Megaliths Speak. Part 11 - Alternative View

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Megaliths Speak. Part 11 - Alternative View
Megaliths Speak. Part 11 - Alternative View

Video: Megaliths Speak. Part 11 - Alternative View

Video: Megaliths Speak. Part 11 - Alternative View

- Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 -

Do you think it is possible to lie without uttering a single word of untruth? Easy!

Megalith, why do you have such big teeth?

Here is a simple example: -

A man on a train is returning from a business trip. Suddenly, a slender female leg hung from the top shelf. We met, drank, woke up at the hotel.

Telegram to his wife: - “I was driving on the train, my leg turned up. I’m lying in the hotel, kissing, hugging”.

Question: The man said even a word of untruth? Answer: - No.

Promotional video:

Second question: Did he lie? The answer is obvious.

Yes. It happens. You can lie by telling only the truth. Take Cologne Cathedral, for example (German: Kölner Dom) Roman Catholic Gothic cathedral in the city of Cologne. Historians convince us that the construction of the main church of the Cologne Archdiocese was carried out in two stages - in 1248-1437. and in the years 1842-1880. That is, first, 189 years, and then, after a break of 405 years, another 38 years (in total, it took 227 years to build), and … voila:


So are historians lying to us? It may well be that they are lying. If only because, in fact, the cathedral was completed only in 1974. True, it is officially believed that this was the year of the end of the restoration work, to eliminate damage to the building during the Second World War. But so be it. Let's go back to the dates.

It is difficult to imagine a long-term construction, stretching for 189 years, even for a Soviet person, who is accustomed to using the concept of “long-term construction,” and even then, with difficulty. After all, what is not completed by one generation is never completed by another. It is a fact. During this period, at least eight generations of builders had to change. How could they achieve the execution of the first architect's idea?

Okay. We will attribute it to the "national character" of disciplined and purposeful Germans, and with a big stretch we will accept this as the truth. But a break of 405 years … Have you seen what becomes of a building if it is not maintained for at least twenty years? Here's something. And if the building is located in the city center, then it is dismantled for household needs within six months maximum.

So it turns out that historians are not lying. The cathedral could actually have been founded in 1248, but it was most likely an ordinary church. And to present the modern Cologne Cathedral as a long-liver almost eight centuries old, you really need to be desperate … Most likely, the most "ancient" detail of the cathedral's structure is in the foundation, and it was laid in its place no earlier than the middle of the nineteenth century. But … There is a cathedral on medieval engravings, there are references in the chronicles, and there is no denying the "truth". Although in fact, the cathedral is, of course, a remake.

The fact that even a stone, it turns out, is not eternal, makes you wonder how the details of structures and marble statues could have survived in the open air? After all, it is an extremely unstable mineral to the external environment. It is well stored at the bottom of the sea, hidden in the earth, or indoors. In the open air, marble turns into spongy, dirty crumbling stone after two hundred years. Where does so much marble in perfect condition all over Europe come from, as if it had been carved out of a monolith just yesterday?

This is not the funniest question. The question of American and Australian "antiquity" sounds much funnier. We are told: - do not confuse ancient Europe, and the new world, where buildings only imitated antiquity, but were created in the nineteenth century. How did Europe differ from the new world? All over the world they created pseudo-antiquity, and only the old world passed this fever? And in Russia, why did they slurp cabbage soup with bast shoes?

The answer is simple. In any city in Russia there are a lot of buildings that could be safely attributed to some century BC, on the grounds that they have all the signs of ancient culture. But they were all created in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and there is no point in refuting this. And it was at this time that not the most prosperous time fell for the Russian Empire. In such a huge country, which, moreover, is constantly shaken by wars and internal conflicts, there was much to do besides the reconstruction of architectural objects and rewriting of history.

"Antiquity" from the assembly line

At a time when the extermination of peoples was in full swing in Russia, Europe was creating "monuments of ancient culture." Buildings, structures, sculptures were produced on an industrial scale. Was organized practically conveyor production of counterfeits, passed off as the heritage of the oldest enlightened Western civilization.

Reconstruction of the Abbey of Saint Germain in the Dardennes (Germany) 1949
Reconstruction of the Abbey of Saint Germain in the Dardennes (Germany) 1949

Reconstruction of the Abbey of Saint Germain in the Dardennes (Germany) 1949

Pay attention to what the walls were made of earlier, and what building materials were brought in for "restoration". There were primitive cobblestones, but they were replaced by modern blocks, cut in the quarry with modern tools.

This is what it looks like today
This is what it looks like today

This is what it looks like today.

Man is a very strange creature. He loves to be misled. Moreover, he deceives himself and receives some inexplicable, unnatural satisfaction from this. Any fairy tale, even an outright lie, seems to him dearer than reality. With his own eyes, a person sees that even during his short life, a brick, for example, literally collapses into dust, but at the same time he willingly believes in the centuries-old history of monumental architectural creations, from the original appearance of which only names and locations remain.

But is it really possible to consider the date of the construction of this, concrete structure - the date of the first appearance of something on this place? Is it not clear that this is a hoax? In fact, what stands out as a building of the fifteenth century was built practically in our time, when many of our parents were already born, in the thirties of the twentieth century!

