Healing Gives A Snapshot - Alternative View

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Healing Gives A Snapshot - Alternative View
Healing Gives A Snapshot - Alternative View

Video: Healing Gives A Snapshot - Alternative View

Video: Healing Gives A Snapshot - Alternative View
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Science confirms: photographs can be used to treat various diseases

The possibility of extrasensory diagnosis and treatment at a distance using photography is not recognized by all scientists. Meanwhile, recent studies in the field of energy-information exchange not only confirm this, but also open up new aspects of such a communication channel.

Nobody knows when the idea arose that there is an inextricable connection between a person and his graphic image, no matter on what - on a stone, wood or on paper. In any case, even in the last century in Russia, artists who tried to paint portraits of ordinary people faced their wariness, fear and outright reluctance. The reason was simple. They believed that if something happened to the portrait (say, someone ripped or burned it), then the person depicted on it would also suffer: he would be very sick or die. The same considerations caused the ban on any depiction of people in Islam. And for many centuries before Islam, drawing people was not allowed in Ancient Judea.

However, even today, everyday life is replete with examples showing how deeply this feeling of a mysterious, inexplicable connection is embedded in a person. So, when, during the demonstrations, an effigy of an objectionable political leader is burned, this is nothing more than an echo of a magical rite, the purpose of which was to harm the victim of witchcraft. Something similar happens in our homes. When, in the case of, say, betrayal, one of the spouses or lovers tears to shreds a photograph of a recently loved one, he does not know about an unconscious impulse: to destroy a photograph means to doom the person who is imprinted on it to suffering.

Now this incomprehensible connection between the image and the original is attributed to the energy-information field.

Miracles on display

Until relatively recently, I was convinced that photography does not contain any other information than purely visual information, and even more so it cannot affect living objects, including humans. But one day I came across a collection of messages from the Ukrainian Academy of Medical Sciences, which contained a report on an unusual experiment carried out at the Kharkov Research Institute of Clinical and Experimental Neurology and Psychiatry. For quite a long time the influence of a “charged” photograph of a psychic - doctor Valery Sadyrin - on the functional state of the body was studied there. Laboratory rats and 14 volunteers suffering from vegetative vascular dystonia were taken as test objects. The rats were placed in separate cages and a photograph of the sens was placed on the cage lid for one hour every day. People were placed in a shielded cell,where an encephalogram and other indicators of the body's vital functions were taken. Moreover, the patients were told that studies are being carried out to clarify the diagnosis of the disease. And during these manipulations, an envelope with a photograph was imperceptibly left next to each of them.

Promotional video:

The results of the experiment were amazing: there was a change in biopotentials in all parts of the brain in both groups of subjects. In addition, the development of conditioned reflexes in rats after the experiment significantly accelerated. In humans, the devices registered an improvement in the action of the mechanisms of regulation of vascular tone, optimization of the level of adrenaline and a decrease in the release of norepinephrine, as well as suppression of pain syndrome, which previously could only be removed with a large dose of drugs.

But such a healing effect could only be if the photo of the sens was a source of some kind of radiation, most likely electromagnetic, since science does not yet know other healing radiation. And then I remembered that I had recently seen a popular magazine, on the cover of which there was a photo of a Ukrainian sensitive with a categorical assurance: "This image will heal you!"

I tracked down this number and went to the Moscow Institute of Information-Wave Technologies, where there was very sensitive equipment, which allowed registering ultra-weak fields with a power of only 10-18 W / cm2. To make it clearer how insignificant this power is, I can only say that it is in billions - yes, in billions! - times less than that of a flashlight bulb. Earlier, with the help of this equipment, the director of MIIVT, Doctor of Technical Sciences V. E. Khokkanen, at my request, measured the electromagnetic radiation of wood dice to determine their therapeutic effect. So I hoped that he would help me figure out the "healing" cover as well.

But it turned out that Hokkanen was on a business trip abroad, and the physicist-researcher Mikhail Balakirev, having listened to me, politely replied: "Sorry, but we do not have time for all sorts of nonsense." And yet I managed to persuade him to donate an hour of computer time for "stupidity". When the frequency sweep of the radiation of the "healing" cover appeared on the display, Balakirev said the classic: "This cannot be!" However, repeated measurements stubbornly showed the same thing: the cover with the photo of the sensus emitted ordered frequency sweeps that were similar to the frequencies of radiation coming from the chakras of a healthy person. It was a real miracle!

Since the term "frequency sweep" says little to a layman, I will try to explain in a popular way what struck the physicist Balakirev. At temperatures other than absolute zero (-271 °), all physical bodies, living and nonliving, emit weak electromagnetic waves. But in non-living beings, their frequency spectrum has a chaotic appearance, which on a computer screen looks like a lot of teeth of different heights. And in human radiation, they are, firstly, lined up in a strictly defined sequence, and secondly, in the frequency spectrum of a healthy person there are no teeth that are associated with various diseases. The cover of the magazine, that is, an inanimate object, emitted waves, the frequencies of which, in the form of a neat fence, were characteristic of a person whose organs are normal, that is, absolutely healthy.

