3 Reasons For The Concealment Of The Real History By The Egyptian Authorities - Alternative View

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3 Reasons For The Concealment Of The Real History By The Egyptian Authorities - Alternative View
3 Reasons For The Concealment Of The Real History By The Egyptian Authorities - Alternative View

Video: 3 Reasons For The Concealment Of The Real History By The Egyptian Authorities - Alternative View

Video: 3 Reasons For The Concealment Of The Real History By The Egyptian Authorities - Alternative View
Video: Drones Take You Inside Hidden World Live 2024, July

1. Protection and prohibition of access to some objects

This point is the most important proof of the concealment of the real story, because it cannot be otherwise explained.

Few people know that in Egypt there are many facilities that are guarded by armed forces reporting directly to the authorities. I repeat once again, we are not talking about simple overseers of order, but about armed people who let anyone into the restricted area.

Where have you seen a lot of archaeological sites to be guarded by the military? So not only do they not let anyone in, they still do not say anything.


Those structures and objects to which access is officially open are only the tip of the iceberg, because the more mysterious finds are strictly classified.

The presence of the military shows the serious level of secrecy and the attitude of the Egyptian authorities to the real ancient history. If they didn’t know anything, then what is the point of guarding ancient stones so well?

And not only protect, but also carefully hide them from everyone. For a while, I myself thought it was nonsense that Egypt could hide such important information. But when you immerse yourself in studying the issue in more detail, you begin to realize the scale of everything that is happening.

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For example, when you are not allowed into an ancient dungeon by a couple of military men without explanation. In addition, there is no information about the object.

2. First research and unlimited access

When modern archeology was just beginning to emerge, people were not afraid to make the most daring assumptions. Thus, the first archaeologists calmly dated the same Osirion to the 8-10th millennium BC, calling it the oldest object in Egypt.

Already 200 years ago, some scientists understood that the Egyptian civilization was built on top of an older and unknown one for us.

It seems to me that at some point a special group or organization was created to study this mysterious civilization. Officially, they decided to hide everything, and began to study the truth on their own.

All this has turned into a multitude of restricted areas and archaeological sites by our time. I may be wrong at some points, but I am sure of the general concept.

If some alternative researchers were able to find out and notice so many interesting things with disabilities, then what about real scientists with unlimited access?

3. Artifacts that are not shown to us

Since the Egyptian authorities were the first to gain access to full-fledged research, it was they who found the most interesting artifacts. Among such artifacts, there could be found both descriptions of the ancient gods in terms of civilization, and real man-made objects.

The fact that the Egyptian authorities are hiding many finds and objects is no longer speculation, but a real fact. Since they hide large objects, why couldn't they hide small man-made artifacts?


Well, or more mysterious finds, the existence of which is difficult even to explain. Although all these are my assumptions, they were not invented from scratch, but based on the available facts.

It is logical to imagine that if they can hide a huge underground complex, then the artifacts from it too? And what prevented from hiding artifacts a hundred years ago, when there were all the possibilities for this? Nothing.

With this article, I want to convey to you that the Egyptian authorities are clearly hiding something, but it is very difficult to understand the scale and importance of these secrets.