The Curse Of The Pope - Alternative View

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The Curse Of The Pope - Alternative View
The Curse Of The Pope - Alternative View

Video: The Curse Of The Pope - Alternative View

Video: The Curse Of The Pope - Alternative View
Video: These Creepy Videos Just Get Weirder and Weirder 2024, July

This terrible tragedy took place at the end of July 1960. Then in the Donbass, 21-year-old Russian actress Inna Burduchenko died on the set of the film “Nobody Loved So Far”. But the further the drama of a young promising student of a theater institute goes into history, the more ominous and mystical it seems.

One can believe or not believe in curses, one can laugh at them or be afraid of them, but the destructive power of the word, sometimes similar to a nuclear explosion, has been well known to mankind since ancient times.

In the XX century, one of the brightest, but little-known was the curse of Pope John XXIII, which in 1960 he sent to the entire film crew of the Soviet film "Ivanna", and above all to the leading actress Inna Burduchenko. What so outraged the head of the Catholic Church?

Fatal "Ivanna"

The feature film "Ivanna" appeared in 1959 at the very dawn of Khrushchev's anti-religious campaign and, like a steam locomotive, dragged along a whole cast of similar films on similar topics: "Clouds over Borsk", "Everything remains for people", "Sinner", etc.., which swept through Soviet cinemas in a powerful wave and aroused great interest among the audience. "Ivanna" directed by Viktor Ivchenko was watched by over 30 million people.

The film is based on a real story described in the story of Vladimir Belyaev "Escape from the Citadel." He later became the screenwriter of the picture. In it, the directors told about a girl with the fictitious name Ivanna from the family of the Uniate Bishop Theodosius, who lived in Lvov. At first, Ivanna, under the influence of her father and fiancé, a fanatical Catholic, accused and hated the Soviet regime, but during the occupation, when she had to visit the German concentration camp "328-Citadel" for Soviet prisoners of war on duty, her eyes were opened to the atrocities of the Nazis. and on the cooperation of the church with the occupiers. Ivanna had a fight with her family and, tearing off the Catholic cross, went to the partisans, and then organized the escape of 300 prisoners from the Citadel. The plot of the picture, which openly showed the unsightly role of the Uniate Church during the war,caused a storm of indignation in the Catholic world. And what about the leading lady?

Promotional video:

Beauty, sportswoman, Komsomol member

To the Kiev Theater Institute. Karpenko-Kary Inna Burduchenko, a beauty with huge dark eyes and undeniable acting talent, did it twice. The second attempt was crowned with success, and an absolutely happy girl from Chernigov still entered the door of the coveted university. In her third year, she was unexpectedly approved for the main role in the film "Ivanna" of the Film Studio. Dovzhenko. The next morning after the premiere, an unknown student woke up famous. All-Union glory and crowds of enthusiastic admirers fell upon her - so much the audience liked her courageous heroine. At the All-Union Film Festival "Ivanna" received the second prize and immediately began its victorious march on the screens of the countries of the socialist camp. However, in Poland the film caused violent indignation from the Catholic Church and was strictly banned. And the then Primate of Poland Stefan Wyszynski achieved this. Passions have not yet subsided in the country after the show trial of 1953 over Bishop Czeslaw Kaczmarek, who was accused of collaboration with the Nazis and anti-state activities. The Primate, who stood up for Kaczmarek, was also arrested and held in custody for almost 3 years. Nobody needed a new scandal around the Catholic Church, and Vyshinsky turned to Pope John XXIII, in whose person he found powerful support. The picture was banned in all Catholic countries, and the outraged pope cursed the film and all its creators. The director of the film, Viktor Ivchenko, learned about this unpleasant incident from a newspaper clipping brought from Italy by the writer Mykola Bazhan. There was published a special message from the Pope about the film "Ivanna". Our athletes, who were at that moment at the Olympic Games in Rome, also confirmed the reality of the curse. It would seem, well, why pay attention to some kind of curse of the Catholic pontiff in the country of victorious atheism? But only after that strange and tragic events began to occur.

