Tsar's Dogs And Sadists In Stripes - Alternative View

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Tsar's Dogs And Sadists In Stripes - Alternative View
Tsar's Dogs And Sadists In Stripes - Alternative View

Video: Tsar's Dogs And Sadists In Stripes - Alternative View

Video: Tsar's Dogs And Sadists In Stripes - Alternative View
Video: Ham on Rye by Charles Bukowski 2024, June

The Cossacks looked very pale in subsequent wars: the Russian-Turkish and the Russian-Japanese.

Their purpose was different: to serve as a police force, punitive detachments in the late Russian Empire. The Cossacks primarily acted as punitive dogs for the pigs of the “elite” of Romanov Russia. For this, the ruling lower race of grabbers and robbers successfully cultivated in the Cossacks cruelty and contempt for the other Russian people.

It was the villagers who acted as punishers in the suppression of local peasant riots that constantly flared up in Russia, in the dispersal of workers' demonstrations. (1913 is 22 thousand local peasant riots!) Stolypin, being the governor of Saratov in 1903-1906, shared with the tsar the experience of using horse punitive detachments recruited from the Cossacks of the Astrakhan army. They are mobile (more mobile than infantry units), they disperse peasants well with whips.

That is why the lower noble race, plundering Russia, in every possible way cultivated in the Cossacks the idea of their "isolation" from the Russian people, endowed them with special privileges, and on the Russian peasants who lived and worked in the neighborhood of the same Cossacks on the territory of the Don Army, for example, taught them to look as on the partly "nonresident". And the Cossacks at their "dog level" reproduced the same attitude towards Russia as the noble pigs. Like, we are a separate privileged people, and Moscow is no longer our city.

In 1959, US President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed the vile document "Declaration of the oppressed peoples", dedicated to the nations enslaved by the USSR, they say. Everyone was there except the Russians. The hint was opaque: the Russian oppressors, they are the creators of communism. But what is interesting: there were no Russians in the declaration, but there were Cossacks. With the recognition of their right to create an independent Cossackia. Together with other Tatarstan, Ukraine, Idel-Urals. When I first found out about it, I laughed. Look, the Yankees are completely crazy! After all, the Cossacks are a glorious part of the great Russian people. But now I'm not laughing.

Let's count a century back from the First World War. There is a Patriotic War with Napoleon Bonaparte. In 1812, when the French left Moscow, units under the command of Volkonsky, Benckendorf and the Cossack general Ilovaisky the fourth entered it. In the city, they saw desecrated, plundered churches, for example, the Assumption Cathedral in the Kremlin, a shrine of Orthodoxy. The invaders plundered a lot of gold from the churches. And then strange things began

“Formally, the senior in the detachment, the Cossack General Ilovaisky-Four,“examined the transports that were being beaten off from the French”with watchful attention. “Everything was brought up for his personal review, Volkonsky recalled, and as church utensils and images in vestments were the main prey taken away by the French, Ilovaisky paid attention to them most of all and divided all this into two sections: what is richer in one, what is poorer in other. Surprised Benckendorff and Volkonsky were perplexed: “Why this division? After all, all the same, everything should be given to the spiritual authorities, like things robbed from the churches of Moscow and going back to them.”“The answer of the Cossack general was ingenuous: “It is impossible, father, I made a vow that everything that is richer if God will give me something to do from the enemy's hands of Moscow, send everything valuable that my Cossacks inherited to the temple of God on the Don,and this covenant must be sacredly fulfilled in order not to anger God. " No matter how hard Benckendorf and Volkonsky tried to convince their boss to abandon such a “vow”, their admonitions did not work "(D. Oleinikov. Benckendorf. Moscow, Molodaya Gvardiya, 2009, pp. 139-140).

That is, the Cossacks robbed what the French conquerors had plundered in Moscow, and were not going to return anything to their legitimate owners. Moscow, therefore, was already, as it were, not entirely their own for them. Well, yes, the Cossacks had a peculiar concept of Russian national unity!

Promotional video:

Now let's remember the years 1918-1919.

