The Secret Of The Elongated Skull - Alternative View

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The Secret Of The Elongated Skull - Alternative View
The Secret Of The Elongated Skull - Alternative View

Video: The Secret Of The Elongated Skull - Alternative View

Video: The Secret Of The Elongated Skull - Alternative View
Video: Ancient Aliens: Elongated Skull's Origins (Season 12, Episode 6) | History 2024, July

On July 18, scientists discovered a unique burial site three kilometers from the Arkaim reserve in the Kizilskiy district of the Chelyabinsk region.

The discovery was made by an archaeological expedition, which included scientists from the Chelyabinsk State University, employees of the "Arkaim" reserve and students of the history faculty of Chelyabinsk State University.

Excavations were carried out on the territory of the burial ground, discovered back in the 90s of the last century, but until this year remained untouched.

“The burial ground consists of 15 burial mounds with an unusual horseshoe shape, and presumably dates back to the II – III centuries AD,” said Maria Makurova, head of the Arkaim reserve museum. - The expedition unearthed the first of three mounds to be explored this year. In it, we found a burial containing a skeleton with a pronounced deformation of the skull. In the upper part, it has a distinct elongated shape. Most likely, this is the skeleton of a woman. It will be possible to say exactly who is buried in the burial ground, a woman or a man, only after an anthropological examination.


Most likely, archaeologists have discovered the grave of a noble woman from the tribe of the late Sarmatians - a nomadic people who inhabited the territories of southern Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. The pose in which the skeleton was found suggests that before the funeral, the body was tightly swaddled in some kind of cloth or shroud, so that the arms were pressed tightly to the body, and the legs were brought together.

The skeleton lies on its back, the head is turned to the North. This method of burial is typical for many nomadic tribes inhabiting the Eurasian steppes, including the late Sarmatians who roamed the South Ural steppes in the 2nd-4th centuries AD. The greatest interest in the find is the artificial deformation of the skull.

Why was it necessary to give the nomad's head an elongated shape?

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Egghead antiquity

As the archaeological finds of the last two centuries have shown, the practice of prolonged mechanical impact on the growing head of children in order to deform it was common among many peoples that developed completely independently of each other.


“The first artificially deformed skulls were found in Peru at the very beginning of the century before last, then in 1820 in Austria,” says archaeologist Mikhail Penegov. - Further archaeological research showed that elongated skulls are found almost everywhere.

They are found in the burials of the ancient Egyptians in northern Africa, in the graves of the Aztecs, Incas and other Indian tribes of Mesoamerica and South America, in the necropolises of Central Asia and Khorezm, in burials in the territories that now belong to Malta, Iran, Syria, Cyprus, Crete, France, Norway, many other countries. Relatively recently, they were found in burials located in Siberia.

Scientists exclude the possibility that the skulls found by archaeologists could acquire a strange elongated shape due to the peculiarities of caring for babies in ancient times or the trauma suffered.

- Artificial deformations of the head are deliberate and unintentional, - explains anthropologist Boris Zaltsman. - For example, if the baby is tightly swaddled and laid in the cradle for a long time in one position, then his skull is deformed in the back of the head.


Under the influence of its own gravity, it will become flattened. However, it is extremely difficult to imagine what the unintended effect on the bones of the head should be in order for them to acquire an even elongated shape. Accordingly, this goal was achieved deliberately.

Anthropologists found that special wooden blocks and ropes were used to deform the bones of the skull - they tightly pulled the heads of children in the temples. In some burials in South America, even special children's beds were found, in which small children were fixed so that they could not remove all these devices, which caused unpleasant sensations.

Later they were replaced by a more gentle technology - strips of fabric. So, in the African Mangbetu tribe, parents still tightly swaddle their children with bandages, after which the bones of the skull acquire an elongated shape.


Some tribes of Congo, Sudan, and the New Hebrides in the western part of the Pacific Ocean are still trying to artificially limit the growth of the cranium and an unnatural curvature of the head.

Among the Sarmatians, circular deformation of the head shape was first encountered in burials of the early period. The fact that eggheads were popular on the eastern coast of the Black Sea was reported by the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates in the 5th century BC. He talks about a certain ethnic group of macrocephalics, whose heads extended upward was a sign of belonging to the elite:

“Macrocephals are considered the noblest ones with the longest heads. Their custom is as follows: as soon as a child is born and while his head is still tender and flexible, they form it and make it grow in length, surrounding it with a bandage and using appropriate means in order to change its round spherical outline and increase in length."

References to macrocephaly are found in the writings of Aristotle, Strabo and Pliny.

In the 1st century BC. - 1st century A. D. skeletons with an elongated skull are found in 35% of Sarmatian burials. Then this tradition becomes more popular, and in the II-IV centuries AD. this head shape is already found in 88% of graves. The widespread spread of this custom among the nomadic tribes living in the south of Russia made it one of the distinctive features of the late Sarmatians.

According to a number of domestic researchers, it was the Sarmatian tribes that borrowed this custom from the nomadic tribes of Central Asia and then brought it from the Trans-Volga steppes to Europe, retreating to the West under the onslaught of the Huns.

Sacrifice to beauty

So why, for centuries, have people considered it necessary to reshape their children's heads? The first explanation is the simplest: they probably considered elongated skulls more beautiful.


