Reincarnation. The Journey Of The Soul In Time - Alternative View

Reincarnation. The Journey Of The Soul In Time - Alternative View
Reincarnation. The Journey Of The Soul In Time - Alternative View

Video: Reincarnation. The Journey Of The Soul In Time - Alternative View

Video: Reincarnation. The Journey Of The Soul In Time - Alternative View
Video: Find Out How Many Lives You Have Lived Based On Your Birthday 2024, July

Is there life after death, and what is it? This question has been of interest to people for many generations. At different times and among different peoples, their own religious ideas were drawn up about what happens to a person after his soul leaves the body.


One of these beliefs was the transmigration of the soul of a deceased person into a new body. The most ancient religions, which took this position as a basis, are now professed by many people, and they are based on reincarnation.

Reincarnation is a Latin term that means "re-entry into flesh and blood." The most common beliefs about the transmigration of souls in China, Japan, India. There are ancient traditions dedicated to the search for a new incarnation of man. In Tibet, the future spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, is elected according to this principle.


After the death of the previous spiritual mentor, sometimes for several years a search is conducted for a child born around the day of the death of the Dalai Lama. For example, in 1937, the boy who was destined to become the XIV Dalai Lama was recognized as the reincarnation of the previous one after the child was shown several things, and he unmistakably chose those that belonged to his predecessor.

Usually, memories of previous lives are characteristic only of very young children who have not lost their astral connections with the subtle world; adults can tell about such phenomena, being in a state of hypnosis.


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In 1927, Frederick Wood, a psychiatrist, was interested in a little girl named Rosemary from Blackpool, who began to speak in an unknown strange language, and at the same time reported that she was mentally communicating with a woman who lived in Ancient Egypt during the time of Amenhotep III. According to her, this woman was formerly a princess from Babylon, and Rosemary herself was her servant.

In an attempt to escape the revenge of the priests, the women drowned in the Nile while fleeing. The psychiatrist recorded several thousand phrases by ear and sent them to the study of Howard Hulm, an Egyptologist. It turned out that the language spoken by Rosemary did indeed have ancient Egyptian roots. The assumption that the girl herself learned these hieroglyphs disappears, since the child quickly answered questions, which took the Egyptologist a little less than a day to prepare.


The case, described by another researcher, Stevenson, concerns a Lebanese boy, Emad Elawar. Once Emad recognized in a stranger his neighbor, with whom he lived next to in a previous life. He also gave a description of items from the house, which he said was his earlier. To the surprise of the boy's parents, when visiting the dwelling where Emad had never been before, the things indicated by the boy really turned out to be.

Another amazing, but, nevertheless, documented story relates to a child born in 1979 in China, in the Hainan province. The boy, at the age of three, told his parents that he had a different name, different parents, and that he had lived in a different place earlier. It was rather strange that the child spoke very well in the dialect of the Danzhou area, where he said he was born in a past life.


Three years later, the parents succumbed to the persuasion of their son, and went there with him. The child found his former home, named his sisters, relatives, and even recognized his ex-girlfriend. After detailed investigations, the amazing story was found to be true. More recent events date back to 2006, when Cameron, a six-year-old boy from Britain, began to talk about how he used to live with a different mom and in a different house on the seashore. The child missed his former family so much that his mother agreed to go there with him.

Arriving by plane to the Isle of Barra (coast of Scotland), it was indeed possible to find the house in which Cameron used to live, and its description exactly corresponded to the stories of the child. However, to all appearances, its former owners have long since died. After this trip, the boy became much calmer.

According to experts, memories of a past life fade over time, and are covered with real life events. These unique phenomena can also be attributed to the games of the subconscious, to genetic memory, but the most reliable answer to the question why children sometimes speak forgotten languages and remember their past life can be only one - reincarnation.