I like to give one example. In the summer of 1919, the white leader Denikin, leading an offensive on Moscow, did not take it. For a banal reason: Mamontov's Cossack cavalry, which was at the forefront of the blow, plundered the local population, like the Polovtsy or Pechenegs during a raid. The Cossacks were so loaded with the loot that they turned back to their villages in the North Caucasus and the Don. Their convoy stretched for 60 miles. Barely a third of the Cossacks returned to the ranks. Don't believe me? Read Denikin's memoirs. They are now sold in bookstores.



Red horsemen also suffered from robberies of the civilian population. In 1920, during the fighting in Ukraine, the First Cavalry Army of the Reds, striking at the Polish interventionists and Ukrainian nationalists, also engaged in looting. The 6th division especially distinguished itself in pogroms and robberies. However, the red power did not let the cavalrymen do this. The guilty division was surrounded by a special brigade of Stepanov-Spinzharsky (30% of the communists in the personnel, armed with guns and machine guns). Taking the decomposed division into a ring, a special brigade demanded to hand over the ringleaders of the looting. They were issued immediately. In Elizavetgrad, a public trial was quickly organized over 387 guilty of robbery, murder and rape. They sentenced 197 people to death and executed them demonstratively. The commanding staff of the division were demoted to the rank and file and sent to the front to fight with Wrangel and wash away the guilt with blood for not being able to maintain discipline in the subunits entrusted. The first Horse was thus "brought to life" and again turned into a fighting force. (Oleg Budnitsky. "Cavalry". "Knowledge is power", No. 9, 2007)

So: the Reds were not afraid to wean their cavalry from looting with demonstrative executions, but the Whites were afraid to punish the Cossacks of Mamontov. As a result, they lost to the red. And I think it's good that we lost. Otherwise, they would have arranged such a Cossack that at least take out all the saints. They would cut Russia into slices. True, not for long, until the Japanese and Germans invaded here.

In the behavior of the Cossacks, in all its glory, there is a dull curkulia limitation (my hut is on the edge, the whole world ends outside my outskirts). Drag while you can, profit. And as the peasants have always lost because of their limitations, so did these. Success in wrestling is always accompanied by the strong, intelligent and active. The Cossacks had strength, but they turned out to be stupid and passive. And also sadists and marauders.

In fact, as a fighting force, the Cossacks themselves were of little value already in the middle of the 19th century. In the Crimean War, the Cossack cavalrymen (but not the Cossack scouts!) Disgraced themselves in full. Under the fire of the British and French infantry or under the onslaught of the British cavalry, the Cossacks, as a rule, fled from the battlefield. For example, in the battle near Balaklava on October 13 (25), 1854, Russian hussars and infantrymen fought with brigades of the British cavalry. The Ural Cossacks read the description of that battle and did not dare to cut into the ranks of the British, only prancing along their line. And under the fire of the Scots, they simply fled. Moreover, at the decisive moment of the battle, the fleeing Cossacks crashed into the ranks of the Russian regular cavalry, dragging the hussars along with them. The British simply drove a panicky crowd in front of them. And thank God that the British were ambushed by ours.

The Cossacks looked very pale in subsequent wars: the Russian-Turkish and the Russian-Japanese.

Their purpose was different: to serve as a police force, punitive detachments in the late Russian Empire. (By that time, the border functions of the Cossacks also came to naught.) No, the Cossacks primarily acted as punitive dogs for the pigs of the “elite” of Romanov Russia. For this, the ruling lower race of grabbers and robbers successfully cultivated in the Cossacks cruelty and contempt for the other Russian people.

It was the villagers who acted as punishers in the suppression of local peasant riots that constantly flared up in Russia, in the dispersal of workers' demonstrations. (1913 is 22 thousand local peasant riots!) Stolypin, being the governor of Saratov in 1903-1906, shared with the tsar the experience of using horse punitive detachments recruited from the Cossacks of the Astrakhan army. They are mobile (more mobile than infantry units), they disperse peasants well with whips.

That is why the lower noble race, robbing Russia, in every possible way cultivated in the Cossacks the idea of their "isolation" from the Russian people, endowed them with special privileges, and on the Russian peasants who lived and worked in the neighborhood with the same Cossacks on the territory of the Don Army, for example, taught them to look as on the partly "nonresident". And the Cossacks at their "dog level" reproduced the same attitude towards Russia as the noble pigs. Like, we are a separate privileged people, and Moscow is no longer our city. No, this was not taught in schools, but gradually this mood was instilled.

