Highway Killer Ghosts - Alternative View

Highway Killer Ghosts - Alternative View
Highway Killer Ghosts - Alternative View

Video: Highway Killer Ghosts - Alternative View

Video: Highway Killer Ghosts - Alternative View
Video: Ghosts of Highway 20 - COMPLETE SERIES 2024, July

The dead often return to their places of death, and on highways, as we all know, thousands of people die. People have long noticed that ghosts love to be on highways, and experienced drivers often talk about mysterious phenomena on the highways. This time, the paranormal news came from the Australian roads.

Australian publications report on the mysterious Wakehurst Parkway. This road connects the towns of Seafors and Narrabin in New South Wales. Drivers are afraid to drive on this highway, as evil spirits are regularly encountered on it, which provoke fatal accidents. Locals say that these are the spirits of women who died on this route. Hundreds of unexplained phenomena have occurred on the Wakehurst Parkway. In cars, doors open randomly, an alarm goes off, the electronics fail. The radio in cars may turn on by itself.

According to local legend, the first of the two ghosts is the spirit of a Scottish nun who was shot down on this road in the sixties of the last century. The second ghost is nineteen-year-old Kelly, who was killed here in the seventies. The girl hitchhiked, one man gave her a lift, raped and killed her here.

Eyewitnesses say that both ghosts appear in the rearview mirrors. There is even information that their forms appear on the screens of on-board computers. It is noteworthy that women died on these roads several decades ago, but why did paranormal activity begin to manifest itself only now?