The Eternal War Between Hell And Paradise - Alternative View

The Eternal War Between Hell And Paradise - Alternative View
The Eternal War Between Hell And Paradise - Alternative View

Video: The Eternal War Between Hell And Paradise - Alternative View

Video: The Eternal War Between Hell And Paradise - Alternative View
Video: Dante's.Inferno.Animated.2010 full movie 2024, July

Religion is a necessary phenomenon for almost any person, because the fear of the unknown, namely the fear of death, can drive anyone crazy. Religious denominations have evolved over the millennia. Religion taught people to live according to universal human morality. But people have never followed religious precepts. That is why bloody and extremely cruel wars were fought for the faith. In the Middle Ages, because of faith, brilliant scientists, people seeking knowledge and simply beautiful girls were destroyed. People have turned religious teachings into something terrible. However, this was not always the case.

A long time ago, people tried in every possible way to follow dogmas in everything, for they firmly believed in the inevitability of divine punishment. The world in those days was much quieter. But even then, in all religious teachings, there was an idea of enmity, or even an eternal war between the Heavenly Kingdom and the Kingdom of the Dead. But how was this war fought then and how is it being fought now?

At the dawn of humanity, such a war was fought exclusively between representatives of higher powers, that is, between angels and demons. But from time to time I had to persuade people to one side or the other. Most likely, with the development of mankind and the growth of its numbers, the competition for the souls of mortals between Heaven and Hell reached such a scale that it was necessary to actively intervene in the affairs of mortals. This is how the first crusades began. Blood flowed like a river. The souls of the righteous rushed to Paradise in a stream, and the souls of sinners fell like a waterfall on Hell. After all such wars, there was a relative calm. Many speculate that the competition has eased significantly due to the fact that there are too many souls.

But the calm did not last long. From time to time, the righteous and sinners appeared who took power in the mortal kingdoms into their own hands. And it all started again, but on a local scale. Wise monarchs helped their people in every possible way, but cruel tyrants brought peoples to a very deplorable state. You can even remember Count Vlad Dracula. Is a common man capable of such cruelty? Many researchers and exorcists believe, not without reason, that the count made a deal with the devil and gave him his soul.

Terrible wars have rocked the world throughout its history. But there were plenty of victims in peacetime. In medieval Europe, the Catholic Church did not do the most righteous deeds. Beautiful girls were destroyed, because according to the position of the church - if beautiful, then a witch. Scientists were destroyed, because the church was afraid of knowledge. Everyone who was drawn to knowledge was injured, because for the Catholic Church it was a direct threat. The Holy Inquisition brutally tortured and tortured many righteous people. Cruel and inhuman executions violated every conceivable and inconceivable holy commandment. It is likely that the leadership of the Catholic Church, led by the Pope, was captured by the devil. Their souls belonged to the Underworld and served evil. The Russian Society of Exorcists believesthat it was at this time that demonic forces took the most risky step in the entire history of the war between Heaven and Hell. After all, the seizure of the church leadership could not go unnoticed, but it gave a huge number of souls.

Everything is changing, including the church. Over time, the official position of the Catholic Church has changed for the better. A boom in knowledge and art began. Over time, the industrialization of society began. This lasted until the 20th century. The First World War was a terrible event. She destroyed the entire existing world. An incredible number of people died, and many states, including the Russian Empire, ceased to exist. Civil wars swept across countries, only one such war in Russia claimed more than 10 million lives! It is scary to imagine what an influx of souls the forces of light and the forces of evil received.

If we are so much like our Creator, then it is logical to assume that for the higher powers - souls, this is primarily a business. That is why higher powers periodically provide support to people. After all, alone against the Underworld, we mere mortals cannot withstand. But the First World War was not the end. Perhaps the Demons appreciated the benefits of world wars and began to prepare the next one. Adolf Hitler was obsessed with the idea of the nation, all over the world his troops were looking for religious artifacts, and special units were performing occult rituals. All this is already a historical and absolutely proven fact. Hitler was possessed by a Demon. Without any pity, he created death camps and exterminated hundreds of thousands of people there. But at first, people were driven to complete despair. Most of all, it looks like mass sacrifices.

The Second World War was the bloodiest in the entire human history. However, despite the fact that Hitler was supported by demonic forces - Nazi Germany lost the war. This has a perfectly logical explanation. It is known that the leadership of the Soviet Union prohibited religion in every possible way, which alienated people from God. And the symbol of the Red Army is a five-pointed star, nothing more than a pentagram. It turns out that the Soviet Union also enlisted the support of dark forces. It would have been a war to the point of complete annihilation if Heaven had not supported the Soviet citizens. Indeed, despite the ban on religion, most people did not betray the Faith.

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All this sounds incredible, but the unspoken law says that two accidents are a coincidence, and three chances are a pattern. All these events could not have been accidental, because a very obvious pattern is clearly traced in them! And if this pattern is correct, then humanity is doomed to eternal wars until the Heavens gain a complete and final victory over the Underworld. However, so far the world is on the verge of a new world war, and banned terrorist groups are purposefully destroying all religious shrines, which allows us to conclude that very soon Heaven will again converge in a battle with the forces of Hell, and we will find ourselves in the center of this war.
