Vatican Will Reveal The Mystery Of UFOs? - Alternative View

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Vatican Will Reveal The Mystery Of UFOs? - Alternative View
Vatican Will Reveal The Mystery Of UFOs? - Alternative View

Video: Vatican Will Reveal The Mystery Of UFOs? - Alternative View

Video: Vatican Will Reveal The Mystery Of UFOs? - Alternative View
Video: Leaked: Pentagon's UFO Investigation Spotlighted In New Photos And Video | TODAY 2024, June

Have you noticed that the Vatican is increasingly featured in the media coverage of mysticism, UFOs and prophecies? Is this accidental? It is unlikely … It seems that the fathers of the Catholic Church know much more about these things than they are trying to show … But they are in no hurry to disclose information.

Pope against the "secret conspiracy"

Recently, Daniel Sheehan, a scholar and expert on American law and international affairs, spoke at the Contact in the Desert UFO conference in California, with a report that the Catholic Church plans to disclose information about contacts with a highly advanced alien civilization in the near future. To this end, the speaker said, the Pope will soon release an encyclical, which will talk about the need to join the galactic community, which supposedly will save our civilization from destruction.

According to Sheehan, at one time he personally had a chance to familiarize himself with the secret sections of the Blue Book project related to the research of the UFO phenomenon of the US Air Force, and to see photographs of alien aircraft that crashed over the territory of America.

If the US authorities are trying in every possible way to silence the presence of aliens on Earth, then Pope Francis I, on the contrary, believes that the disclosure of information about them will contribute to a shift in the consciousness of people and the creation of a new religion based on this information. But first, it is necessary to prepare humanity for the perception of new knowledge.

Priests about aliens

Promotional video:

It seems that Sheehan's claims are by no means unfounded. Recently, Vatican astronomers have been actively pursuing research in the search for extraterrestrial life forms. So, in March last year, the Vatican Observatory organized a conference in which 200 leading astrobiologists of the world took part. One of her goals was to find out if life would be found on other planets in the coming decades.

Back in 2009, the director of the Vatican Observatory, Argentine astronomer and Jesuit, father Jose Gabriel Funes published an article entitled "Aliens are my brothers", in which he argued that space aliens are the same creations of God as people.

According to Father Funes, if aliens exist, then among them there may be those who have not known the original sin … Poetdmu it is quite possible that somewhere on another planet there is paradise.

Another Vatican expert, Guy Consolomagno, suggested that aliens may be for us not only brothers in mind, but also "saviors of humanity."

The head of the Catholic Church himself is no stranger to speculations about aliens. On April 13 last year, Pope Francis I, during a sermon delivered by him in St. Peter's Square, said:

- Dear brothers, I wanted to tell all of you that we are not alone in the universe. Science has already taken a very serious step forward, and, most likely, in the near future we will learn about the existence of our new brothers and sisters with whom we will exchange signs of peace. This day will be amazing, and remember that God is one and always watches over each of us.

By the way, a few years ago, information appeared on the Web that during the restoration of the Vatican library, crypts were opened on the lower tiers, about 500 years old, and in one of them skeletons were found, similar in description to the so-called gray men - one of the alleged categories of aliens living on Earth.

Of course, this episode was not widely publicized, but one of the workers who opened the crypt managed to capture an unusual skull in the photo. This gave me a reason to write - they say that the church fathers are hiding their long-standing contacts with extraterrestrial civilization … the world. However, apart from a single photograph, no other evidence of "Vatican contact" was found.

Secrets of the archives

Probably much could be learned from the Vatican Secret Archives (Archivum Secretum Apostolicum Vaticanum), but there is no free access to it. The archive is the property of the Holy See and contains a number of different documents from the Middle Ages to the present day. Among them are papers relating to the Crusades, reports on the processes of the Inquisition, an extensive collection of occult literature. The archive also contains manuscripts and works of famous scientists, thinkers and artists. Among them, for example, letters and the last drawing by Michelangelo, which captures the dome of St. Peter's Basilica. Its cost is estimated at $ 12 million.

The archive was officially founded in 1610 under Pope Paul V, who separated it from the Vatican Library.

In 1881, Pope Leo XIII opened access to the archive for scientists, but only for those whose research, in the opinion of the Vatican leadership, could be useful to the Roman Catholic Church. In 2002, John Paul II made part of the documentation available to scientific researchers in various fields.

In early 2012, 100 unique documents dating back to the 12th-20th centuries were first presented to the general public in the Capitoline Museums of Rome in connection with the 400th anniversary of the archive. Among the exhibits of the Lux in Arcana exhibition were a 60-meter scroll with the testimonies of the Templars obtained during their trial in the 14th century; documents on the case of Galileo Galilei and Giordano Bruno; Martin Luther's excommunication papers; "Dictate of the Pope" with the text of the program of the pontificate of Gregory VII; petitions of the monarchs, including the last letter of Mary Stuart and a letter from the Russian Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich to Pope Clement X with a complaint against the Turkish Sultan.

Today the funds of the Vatican Archives include 630 separate thematic archives, which include about 35 thousand volumes. The racks stretch for a distance of about 85 kilometers. 1500 scientists from all over the world work here annually. But it is clear that if there are materials related to aliens or some kind of "secret government", then no one will show them to the uninitiated.

Recently it became known that the Vatican Library has begun the process of digitizing the invaluable collection of ancient and medieval manuscripts stored there. At the first stage alone, digitization will require more than $ 20 million. This mission was undertaken by the Japanese company NTT Data.

The documents that will be the first to acquire an electronic analogue relate to the history of pre-Columbian America and China, Japan and the Far East. They cover the languages, culture and history of Europe, - said Jean-Louis Bruges, curator of the Vatican library in an interview with La Stampa newspaper.

Of course, the transfer of the library collection into electronic form is a useful thing, but is it really connected with the upcoming adaptation of the Gospel to the new reality, in which aliens are present?

Magazine: Secret Archives No. 3, Margarita Troitsyna