Hospital Beelitz-Heilstätten. Germany - Alternative View

Hospital Beelitz-Heilstätten. Germany - Alternative View
Hospital Beelitz-Heilstätten. Germany - Alternative View

Video: Hospital Beelitz-Heilstätten. Germany - Alternative View

Video: Hospital Beelitz-Heilstätten. Germany - Alternative View
Video: Beelitz,госпиталь 20.05.2019 2024, July

40 kilometers from Berlin, in the city of Beelitz, you can find an amazing structure - the Beelitz-Heilstätten hospital. Once upon a time, patients were treated here, doctors and nurses went, but today the hospital is completely abandoned.

During the First and Second World War, the hospital was used by the military, and in 1916 Adolf Hitler himself was treated there. After World War II, the hospital found itself in the zone of Soviet occupation and became the largest Soviet hospital outside the USSR.

Now the vast territory of Beelitz-Heilstätten, on which there are dozens of dilapidated hospital buildings, has long been overgrown with trees and shrubs, so it is easy to get lost here.


All valuable items and equipment have long been looted. A place that has seen a lot of human suffering and death, in addition, desecrated by marauders and vandals, has an extremely negative atmosphere. From abandoned buildings and emanates gloom and longing.

When examining the interior of the hospital, sometimes strangers are heard in the sound of their steps. Extraneous rustles and the feeling that someone is watching you cause indescribable anxiety.


To this day, in some walls, by casual visitors, there are hidden soldiers' letters home. The paper has long been damp, the ink has blurred and the content has become unreadable. This raises only one question: why and from whom did the wounded military hide their letters?

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Unfortunately, it will not be possible to establish the veracity of all the events that took place on the territory of the hospital. The archival information is classified, perhaps even destroyed, and there are no living witnesses left. Only silent time knows the answers to all questions.


The longer you stay in Beelitz-Heilstätten, the more you feel depressed and tired, especially if you explore it alone. There is no doubt that the hospital absorbs living energy and has a strange effect on the psyche.

When the wind brings human voices from the outside, it is worth praying that these are just regular tourists. It so happens that in the next room of the ruins you hear an extraneous whisper, and when you go in, you see only a dusty, cluttered room. And not a single living soul. At such moments, the heart is ready to jump out of the chest, and the legs become “wadded”.


There are many tales and horror stories about this place, and perhaps some of them are still true. They say that here you can see strange shadows that move by themselves and do not have an object that casts them.

In 2006, an Australian tourist posted a message on a social network that he was in the legendary Beelitz-Heilstätten and saw two completely different shadows falling on the wall from him. The elderly tourist did not have time to upload the photo - his body was found the next day. The medical report stated that the cause of death was a heart attack.


It is impossible to say with certainty what is true and what is not. But one thing is clear: it is better not to be alone on the territory of the hospital, and even more so not to stay after sunset. No one knows what can await a brave adventurer in the darkness that does not leave some corridors even in the daytime …