Cycle of mysterious deaths

Within a year after the release of "Ivanna", members of the film crew began to die one after another. First, the son of the production designer Yuferov died under the wheels of a trolleybus, then under mysterious circumstances the wife of the combined filming operator Ilyushin died. The next victim was the daughter of screenwriter Vladimir Belyaev, who suddenly died from an unknown illness. The film's director Viktor Ivchenko himself received his first heart attack. Inna Burduchenko tried not to think about the curse of her dad, since she was in an extremely happy period of her life: the film studios bombarded her with offers, and besides, after a passionate romance, she married her fan Igor Kirilyuk. Soon after the wedding, when Burduchenko was already in her third month of pregnancy, she received an offer to star in one of the roles of the film Studio. Dovzhenko "Nobody has loved this way yet." The actress again had to play in an anti-religious film a mysterious girl named Christina, who fell into the clutches of sectarians. There was an episode in the film where the heroine carried the banner out of the burning barrack. On that ill-fated day, July 30, 1960, the film's director Anatoly Slesarenko filmed take after take. There were no stuntmen on the site, and Inna had to leave the burning building twice. However, the director forced the tired actress to make a third take, and Burduchenko again entered the raging flame, from which she never left. By a fatal accident, the heel of her shoes got stuck between the boards, and a burning beam fell on the actress. On that ill-fated day, July 30, 1960, the film's director Anatoly Slesarenko filmed take after take. There were no stuntmen on the site, and Inna had to leave the burning building twice. However, the director forced the tired actress to make a third take, and Burduchenko again entered the raging flame, from which she never left. By a fatal accident, the heel of her shoes got stuck between the boards, and a burning beam fell on the actress. On that ill-fated day, July 30, 1960, the film's director Anatoly Slesarenko filmed take after take. There were no stuntmen on the site, and Inna had to leave the burning building twice. However, the director forced the tired actress to make a third take, and Burduchenko again entered the raging flame, from which she never left. By a fatal accident, the heel of her shoes got stuck between the boards, and a burning beam fell on the actress.and then a burning beam fell on the actress.and then a burning beam fell on the actress.

Miner Sergei Ivanov, who was filming in the crowd, carried Inna out of the barrack, receiving severe burns. However, this did not help the girl: 78% of her skin was burnt, and no matter how hard the doctors of the Donetsk medical center tried, they failed to save Inna Burduchenko.

Director Anatoly Slesarenko was sentenced to 5 years in prison, the film was filmed for him by Sergei Paradzhanov. And the director of "Ivanna" Viktor Ivchenko, having learned about the incident, received a second heart attack. In the West, the newspapers of Ukrainian nationalists and clerics choked with vengeful delight: they say, the actress was overtaken by God's punishment for the role of the heroine who renounced God!

And the pope's curse continued to operate further. Exactly 3 years later, on August 15, on the day of Inna Burduchenko's death, her husband Igor Kirilyuk crashed on his motorcycle. And the director of "Ivanna" Viktor Ivchenko soon died of his fourth heart attack.

The word is not a sparrow

Our ancestors never used curses in vain, because they knew that, according to the laws of the Universe, for any impact they would receive an obligatory reaction, that is, a boomerang.

The curse is one of the most severe energetic damage, deliberately inflicted on an object. And as it was believed, it became especially strong, proceeding from the lips of people who had magical abilities, that is, witches, sorcerers, priests, or vested with power, authority and the most powerful energy of the pillars of society - members of royal families, senior church officials, etc. To test this theory, scientist Pyotr Gariaev, specializing in the field of the wave genome, conducted a special experiment on the seeds of the Arabidopsis plant. The incredible power of the swear words that hit the plant turned out to be like an irradiation of 40 thousand roentgens and caused the breakdown of DNA chains, the disintegration of chromosomes and complete chaos in the genetic code. Confirmation of this experiment, carried out in the XX century,the famous curse of the master of the Knights Templar, Jacques de Molay, who was burned at the stake in 1314 by order of the French king Philip IV the Fair, who coveted the riches of the order, is also famous. De Molay predicted the death of his murderers within a year, and the prophecy came true exactly: both the king and his henchman Pope Clement V said goodbye to life one after another.

Magazine: All the mysteries of the world №10, Irina Barsukova