenomenon that occurred in 1908 - it was then that something called the Tunguska meteorite fell on the endless Siberian expanses. Until now, many people who are interested in this issue believe that in fact, in the Podkamennaya Tunguska region, it was not a meteorite that fell to Earth, but a spaceship of an extraterrestrial civilization.

One of the main ideas of ufologists of different years is the idea that the Earth has long ceased to be "one of a kind" in the Universe. According to most ufologists, the Earth is continuously monitored by representatives of alien life, who periodically visit Earth and conduct various experiments among us. There are also such ufologists who believe that earthlings are a kind of pets of aliens who breed us for certain purposes - from ordinary fun to getting the products of our vital activity.

Representatives of classical science answer all versions of ufologists that this is complete nonsense, for which there is no confirmation. Of course, it would have been possible to fully side with the representatives of the classical type of science if it itself had not at one time overcome the formidable opposition of various critics - the inquisitorial courts of the Middle Ages, for example …