Overexposure - Step Towards Supermen - Alternative View

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Overexposure - Step Towards Supermen - Alternative View
Overexposure - Step Towards Supermen - Alternative View

Video: Overexposure - Step Towards Supermen - Alternative View

Video: Overexposure - Step Towards Supermen - Alternative View
Video: OverExposure Episode 1 pt 2 with Megan McCubbin - Lights, Camera, Action. 2024, October

Modern technologies have presented people with many gadgets, without which a normal life can no longer be imagined. However, these gadgets negatively affect the senses - the screens of smartphones and computers lead to visual impairment, and the constant use of headphones - hearing. However, there are unique people with super vision, super hearing, or super smell. The senses of such people are able to pick up sounds, or shades that are inaccessible to other people.


Vision allows a person to fully enjoy the beauty of the surrounding world and appreciate all its variety of colors. An organ such as the eye is responsible for the ability to distinguish colors and clearly see the surrounding reality. It contains cones - neurons that are located in the retina and allow you to distinguish colors and give contrast to the image. As a rule, there are 3 types of cones in the retina, each of which is responsible for its own spectrum. As a result, a person can freely distinguish up to a million shades. Disorders in the functioning of the cones lead to color perception disorders such as color blindness.

But there are people who have not 3, but 4 groups of cones in the retina. As a result, these individuals are able to distinguish shades that others do not see. Thus, the total number of colors that such people can distinguish can reach hundreds of millions. Such unique ones are called tetrachromats; there are only a few dozen of them in the entire population of the planet. These are mainly women, which is due to the presence of two X chromosomes in their genetic apparatus. The presence of 4 types of cones in the retina allows such people to perceive the world more richly and colorfully. However, they are most often unaware of their uniqueness, since the vision of the world and the color perception of each person is an individual thing that cannot be conveyed or shown to others.

Over-touch and hearing

Sometimes a person acquires one of the supersenses due to the loss of another feeling. For example, it is known that the blind, having lost their sight, have a sharper hearing, as well as the sense of touch. Moreover, these sensations are developed so strongly in them that to some extent they can replace the lack of vision. So, a blind person can easily determine how many people are in the room and where they are, even if these people will not move. They will be given out by the micro sounds made during breathing and even the smallest movements. Moreover, a blind person can not only understand how many people are around, but also determine where they are. In addition, blind people often have a better sense of touch. Having felt the object, they can give it a full description, and they will do it again more accurately than the sighted. Scientists have recently found confirmation thatthat with the loss of one of the senses, a person's others are exacerbated. So, when examining the brain of blind people using the MRI method, it became clear that they additionally use the region of the brain responsible for vision to enhance hearing. Therefore, the blind receive such phenomenal hearing and touch, which no one who can see can train.

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Amazing sensations in space

The cosmos presents many mysteries, and quite often strange things happen to the sensations of astronauts. Often, in orbit, people witnessed strange events for which science cannot yet find an explanation. Therefore, such cases were often hushed up. For example, cosmonaut Alexander Ivanchenkov in 1978 witnessed an enchanting spectacle in orbit - a bright crimson glow. It looked like pillars of light from searchlights hitting space. Moreover, the area covered by them was quite extensive - the space station crossed it for almost 10 minutes.

Another interesting effect was observed from orbit, when astronauts with the naked eye could see houses, highways and even cars under them at a distance of more than 300 km. This effect has also not been explained by scientists.

No less mysterious are the stories of astronauts about the strange sounds they heard in orbit. So, Vladislav Volkov clearly heard a dog barking and a baby crying there, and Yuri Gagarin admitted that he heard music in orbit.

Even more amazing were the sensations of some cosmonauts, who, as it were, turned into some kind of animals or people. Moreover, the sensations were the most realistic - a person felt like a dinosaur walking across an untouched planet, how he had large claws, horn plates on his back. It is worth noting that these phenomena were studied by scientists and came to the conclusion that these are not hallucinations, like those that can occur during tests in an isolation chamber. Most likely, this is a special state of consciousness, like a waking dream, or hypnagogic visions. However, whatever it is, this phenomenon requires careful research, since not only the safety of flights into space will depend on this, but also the solution to the secrets of human consciousness and the capabilities of the brain.

Overexposure can be useful for a person's professional activities and in everyday life. But there is an opinion that the possession of such opportunities can be dangerous, therefore this aspect requires a comprehensive study, including from an ethical point of view.