Where Do UFOs Run? - Alternative View

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Where Do UFOs Run? - Alternative View
Where Do UFOs Run? - Alternative View

Video: Where Do UFOs Run? - Alternative View

Video: Where Do UFOs Run? - Alternative View
Video: Leaked: Pentagon's UFO Investigation Spotlighted In New Photos And Video | TODAY 2024, July

In the ufological environment, there is an opinion that we are too naive about UFOs, believing that aliens can be so interested in human evolution that for tens of centuries they have sent thousands of ships to Earth and spent huge material resources on studying the life and customs of the population of a distant planet

Arriving to us, they clearly pursue completely different goals. For example, they use earthlings to restore their gene pool. According to one hypothesis, some inhabitants of other civilizations have long ceased to reproduce sexually. But cloning from generation to generation leads to physical defects, and therefore, in order to restore their reproductive abilities, aliens are looking for carriers of common genes among people.

In the courtyard of Olga Teplyakova, a pensioner from the village of Borshchevo (Voronezh Region), ufologists discovered a huge circle of crumpled grass that had turned yellow from the temperature. The grass was curled in a clockwise direction and black earth was visible in the center of the circle. According to Olga's daughter Katerina, a mysterious circle appears in the courtyard from year to year exactly on the night of July 1.

People are not interested in aliens

According to paranormal specialist Alexander Mosolov, it is likely that these are traces of a landing UFO: "The grass swirling clockwise at the landing site is a sure sign that the object could be recharged by the positive energy of the Earth in this place."

In addition, Mosolov recalled that Borshchevo is located only 10 km from the village of Kostenki, where not so long ago aliens took soil samples and left several deep wells in the field.

Experts now joke: "The place near the Don emits exclusively positive energy, which serves as a source of endless energy for the guests of our planet."

However, every joke, as you know, has some truth.

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In addition, rumors have been circulating for a long time about a secret US government treaty with aliens. What this agreement says is not known for certain, but, most likely, about mutually beneficial cooperation. They give us new technologies, and we give them oxygen, for example. Of course, the pronoun "we" means only America.

What else can the aliens benefit from? In large areas of oceans, seas and large lakes, an inexplicable swelling of the water surface, as well as a mysterious increase in its temperature, have been noted more than once. Often times, ship crews see strange glowing objects underwater. What might aliens at the bottom of the oceans be interested in?

Several years ago, a note was published in one of the central Kyrgyz newspapers, in which it was about how a family of vacationers watched an inexplicable phenomenon that struck them in the summer on Issyk-Kul. On a calm moonlit night, adults and children went to swim on the Balykchyn city beach. And suddenly, before the eyes of the amazed people, in absolute silence, half a kilometer from the shore, a huge water column, swirling like a tornado, rushed to the stars.

After this incident, local ufologists said that alien creatures manage to pump out healing lake water for their needs.

UFOs are also recharging in Lake Cheremenets, which is located under the Luga.

According to scientists, this lake was formed as a result of a fracture of the earth's crust many thousands of years ago, but even now it has a powerful underground energy. Therefore, "flying saucers" are not uncommon here.

“We were returning from Lake Cheremenets with a friend,” recalls chemical scientist Igor Monakhov, “and saw a strange flickering about halfway between the lake and the river. It was a dome! We were afraid to come close, but we photographed him. The film did not glow, and on it he is seen much better than in reality! We were in the UFO range for some minutes, but the new battery of the car was completely discharged - we barely got home."

UFO over power plants

The press has repeatedly reported on the observation of objects over high-voltage power lines, electric and nuclear power plants. For example, UFOs were once seen over the Chernobyl nuclear power plant - the "saucer" hung over the station for almost six hours, and there were plenty of eyewitnesses.

Ufologists also remember the case when the disc-shaped apparatus hung over the Pridneprovskaya TPP for a long time.

The increased interest of UFOs in such objects was noted back in the 40s of the XX century, when flying saucers were recorded over the Los Alamos nuclear center in the United States.

Even then, it was suggested that in this way UFOs “steal energy”, “charge” it.

A recent survey of 40 British cities, conducted by former head of the UK Defense Department's UFO Research Unit Nick Pope, has put the London area Levish in the lead.

This is where, Pope argues, "flying saucers" appear most often.

"Roy Lake, a spokesman for the London Society for the Study of UFOs, readily confirmed this information:" There is a lot of open water and power lines - perhaps the 'outsiders' are interested in this or recharge their batteries here."

A striking incident occurred in October 1989 in the Korostensky district of the Zhytomyr region. As a large UFO approached the settlements, there was an almost complete decline in electricity in power lines. And when the UFO flew up to the Korosten-Podolsky station, all lighting there suddenly turned off, even the traffic lights turned off for a few minutes. At the same time, the telephone connection was cut off, the radios on the locomotives went out of order. After the disappearance of the UFO, as expected, everything returned to normal.