Stone cutting workshop. Germany 1916
Stone cutting workshop. Germany 1916

Stone cutting workshop. Germany 1916

Maybe the master creates a modern finishing element for him? Or pseudo-baroque? Not. He imitates the "antique" element of the design, which at the first stage will be perceived as an imitation, in the name of fashion for everything "ancient Greek" and "ancient Roman", but after one or two generations everyone will perceive his creation as nothing less than genuine antiquity.

Great Britain. 20s
Great Britain. 20s

Great Britain. 20s.

Guest workers from the east build the Reichstag for the true Aryans in 1890
Guest workers from the east build the Reichstag for the true Aryans in 1890

Guest workers from the east build the Reichstag for the true Aryans in 1890.

Industrial production & quot; antique & quot; decor in Portland. 1930
Industrial production & quot; antique & quot; decor in Portland. 1930

Industrial production & quot; antique & quot; decor in Portland. 1930

We are convinced that Notre Dame Cathedral was built in the XII century, but what did it look like at that time? Who saw him? And who saw the Great Wall of China before the middle of the 20th century? No one. It's good that photography was invented after all. And thanks to her, you can finally open your eyes, and cool the ardor of fans of Western enlightened civilization. After all, everything turns out the other way around. At a time when Russia was the brilliant St. Petersburg, European capitals looked more than provincial, about which there is a lot of information recorded by Russian travelers who visited Europe before the second half of the nineteenth century.


This is how Notre Dame de Paris was created. The current cathedral was not created in the twelfth century, and not by peasants with chisels.

Construction & quot; medieval & quot; Anglican Church in Liverpool. 1930
Construction & quot; medieval & quot; Anglican Church in Liverpool. 1930

Construction & quot; medieval & quot; Anglican Church in Liverpool. 1930

Transportation of marble. Carrara, Italy, 1902
Transportation of marble. Carrara, Italy, 1902

Transportation of marble. Carrara, Italy, 1902

Quarry # 9 in the UK
Quarry # 9 in the UK

Quarry # 9 in the UK.


The scale of production is impressive. It becomes clear how the “ancient Greeks” could have carved so many columns of ideal shape without a single trace left by a percussion instrument. Everything turns out to be simple. Very simple. If you do not have your own antiquity - create, and call it antiquity.

Belgium 1930
Belgium 1930

Belgium 1930

1930 Brussels. The stonecutter creates a masterpiece of Gothic decor
1930 Brussels. The stonecutter creates a masterpiece of Gothic decor

1930 Brussels. The stonecutter creates a masterpiece of Gothic decor.

Brussels. 1930
Brussels. 1930

Brussels. 1930

Of course, even today in Brussels, no one will convince you that all this beauty was created in the sixteenth century. However, I repeat, this is how man is made. He tends to perceive greatness and monumentality at the subconscious level, as something eternal, unshakable, always existing.

1894 Ancient Greece production
1894 Ancient Greece production

1894 Ancient Greece production.

Hazlebury quarry. The Anglo-Saxons were in a great hurry, so they did not skimp on industrial equipment
Hazlebury quarry. The Anglo-Saxons were in a great hurry, so they did not skimp on industrial equipment

Hazlebury quarry. The Anglo-Saxons were in a great hurry, so they did not skimp on industrial equipment.

Nothing special. Just a pneumatic hammer
Nothing special. Just a pneumatic hammer

Nothing special. Just a pneumatic hammer.

And cranes too …
And cranes too …

And cranes too …

Blocks? Counterweights? Why, not the Stone Age & hellip
Blocks? Counterweights? Why, not the Stone Age & hellip

Blocks? Counterweights? Why, not the Stone Age & hellip;

Pupils of Auguste Rodin
Pupils of Auguste Rodin

Pupils of Auguste Rodin.

What? Did you think Rodin lived in the Middle Ages? No, he died in 1917.

1926 Antiquity on a conveyor belt
1926 Antiquity on a conveyor belt

1926 Antiquity on a conveyor belt.

Lathe for granite
Lathe for granite

Lathe for granite.

Pneumatic angle grinder. (Bulgarian)
Pneumatic angle grinder. (Bulgarian)

Pneumatic angle grinder. (Bulgarian).

The most amazing thing is that some samples of equipment used to produce "lime" antique and Gothic elements of building structures have survived to this day. Here's what US enthusiasts discovered in the abandoned Redstone quarry in New Hampshire. The quarry supplied construction and decoration stone from the early nineteenth century until 1948 when it was closed.


And the fooled tourists, meanwhile, walk with their mouths open in Brussels, Cologne and Paris, lifting their heads up, and wondering how the ancient Europeans overtook the development of the rest of humanity? How did they manage to build such a thing without tools, machines and construction equipment !?

No way! The Europeans were no different from the Chinese, Russians or Indians. They just turned out to be quicker. Their territory is small, and there are more than enough workers. Here is the result. But after all, Europeans still do not know that they possess genuine treasures, much more significant than fake antiquity. But we will talk about them later. We have figured out the origin of only some of the stones, but there are also those among them that are not clear where they came from.

Continued: Part 12.

Author: kadykchanskiy