In The United States, A Blind Woman Has Partially Returned Her Sight With An Injection Of Stem Cells - Alternative View

In The United States, A Blind Woman Has Partially Returned Her Sight With An Injection Of Stem Cells - Alternative View
In The United States, A Blind Woman Has Partially Returned Her Sight With An Injection Of Stem Cells - Alternative View

Video: In The United States, A Blind Woman Has Partially Returned Her Sight With An Injection Of Stem Cells - Alternative View

Video: In The United States, A Blind Woman Has Partially Returned Her Sight With An Injection Of Stem Cells - Alternative View
Video: Restoring Vision with Stem Cells 2024, July

In the United States, local doctors were able to partially restore vision to a blind woman thanks to the introduction of injections of stem cells. This information was shared by the news edition The Baltimore Sun.

A group of doctors from the American city of Baltimore managed to restore sight to a blind woman using injections of stem cells. According to Vanna Belton, Dr. Jeffrey Weiss used stem cells taken from the woman's bone marrow for the operation, after which he made two injections - into the retina of the right eye and into the left optic nerve.


It is reported that Vanna Belton lost her eyesight more than five years ago, a year later she finally stopped seeing, but in early autumn last year, Jeffrey Weiss suggested that the woman undergo experimental therapy. After the operation, the woman was able to distinguish between license plates on cars and walk down the street without using a cane.


According to Weiss, he did not conduct clinical experiments on laboratory animals, while stem cells are not a drug, and therefore no approval from the Ministry of Health was required for the doctor. Doctors say that Belton's vision may return completely or fall back to zero, because the effect of stem cells on the human body has not yet been proven.

Dmitry Steglenko