Here is the reason for the fact that during the Civil War the Cossacks were marked not only by outrageous robberies, but by monstrous, senseless sadism. If you read the memories of their massacres over entire villages, the blood runs cold in your veins. They killed the Russians as subtly as maniacs. Here is the reason for the fact that in 1919 the Don people did not reach Moscow, because they robbed everything along the way, and then turned to the Don with the loot baggage. It becomes clear why in 1918 the Cossacks began to declare their separatist states, and in the Great Patriotic War, a large part of them went to the service of Hitler. In 1966, the memoirs of a white emigrant D. Meissner ("Mirages and Reality") were published, where he writes about his impressions of the Cossack emigrants in 1941-1942: "Some of them denied the very belonging of the Cossacks to the Russian people and erupted into Russia tubs of dirt. Some priests, old men, bykodorovs, Kolosovs and bearers of other similar surnames suddenly, to everyone's bewilderment and amazement, turned out to be not at all Russian. They spoke in the purest Russian language, but they did not know anything else, explaining that “Don and Kuban are not at all Russia and only Bolshevik violence keeps these areas in its composition " (I quote from M. K. Kasvinov. "23 steps down." Moscow, "Mysl", 1982, p. 71.) By the way, in the early 90s many "revived Cossacks”sought recognition of the Cossacks in the Ministry of Nationalities of the Russian Federation precisely as a separate nation.that “Don and Kuban are not Russia at all and that only Bolshevik violence keeps these regions in its composition””(I quote from M. K. Kasvinov.“23 steps down.”Moscow,“Mysl”, 1982, p. 71.) By the way, in the early 90s, many "reborn Cossacks" sought recognition of the Cossacks in the Ministry of Nationalities of the Russian Federation as a separate nation.that “Don and Kuban are not Russia at all and that only Bolshevik violence keeps these regions in its composition””(I quote from M. K. Kasvinov.“23 steps down.”Moscow,“Mysl”, 1982, p. 71.) By the way, in the early 90s, many "reborn Cossacks" sought recognition of the Cossacks in the Ministry of Nationalities of the Russian Federation as a separate nation.

From the human point of view of the Red Star civilization, these are fierce beasts. The Orwellian system of dividing society into pigs, dogs and sheep was fully developed in Russia in the 1910s. And today it is quite successfully reproduced, only the place of the lower noble race (pigs) was taken by pigs white-blue-red high officials, thieves and oligarchs. The role of the Cossacks is now played by the special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and private armies.

At the beginning of the 20th century, such an Orwellian division of society, which was more suitable for the feudal or even slave-owning system, was superimposed on the rapid development of raw material capitalism, aimed at exporting grain from the country. At the same time, the main export region was located just on the Cossack lands. It was this that threatened them with separation from the rest of Russia at the first serious shake-up. Well, if we are not Russians, but Cossacks, then we have every right to detach ourselves from the rest of Russia and live well, and not feed the poor Non-Black Earth Region, where this Russian-peasant cattle lives. In real history, this almost happened. But if tsarist Russia could suppress the revolution and even become one of the winners of the First World War, the same could happen under the blows of the Great Depression of the 1930s. The separatism of the southern part of the Russian Empire grew objectively,having a strong economic "backing"!

So, having unmercifully warmed the Cossacks, the Soviet government acted absolutely justly. In her place I would also punish these dogs. The Cossacks should erect a monument to Stalin: he not only did not carve them out at the root, but also gave the opportunity to rehabilitate himself, serve Russia on the battlefield, and regain his good name. And here the creators of the USSR saved the country and the unity of the Russian nation. For with the "naturally organic" development of Russia, allegedly interrupted in 1917, the Cossack women would have shown themselves in all their glory. The war of the North and the South in the Russian version, we would have raked in full.

And now, putting our conclusions at the front of the chapter, we will illustrate them with illustrative examples.

Chubby sadists

The example of Ataman Boris Annenkov is especially eloquent. That was a sadist from a sadist! Fighting on the side of Kolchak, he suppressed the resistance of the Chornodolsk and Slavgorod peasants in Siberia, and reigned bloody in Semirechye.

