A Pack Of Wolves Helped A Woman In Childbirth - Alternative View

A Pack Of Wolves Helped A Woman In Childbirth - Alternative View
A Pack Of Wolves Helped A Woman In Childbirth - Alternative View

Video: A Pack Of Wolves Helped A Woman In Childbirth - Alternative View

Video: A Pack Of Wolves Helped A Woman In Childbirth - Alternative View
Video: Wolf pack rescued a pregnant woman in a forest in winter. What happened to her shocked everyone! 2024, July

Trapped in a snow trap, American Mary Kranik gave birth to a healthy baby weighing 3.4 kilograms. A pack of wolves helped her during childbirth, which, as it were, assisted during childbirth.

“They thought I was part of their pack,” recalls a 25-year-old secretary from Talkaetna, Alaska.

“If not for their concern, my baby would not have survived. The wolves kept us warm, licked the newborn, one of them bit the umbilical cord. Helped me to take the baby to feed. They guarded us until help came."

Mary Kranik was eight months pregnant when, returning home, she was caught in a terrible blizzard. The car pulled off the highway and got stuck in a snowdrift. Mary got out of the car, hoping that a "ride" would pick her up. But the blizzard was getting worse. The desperate woman decided to walk to the city. She barely climbed about 800 meters, and then she suddenly began labor pains.

Noticing a place nearby where there was less snow, Mary barely got there and lost consciousness due to pain and fear.

“I came to in a few minutes,” Mary recalls. “My head was lying on the back of a huge wolf, probably the leader of the pack. The rest of the wolves, and there were about nine of them, surrounded me in a tight ring, blocking me from the blizzard. I didn't even have time to get scared. In about 20 minutes I gave birth to a child. One she-wolf carefully gnawed the umbilical cord, and then licked the baby with her friend. The rest of the wolves pressed against Mary, warming her.

Mary tried to take the baby in her arms, but did not have enough strength. The same she-wolf, who gnawed through the umbilical cord, pushed the child towards her with her nose. The baby was crying, which meant that he was alive.

Mary gave him a breast. “The wolves were all the time near me, protecting them from a snowstorm with a dense wall. I was like a member of their pack, in need of help. The leader of the pack licked the snow and tears from my cheeks."

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Friends of Mary Kranik found an abandoned car and immediately began searching. Seeing a pack of wolves on the hillock, they decided that something terrible had happened. They started shooting.

The wolves scattered. And then a woman with a newborn child was discovered, leaning against a tree.

The wolves did not run away, they watched from a distance as people carried their ward into the car.

“They won't forget me,” Mary Kranik told reporters. “I’ll get out someday with my little Bill to that place. I'm sure they will come."

If it were not for the witnesses who found Mary surrounded by wolves, no one would have believed this story.

Foresters and hunters refuse to comment on this case - they have never heard of something like this. They dissuade the woman from meeting with "bloodthirsty" saviors. But Mary Kranik does not listen to persuasion and is waiting for a meeting.

Based on materials - “Friends and enemies of man”. O. V. Timchenko and V. B. Shapar