A Mummy With A Height Of 2.5 Meters, Found In The 19th Century. Could Giants Dwell On Earth? - Alternative View

A Mummy With A Height Of 2.5 Meters, Found In The 19th Century. Could Giants Dwell On Earth? - Alternative View
A Mummy With A Height Of 2.5 Meters, Found In The 19th Century. Could Giants Dwell On Earth? - Alternative View

Video: A Mummy With A Height Of 2.5 Meters, Found In The 19th Century. Could Giants Dwell On Earth? - Alternative View

Video: A Mummy With A Height Of 2.5 Meters, Found In The 19th Century. Could Giants Dwell On Earth? - Alternative View
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Our world is full of secrets and mysteries, and even modern scientists cannot answer many of the answers. Do we know everything about the history of our planet and what people were like thousands of years ago? Why is there a lot of evidence that giants, whose height was 3, 7, or even 15 meters, could live on our planet in ancient times?

The topic of the mysteries of mankind is very close to me and I try to find real evidence that giants could previously have lived on Earth, stories about which in the modern world are regarded as fairy tales and legends, but not reality. However, scientists confirm that earlier on our planet there were completely different conditions, and insects and plants could be many times larger than modern ones. So why couldn't giants exist on a par with giant animals and insects?

The living conditions on our planet have changed and this can explain the extinction of huge creatures and animals, they began to shrink, why is it difficult to allow this? And what about the finds that can prove this fact?

At the end of the 19th century, an Indian mummy was discovered in one of the caves of San Diego and it almost immediately became a real sensation for the scientific world and people who heard about the find from various sources. The height of the mummy found was 2 meters and 54 centimeters, but upon closer examination it turned out that during his lifetime a person reached a height of more than 2.74 meters.

If at first it was a sensation, then later scientists started talking about various cases when the height of people really is more than 2 meters, but such people are prone to numerous diseases, and therefore could not be common in ancient times. This is just a developmental pathology and a rare exception to the rule than proof of the existence of giants in antiquity.

The conclusions were more than strange, and some researchers of antiquity have the impression that in this way scientists are trying to hide the fact of the gigantism of people in the past, so as not to rewrite human history anew.


After the discovery of the giant mummy, the find was taken to the Smithsonian University, and later there was a conference of scientists at which the mummy was recognized as genuine. Those. not fake and hoax, as is often the case.

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Interestingly, after a short time, the giant's mummy disappeared, and scientists decided to take their words back and declared the mummy to be fake. Taking into account the fact that it was impossible to do a second study due to the loss of the mummy, many of the scientists' questions have disappeared by themselves. But it seems that scientists deliberately concealed this evidence. So maybe someone decided to "put pressure" on them, demanding to declare the find a hoax?

Maybe the world is not ready to accept such a history of our planet, and it is more profitable for scientists to declare such evidence as a deception than to admit the existence of giants? Agree that it's rather strange when scientific experts first talk about the authenticity of the mummy, and when it disappears, they take their words back. Some circus …

There is a possibility that the mummy is still in a private collection or secret repositories of artifacts that do not fit into the story they are trying to tell us.