Reincarnation: Born Twice - Alternative View

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Reincarnation: Born Twice - Alternative View
Reincarnation: Born Twice - Alternative View

Video: Reincarnation: Born Twice - Alternative View

Video: Reincarnation: Born Twice - Alternative View
Video: Find Out How Many Lives You Have Lived Based On Your Birthday 2024, July

The great religions of the East - Buddhism and Hinduism - teach that with the death of a person, only the material substance - his body - turns into dust. The true content of the human essence - its spirit, soul - consistently passes into new, replacing bodily shells and each time lives a new earthly life, but already in the image of a completely different personality. Such reincarnation, the rebirth of the soul in another body is called reincarnation and, from the point of view of these religions, is the main law that determines the purpose of a person.

World celebrities believed in her

The conviction in the existence of reincarnation was expressed at different times by many famous personalities.

The ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras, who lived in the 6th century BC, said that in one of the temples he saw a shield, with which in his previous incarnation, as Euphorbes, he fought during the Trojan War 300 years ago.

The outstanding German writer and thinker Johann Wolfgang Goethe argued that he had previously lived at the turn of the 1st century A. D., in the era of the Roman emperor Hadrian, and therefore he was so attracted by everything ancient Roman.

“To be born twice is no more surprising than once: everything in nature is subject to the law of rebirth,” said the great French philosopher and educator Marie François Arouet, aka Voltaire. He is echoed by the genius physicist, the creator of the theory of relativity, Albert Einstein: "Science cannot give absolutely reliable arguments against the idea of eternal return."

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Meeting of veterans of the war with the Indians

Many people, under the influence of hypnosis, return to their previous incarnations, sometimes in very distant times.

Thus, the American parapsychologist and clairvoyant Edgar Cayce, during a hypnotic session, described in detail the ancient civilization that flourished in Peru even before the Inca era. Subsequently, archaeological excavations have confirmed the existence of such a civilization. In another session, Casey recounted how he and a young soldier were once sitting on the banks of a river during a war with the Indians. Both were hungry, but Casey had no food, and the soldier shared bread with him.

Some time after this session, a boy of about five suddenly ran up to Casey, who was sitting in a hairdresser in Virginia Beach, and with a joyful smile climbed onto his lap. The boy's father was surprised at his act and told him to leave the stranger's uncle alone.

“But I know him,” the kid protested.

- Once we were sitting together on the bank of the river, and we both really wanted to eat …

Past lives of children

In the 70s of the 20th century, a sensation swept the world: 12-year-old Elena Marquard from West Berlin, waking up after a serious injury, spoke fluently in Italian, which she did not know before. At the same time, the girl claimed that her name was Rosetta Castellani, she was from Italy and was born in 1887. When the girl was taken to the address indicated by her, the door was opened by Rosetta's daughter, who died in 1917. Elena recognized her and exclaimed: "Here is my daughter Fransa!"

In 1926, in the capital of India, Delhi, a girl was born - Shanti-Devi. At the age of three, she began to talk about her past life. She was allegedly born in 1902, lived in the city of Mutta, and her name was Dugli. Having married the merchant Kader Nath, she bore him a son who died. When Shanti was 10 years old, her parents found out that a man named Kader Nath really existed. He came to the Shanti family with his relative. The girl recognized both. Then she was taken to Mutta. On the way, a specially organized commission monitored Shanti's behavior. At the station, Shanti recognized another relative of Kader Nat. She said that in her former life, money was hidden somewhere in her house. No money was found, but Shanti insisted on her way. Finally, Kader Nath remembered that he found this money after the death of his wife and hid it. But what surprised those around them most was that Shanti,for the first time in a foreign city for her, she spoke in the local dialect.

Secrets of the subconscious of adults

Adults in a state of hypnosis behave differently. The head of the British Hypnotherapy Society, Dr. Bloxham, during hypnotic sessions asked his patients to tell him about their past, including their previous life. He has recorded over 400 such stories on a tape recorder. Bloxham emphasizes that his patients did not just remember, but relive past events. At the same time, they completely changed. So, a certain Graham Hustable, a courteous and respectable gentleman, suddenly turned into a sailor-gunner who served on an English frigate of the Napoleonic Wars era. His voice became low and hoarse, a certain accent appeared. As he spoke, he inserted rough language into his speech, while he was now and then seized by bouts of violent coughing. Hasable the gunner gave such details from the life and life of sailors of those times,which are unknown to modern people. However, employees of the Greenwich Maritime Museum confirmed their accuracy.

Newborn with a bullet in the chest

The sensational story, in which the fact of reincarnation is confirmed by material evidence, took place in France. In 1993, this was reported by many media outlets. Here is what the famous French pediatric surgeon Anre Meino said at the International Scientific Conference in Brussels:

“An American family in Paris gave birth to a premature baby with circulatory disorders. We established that congenital heart disease requires surgery, but we decided to wait until the baby gains weight and strength. The operation was done when he was six months old. After opening the chest, a metal object was found near the aorta. How he got there, no one could understand. The item was seized and handed over for examination. Experts have established that this is, without a doubt, a bullet fired from a musket 200 years ago, probably during the American Revolutionary War. It is not possible to logically explain what happened. Our assumptions are purely metaphysical, paranormal, and it would be inappropriate to present them at a scientific symposium."

Members of the French Society of Parapsychologists became interested in this message. They stated that they were able to establish contact with the spirit of a 19-year-old American soldier, who died in 1775 from a bullet in the chest, and that 200 years later, the spirit of the young man was to be reborn in the body of a newborn.

Today science is unable to explain the phenomenon of reincarnation based on the well-known laws of physics.

Important document

In October 1983, the English physician Joe Keaton received a document confirming the reality of the phenomenon of reincarnation. It was a copy of Reuben John Stafford's death certificate on April 2, 1879.

Ray Bryant, Keaton's patient, has already talked about some of his previous lives under hypnosis. During one of the sessions, Bryant reported that he was Ruben Stafford, wounded during the Crimean War of 1853-1856, in which England fought against Russia. At the same time, Bryant listed in detail the medications that were used to treat him by the "Flo-ri girls" - nurses who worked under the direction of the nurse Florence Nightingale. Stafford also mentioned his home in Preston, Lancashire. And when, under the influence of hypnosis, Brian imitated the death of Stafford, then her character exactly corresponded to what was written in the testimony. Stafford's track record was also tracked down, which also confirmed the accuracy of Bryant's stories.

Bryant himself commented on his amazing transformation as follows:

“I don’t know if I, now living on earth like Ray Bryant, was once Ruben Stafford. But perhaps I have a part of it. Probably, the whole point is that a person's consciousness does not die with him. Some part of it remains to live."

Magazine: Secrets of the 20th century №35. Author: Vadim Ilyin