After that, I was looking forward to Hokkanen's return. After looking at the printouts of the results of the first experiment, he did not comment on them, he said only: "Curiously, let's take measurements again."

For the second experiment, I selected the covers of the same magazine with photographs of not only Sadyrin, but also Dzhuna, Chumak, academician Petryanov-Sokolov, the famous psychiatrist Raikov, the illusionist Gorny, the hermit Telegin, as well as two photographs of monkeys and newborn babies.

Hokkanen's expression changed as I changed the magazine covers under the probe of the receiver, which was filming radiation: at first - a slight disbelief, then obvious surprise, and finally puzzlement. For the results did not fit into any framework. Sadyrin was at his best: the radiation of his photograph, like the first time, practically did not differ from the electromagnetic waves of a healthy person. Juna's sweep was less significant: it showed information frequency teeth, but of a very small height. But the frequency spectrum of Chumak hardly differed from the natural chaotic background. The radiation of the rest of the control covers also turned out to be chaotic; no regularities were seen in it.

Hokkanen agreed that for an ordinary person, a photograph emitting healing waves looks like a real miracle, but he himself refused to suggest any hypotheses regarding this phenomenon outright: “I am a researcher, not a fortuneteller. More complete data is needed on a wide range of objects. Then there will be something to think about. " Other physicists whom I introduced to the results of the experiment just shrugged their shoulders: they could not only explain the "miracle" recorded by the instruments, but did not even know to which group of anomalous phenomena it should be attributed.

Science-based magic

What I have said is just a fraction of the vast and still mysterious area of energy-informational interactions in nature, which scientists are now actively exploring.

One of them is the American engineer and inventor T. Hieronymus, who laid the foundation for a new and very promising scientific direction - radionics. But before talking about her, a little about the founder himself.

During World War II, Hieronymus was mobilized into the army, where he served as a radio operator in a special unit dealing with the then secret novelty - radar. It was then that the young engineer came to the conclusion that electromagnetic waves underlie information processes not only in technology, but in nature in general, including living nature.

Then Hieronymus began research on a narrower topic, the main one in which was the electromagnetic radiation of metals and minerals. The result was an unusual device, for which in 1946 he received a patent with a rather vague name: "Detection of radiation of materials and methods of measuring the amount of these materials." The peculiarity of the invention of a member of the respectable Society of Electronic Engineers of the United States was that this device used the psychic capabilities of a person.

The schematic diagram of this device was similar to dowsing, which for centuries was practiced by psychics, who were reputed to be sorcerers and wizards. Hieronymus, on the other hand, embodied the process of dowsing, namely, it lies at the heart of dowsing, in technology. Samples of various rocks were placed on a rotating circle. An inductor operator sat in front of the disc and thought about some metal or mineral. If it was contained in one of the samples, the slowly rotating disc, which played the role of percipient, would stop in a certain position. I will add that in parapsychology, an inductor is a person who has the ability to mentally transmit information. And the perceptor is the one who perceives it in an extrasensory way.

Academic science, without any hesitation, declared the invention of Hieronymus pure charlatanism. Nevertheless, the machine-sensitive worked, as reported by the scientist's followers from different countries.

Subsequently, research in the field of reading and transmitting wave information using photographs and special electronic devices - this is exactly what radionics is doing - led Hieronymus to space medicine. When Apollo 8 was launched, using photographs of astronauts, he published a series of his own reports on the dynamics of the condition and well-being of the crew members. There was a sensation: everything that the photographs told about completely coincided with the data of the telemetric medical control of NASA.

After that, radionics went into the military space field, and all research in this area was classified. And its founder took up, so to speak, the problem of feedback in information processes. That is, not by reading, but, on the contrary, by transferring information to biological objects using photographs. And here he and a group of his followers from the Pennsylvania Institute in Newport achieved fantastic results. In an electronic device they have designed, a photograph of a land plot is pollinated with pesticides, and from this, real agricultural pests perish on the field itself!

In the course of field tests of this device, the optimal operating mode was established.

It turned out that it was enough to put a photo of the object to be treated and the selected insecticide in it, and then turn on the installation every day for only three hours for a week, and not a single pest will remain on the field, even if it is at a considerable distance.

An expert inspection of the apparatus was carried out in various regions, including England and Germany, and with different tasks. For example, in one case, the target was every second row of plantings on a citrus plantation. The result was one hundred percent every time. Moreover, to date, more than two dozen patents have been issued in the United States and Germany for various modifications of radionic devices.

But with regard to the theoretical substantiation of the nature of this phenomenon, things are not so brilliant. Some scientists (both theorists and practitioners) believe that there is no physics here at all: everything happens in non-physical space, or at least in that part of the electromagnetic field that modern physics has not yet reached. Hieronymus himself, to some extent, agrees with this. According to him, when we very scrupulously analyze our physical world, we do not find anything physical in it - only a manifestation of energy.

In conclusion, let's go back to our photos. There are many sensitives who reliably make a medical diagnosis on them, although scientists cannot explain how they do this. But after all, science does not yet know what electricity is. But this does not prevent humanity from using it everywhere.