The Riddle Of The Nikolo-Mozhaisky Temple. Continuation Of - Alternative View

The Riddle Of The Nikolo-Mozhaisky Temple. Continuation Of - Alternative View
The Riddle Of The Nikolo-Mozhaisky Temple. Continuation Of - Alternative View

Video: The Riddle Of The Nikolo-Mozhaisky Temple. Continuation Of - Alternative View

Video: The Riddle Of The Nikolo-Mozhaisky Temple. Continuation Of - Alternative View

Hello, friends. Probably, it would be interesting what kind of secret the St. Nicholas-Mozhaisky temple kept in itself.

As we remember, the question was in the incomprehensible constructions, standing somewhere near the altar of the temple.


A very strange design at first glance. On top there are ordinary lamp containers, no one doubts this fact. Logically, if there are ordinary candles nearby, this design could not produce any other effect. But why did the lamp container have to be placed on stands? The riddle would be from the category of unsolved, if a little earlier from one reader (many thanks) there would not have been a photo of an incomprehensible lamp.


Anyone can view it in the house-museum of the Arkhangelskoye estate. Now take a close look at her and at the photo of an incomprehensible structure in the temple. Well, find the similarities.

The similarities actually lie on the surface, they do not need to be viewed with a magnifying glass. The first is strange short-circuited loops around small containers. In one case, they were in the middle, in the other - at the bottom. The fact that they are now below does not say anything, this exhibit is of venerable age, and it is quite possible that these turns were bent back. The second is some kind of metallic connection between these small containers and some kind of central barrel. In the temple structure, this is the lower part of the tubes that fit into the candlestick; in the lamp, these are two tubes soldered to the central container. In both cases, these were clearly not communicating vessels for fluid, judging by the level. In both cases, on the tops of small containers, there were some bowls, in which, obviously, a fire was burning.

From the point of view of modern physics, it looks like a complete absurdity, but these things were originally intended to be in a space closed on all sides by metal bonds converging on the dome. What phenomena were observed there is discussed in sufficient detail here. In one case it was a temple, in another case it was a house with an individual dome system. What happened when we found our structures in such a space?

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Inside space, there were strong fluctuations in the electric field, induced by the potential of metal bonds. They were transferred to metal structures, in the case of a temple - to a floor candlestick, in the case of a lamp - to a central container. When a substance concentrating ether was in small containers, significant circular currents arose in short-circuited loops caused by changes in the electric field. As a result, the glass bowl with the liquid fell into the zone of action of strong changing fields. And what was the result?

Actually, nothing more than cold combustion. This is how one explains the fact that there are no wicks in glass bowls. With a special composition of the liquid in the bowls, you can get a fairly bright flame, the intensity of which will depend on the fluctuations of the electric field in the surrounding space. There is a lot of information in the sources that this is exactly the very blessed fire about which there are so many rumors. Nowadays, by the blessed fire they mean ordinary fire. In addition, this source of fire in many ancient writings is called the Burning Bush. This name is given from the biblical plant, which burned, and at the same time did not burn and did not emit heat. Actually, this plant is shown in the main picture. That's the whole secret.

All the best, see you again.

PS The temple, apparently, was demolished to zero for nothing. Judging by the photo, the electricity worked well in it, a lot of objects talk about this. And it was not for nothing that the icon at the entrance was framed with a star made of cut pipes. On the sharp edges (in the slots), a cold discharge formed, which illuminated the icon and made a very unusual bewitching effect. Maybe it was the same holy spirit.

PPS Friends, no one coped with the competition of the cheerful and resourceful, no one could even come up with an approximate version of the purpose of these devices. Yes, not that this version, any other did not even suggest. On this comment now to each other, I will not care, but you are pleased. As there is a classic, and you, friends, do not sit down … in general, no offense.