Boris Annenkov
Boris Annenkov

Boris Annenkov.

From the testimony at the trial in the case of Ataman Annenkov, July 1927, Semipalatinsk. Olga Kolenkova, a peasant woman, testifies. The Annenkovites, having killed her two eldest sons, tied her, holding two babies to her chest, tied her to a ponytail and drove the animal into the reeds. They stripped my back to the bone. Then they untied it. But for some reason they didn't shoot. Only one of her children, two years old, had their hand cut off with a saber, and the child bled to death. The second, four-year-old boy, had his spine broken

In 1920, the peasants of the villages of Chorny Dol and Slavgorod rebelled against the Whites, having only twenty rifles. Ataman Annenkov moved to suppress. Those who managed to escape to Volchikhinsky Bor were able to survive. But not all: the Cossacks mercilessly killed the fleeing. Killed 1,700 people from the fifteen thousandth population of the county.

Today everyone blames the Bolsheviks, they say, they conquered Russia, using parts of non-Russians: Latvian riflemen, Chinese, Magyars. But Annenkov also had parts of Afghans, Chinese, Serbs. In which case they could be thrown at the Russians. Or against each other, if a riot rises in their own troops.

From the last words of Annenkov at the trial:

Leaving the Reds for China, Annenkov hypocritically declared: those of his fighters who want to stay can go to the Reds. When there were 3,800 people, and their weapons were laid on the carts, Annenkov ordered to mow them down with machine guns. In the same Semirechye (which did not become the state of Annenkov), leaving for China (March 1920), Annenkov at the Selke Pass ordered to kill all the white officers who were walking with him along with their families. The women were first raped in a crowd, and then either chopped down with swords, or brutally tortured. Then female bodies will be found with severed hands, ripped stomachs, with shredded genitals.

A. G. Kuptsov in "The Myth of the Red Terror" brings memories of his father, to the Civil "son of the regiment" of the Reds. The Cossacks captured him by attacking two wagons.

Here are the fruits of the latent education in the Cossacks of a sense of specialness, separation from the rest of the Russian people. Now you understand why, when the Reds repressed the Cossacks, millions of sympathizers were on the side of the Reds. For many people remembered the Cossack sadism.

This cattle just loosened up and did everything that burst out of the wretched souls of the former royal dogs. Against this background, the red ones certainly seemed to be the personification of culture and order. And that Russian-Soviet man, whom the Reds tried to create unsuccessfully (and sometimes oak), was three steps higher than this stupid, sadistic cattle. Now I understand what an enormous cultural work the Soviet government was able to carry out, almost eradicating this shame.

And here is another hero of the white Cossack movement, the Kuban ataman Shkuro. His division, having occupied Vladikavkaz in January 1919, committed such a robbery that the chieftain forcibly stopped him. It was Shkuro's units who took Voronezh in September 1919 and carried out mass executions there.

Ataman Shkuro for the service of the new owners (three times from the left)
Ataman Shkuro for the service of the new owners (three times from the left)

Ataman Shkuro for the service of the new owners (three times from the left).

Ataman Krasnov
Ataman Krasnov

Ataman Krasnov.

Already in the Great Patriotic War, having gone into the service of Hitler, Shkuro, together with P. and S. Krasnov, the former commander of the Wild Division Girey, began to raise the Cossacks into anti-Soviet uprisings, to fight for "the honor and freedom of the Quiet Don". Appeared (November 10, 1943) the Declaration of the Cossack government (Special Charter) signed by General Keitel and the Minister of the Eastern regions of Rosenberg. P. Krasnov wrote it. There the Cossacks were recognized as an ally of Germany, who, after the victory over the USSR, would return their privileges and land allotments. Soon, on March 30, 1944, P. Krasnov headed the Main Directorate of the Cossack troops. In Belarus, in the region of Novogrudok, a "Cossack camp" was created. The Cossack units formed there were sent to suppress the partisans. Then, when the Stalinist armies threw out the Nazis outside the USSR,Hitler-Cossacks went to Northern Italy and Yugoslavia to fight the partisans. Burn and hang. In Yugoslavia, the Hitler-Cossack division under the command of von Panwitz self-supplied: robbed the local population.