For the same reason, the Japanese tightly bandaged the girls' feet to keep them tiny, and the Thai Padaung tribe stretched their necks, putting on more and more rings. In pursuit of the ideal, Hollywood beauties periodically and now remove the lower ribs and molars.

- However, such a completely logical explanation raises another question: why suddenly many peoples, completely independently of each other, came to the conclusion that an elongated skull is much more beautiful than a normal one? - says Boris Zaltsman. - An abnormally long neck, a small foot or a thin waist can form naturally and are common enough to become an example to follow - it all depends on the standards of beauty in a particular society.

But the elongated shape of the skull is an extremely rare anomaly. It is difficult to suggest that in several isolated societies at once she was suddenly considered beautiful without any external reasons. Why did no one try to achieve, say, a flattened or square head shape, although such anomalies are occasionally encountered?


For many members of society to want elongated skulls, such a head shape had to be a characteristic feature of an ideal or higher being. Especially when you consider that for the sake of such a deformation had to make serious sacrifices: the pressure on the bones of the skull contributes to the development of migraines, is fraught with mental and physical abnormalities.

It was impossible not to notice the harmful consequences of millennia of using the practice of deformation. It took good reasons to ignore them.

Paleocontact trail

It is impossible to assume that the fashion for egg-head spontaneously or due to a chance coincidence arose in one of the ancient societies, and then spread among other peoples separated by giant distances and oceans. Therefore, here scientists have to leave the solid ground of science and move into the shaky pseudo-scientific areas.

- One of the explanations why many ancient peoples, separated by space and time frames, needed to change the natural shape of the skull, is offered by the supporters of the theory of paleocontact, says Mikhail Penegov. - In their opinion, alien beings who visited the Earth at different periods of its history had skulls of just such an elongated shape. Earthly peoples, who perceived them as gods, sought to become like them, changing their appearance.

Archaeologist Lloyd Pi, author of All You Know Is A Lie, argues that Gerasimov's reconstruction of a skull found near Chihuahua, Mexico, gives an exact match with a generalized portrait of an alien creature, compiled from descriptions of our contemporaries who claim to have communicated with aliens.


All contactees describe them as having an elongated head shape - about the same as the owners of the crystal skulls in the last part of Indiana Jones. All this sounds fantastic, but … Many times what yesterday was perceived by science as complete nonsense, already tomorrow became an immutable truth.

Some historians believe that the elongated shape of the head marked a special role in a social group, was a distinctive feature of the ruling caste or clergy. However, this again raises the question of why it was believed that this particular shape of the skull emphasizes the high status of their owners?

A common explanation is that in this way they became like the gods, which most ancient peoples, for example, the Maya Indians, the ancient Egyptians, the Semitic tribes of the Middle East, depicted in complex elongated headdresses or with elongated skulls. But why did they imagine the gods as such?

Our among strangers

- There is another serious argument against the theory of deformation of the head to demonstrate status: why then, for example, among the Sarmatians, an elongated skull shape is found in more than 80% of burials of the late period? There could not have been such a number of priests and rulers, - continues Mikhail Penegov. - This means that another widespread version sounds more convincing - that the elongated shape of the head had an informative function and made it possible to distinguish friends from others.

Some researchers explain the appearance of the Russian kokoshnik by the attempt of the Slavic tribes to imitate the shape of the heads of the Sarmatian nomads.


Members of many societies are characterized by the desire to designate their belonging to them, irreversibly changing their appearance. However, it is much easier to do this with the help of color or scar tattoos, by changing the shape of the ears, nose or other ethnic self-inflicted mutilation. Changing the shape of the skull in children is too difficult and dangerous.

Moreover, studies of the Sarmatian burials have shown that the deformed skulls found in them in the same way belong to different anthropological types. That is, the special shape of the head could not speak of belonging to a particular tribe, which contradicts the initial assumption. Perhaps she testified to belonging to a certain union of tribes.

“However, the theory of marking with the help of deformation of the skull belonging to a certain union of tribes, again, does not explain why such a practice has become widespread in almost all territories of the Earth,” says Mikhail Penegov. - Therefore, I believe, the question of the reasons for the artificial deformation of the head shape should be considered open. In my opinion, this is one of the most intriguing questions of historical anthropology.

Interestingly, the fashion for an elongated skull has not disappeared without a trace. She left many traces in a variety of cultures, including the Russian one.

“Some researchers explain the appearance of the Russian kokoshnik by the attempt of Slavic tribes to imitate the shape of the heads of the conquerors - nomad Sarmatians,” says historian Ivan Silantyev. - And it is no coincidence that kokoshniks became a part of a woman's costume. According to the testimony of the ancient Greek historian Herodotus, women in the Sarmatian tribes had a higher social status than that of other ancient peoples.

They took an active part in public life and sacred rituals, even fought on a par with men. Herodotus explained this by the fact that the Sarmatians descended from the marriages of the Scythians and the legendary Amazons. Modern historians see the explanation for the high status of women among the Sarmatians in the traces of matriarchy.

Moreover, many researchers suggest that initially the deformation of the skulls was practiced exclusively among Sarmatian women, the heads of men were quite normal in shape. And the kokoshnik, as an accessory to the female costume, has preserved the memory of this feature.