On July 13, 2002, Baku and almost the entire republic plunged into darkness at one moment. A UFO was observed in the Baku area a few minutes before the power outage. Moreover, the light did not go out in one second, but rather pulsed, creating the illusion of a kind of "sucking" of electricity.

Chingiz Jafarli, an eyewitness to the event, chief inspector of the Baku Cinema Department, recalls:

“At about 22:50, while on the street, I accidentally noticed a crescent moon, next to which a large star was burning. The sky was clear and there were a lot of stars. I was looking at the stars when I suddenly noticed a moving object shrouded in smoke or cloud. The object itself resembled a turtle shell. Since there was no sound, I realized that this was not an airplane. The object was walking from the side of the sea and at some point suddenly stopped.

And suddenly I saw, as it were, a spark, as if lightning flashed a kind of red stream, and at that moment the light in my dacha began to go out, and not immediately. It slowly faded, and then just as slowly brightened. The object began to turn towards the Northern State District Power Plant, and all this - without a single sound. As soon as he turned around, such a hum began from the direction of the Northern State District Power Plant, as if something was about to explode, but then suddenly everything suddenly calmed down. At that moment the light went out completely.

The hum was repeated several times every two to three minutes. I again looked at the object, which had already turned sideways and at some instant sank to the sea. When he disappeared, this strange hum disappeared immediately.

A similar incident occurred exactly one year later in North America, when more than 50 million Americans and Canadians were left without electricity on August 14 and 15, 2003.

Many residents saw the light bulbs re-lit only a few days after the global anomalous shutdown. Lucky for those who were at home at that time. Others had to sit for hours locked in the elevators of high-rise buildings or walk out of the city subways in complete darkness, and then also walk home. All ground transport traffic was paralyzed, all airports were closed.

According to leading experts, the cataclysm did not occur without the participation of UFOs, which were observed in large numbers these days over the power plants of the United States and Canada.

Who robbed the store?

In addition to pumping out electricity in uninhabited, hard-to-reach areas of the Earth, aliens can mine some raw materials they need. In many parts of the planet, so-called anomalous wells are constantly being discovered, when a round, ideally even hole is observed, directed deep into the Earth, but there are no traces of the presence of drilling equipment and people, or excavated rocks or soil nearby. How can this be explained: an alien research program or mineral exploration?

Scientist Timothy Goode, in his study of the Alien Base, cites the following eyewitness account. Mrs Appleton met the newcomer at her home in Birmingham. As soon as she wondered where the exotic type in silver clothes came from, he telepatized her: "I am from another world, together with my friends we flew to Earth for nickel and tungsten, which, unfortunately, we do not have."

»Who do you think to contact about this? Mrs. Appleton asked. I'm afraid your system will take too long to negotiate,”said the silver one. “We will probably have to borrow these metals without notifying the leaders of earthly governments. Later we will pay in full."

Valery Dvuzhilny, a resident of the seaside town of Dalnegorsk, the founder and director of the Far Eastern UFO Research Center, once found himself on an old forest road with his son-biologist.

“The car suddenly died out,” says Dvuzhilny. - They began to push. And then we see: the ground is covered, like a bulldozer's knife, and under the sod - strange, as if strongly melted stones.

The scientist handed over one of the stones to the specialists of the Dalpolymetal association. Those, after studying them, stated that the sample studied was the product of the melting of local polymetallic ores, but slag of this type had never been produced at Dalpolimetal. At the same time, the remelting took place at ultra-high temperatures and under special conditions."

According to Dvuzhilnyi, aliens were engaged in the smelting of ores in a remote forest place, thus extracting from them, most likely, lead or silver. And the stones found are industrial waste, which the aliens did not bother to properly hide or even destroy.

Lead and silver credit to aliens is another question that only the enlonauts themselves can answer.

By the way, the Far East has long been considered one of the "estates" of UFOs. Over the past decades, locals have seen them so often that even ordinary criminal offenses are sometimes associated with them!

“In the summer of 2003, a seemingly ordinary crime took place in the village of Terney of the Primorsky Territory: theft from the Margarita store. The expert took photographs of the scene. There was nothing special in the one-story room, however, as well as in the surrounding vacant lot, until the expert developed the film and started printing the images."

On one of them, an oval object hovering above the store appeared to the eyes of an astonished employee, similar to a real flying saucer. The subject was clearly visible on both the negative and the print, although none of those present at the time of the shooting noticed anything like this.

“The photo was transferred from the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Far Eastern District to scientists-ufologists, but the investigators still have a question: were the aliens involved in the robbery of Margarita?