And Ataman Semyonov? The one who wanted to establish his "independent state" in Transbaikalia back in 1919, while renouncing his Russianness? He covered this territory with blood. A death camp was organized in Troitskosavsk, and three thousand people were shot at Andrianovka station. Japan paid subsidies to Semyonov for the maintenance of his troops. She liked the idea of creating a puppet state in Transbaikalia. Formally submitting to Kolchak, Semyonov did not help his boss in the campaign against Moscow. Supported both bayonets and armored trains. Why does he need Moscow? He felt good as it is. But the front of the Reds was overstretched, and here the help of the chieftain Kolchak could play the role of a straw breaking the back of an overloaded camel.

Ataman Semyonov
Ataman Semyonov

Ataman Semyonov.

Yes, it was not for nothing that Stalin caught all this scum in 1945 (achieved its extradition from the West) and hung it up after the show trials. Now can you imagine, reader, what separatists Russia could face in its "organic development"? And what bastard guessed Nikolashka II to write down as saints? Apparently, this happened due to the fact that the representatives of the lower race now ruling in the Russian Federation realize their deep spiritual kinship with their predecessors from the beginning of the 20th century. Kinship with those who steal from Russia, squandered and blew up from within. So they produce the one who brought the country to catastrophe and justified the big thieves, into the saints. I will not weep over them in the same way as I will not shed tears over the "noble White Guards" if I have successfully missed … my victory.

After all, what could have happened to "Russia without 1917" is also easily modeled. A country badly battered by the war, with disorganized finances and a crisis economy, it was clearly divided into the hungry Center and the grain South. With the first blows of the Great Depression in the South, there would be new leaders who would speak like this:

Why should we, the Cossacks, drag these poor central provinces around our necks, where all kinds of tramps live? Why should we pay taxes to some Petersburg, where our money is plundered by the capital's bureaucracy? Why should we buy bad and expensive products of the local industry? What devil are we going to finance the salvation of non-black earth villages by helping them buy all kinds of tractors? Why the hell do we pay our public debts, what did the empire do? FIG empire! Give us national freedom! After all, we are not Russians, but Cossacks, a special people. We ourselves can sell our grain to Europe and buy excellent quality goods in Europe. Let's separate, to Edren Fen!"

Do not believe in the reality of such a picture? Well, then remember how the Cossacks of Ilovaisky behaved or the epic with "Don independence". Naturally, the central government would try to stop the separation of the grain-exporting regions. And then in Russia without the Bolsheviks (already in the 1930s) a civil war could begin. Yes, North against South, as in America in 1861-1865. And what could have happened in such a feud, one can perfectly imagine. One has only to remember the arts that the Cossack women did in our familiar branch of history. Well, how can the "elite" split the country and cut a single people into bastard "sovereignty" as soon as the opportunity smells.

Thank you, Lord, for giving me happiness to grow up in the USSR! That I didn’t have to break my cap in front of the “vashbrodiyas”, I didn’t have a chance to cram their “God's Law” instead of reading “Young technician” and “Technician-youth”. What a blessing that I studied in a Soviet school, watched smart TV programs that Robot and Paganel conducted, and then “Obviously incredible” with Kapitsa. Thank you, Lord, that I could practice wrestling and archery for free, read a lot of smart books from large libraries and eat full-fledged protein foods. Now I understand that the electric light and gas in the burner, a kindergarten with a swimming pool and my bright school with amazing biology and physics classrooms are all the fruits of the enormous work, titanic work that the Red Project devotees did. Those who saved Russia from decay and nothingness. Thank you, Lord, that I grew up without knowingwhat are refugees and terror, interethnic massacre and hostages. Or what is default, crisis and job loss. Thank you, red titans, for creating a highly developed country for me.

But now it's all collapsed and broken. Just like a century ago, society is again divided into pigs, dogs and sheep. Just as then, Russia (but now reduced to the size of the Russian Federation) is moving towards an inglorious end. And again, only fanatical, but at the same time intelligent and very Russian adherents of the Big Project can save the country. Heirs of the Reds.

Text from Maxim Kalashnikov's book "The Lower Race", Chapter 7 "Canine Chronicles".

The text of the chapter is abbreviated.
