Traces Of The Past. Part 1. Accidents Or Patterns? - Alternative View

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Traces Of The Past. Part 1. Accidents Or Patterns? - Alternative View
Traces Of The Past. Part 1. Accidents Or Patterns? - Alternative View

Video: Traces Of The Past. Part 1. Accidents Or Patterns? - Alternative View

Video: Traces Of The Past. Part 1. Accidents Or Patterns? - Alternative View
Video: Cambridge B1 Preliminary Speaking Exam - How to Do Parts 1-2 2024, July

Accident is a chain of undetected patterns, the ancient philosophers said. The search for these patterns allows us to lift the veil over the secrets of our past, present and future.

On our planet there are many mysterious traces of the past, the secret of which has not been solved. But the most amazing thing is that in different parts of the Earth they find exactly the same structures or artifacts, scientists find it difficult to explain the similarities between them.

These are pyramids, dolmens, menhirs, cromlechs, sphinxes, a cone symbol, images of a spiral, metal brackets in megaliths … ….


Pyramids are the most grandiose structures erected by mankind in the entire history of existence, lost in the darkness of time. All over the Earth, as if according to a single plan and precise calculations, almost simultaneously, grandiose structures were erected.


The locations of the pyramids have long been the birthplace and existence of various cults. In all centuries, people worshiped the pyramids, the special energy of their locations attracted people. The mystical rituals performed in the pyramids made these places sacred.

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Locations of the pyramids on Earth:

  • Eastern Hemisphere - Egypt, Tibet, China, Sudan, Japan, Bosnia, Korea, England, Mozambique, Morocco, Namibia, Australia.
  • Western Hemisphere - Mexico, Peru, Bermuda region, central Brazil, the seabed near Easter Island.


The Egyptian pyramids are an amazing example of geometric and mathematical mysticism. There are about 100 pyramids on the territory of Egypt, but the Giza pyramid complex, located on the left bank of the Nile near Cairo, is considered an unsurpassed wonder of the world: 3 large pyramids - Cheops, Khafre, Mikerin, 7 small pyramids - companions and the Great Sphinx.


The pyramids of Egypt are built from huge stone blocks weighing from 2.5 to 400 tons. The quarry, where stone blocks were mined for the construction of the pyramids of the Giza complex, is located in the area of the city of Aswan, almost 1000 km from the Pyramids of Giza.

The pyramids of Giza are an insoluble number puzzle. Ancient builders erected the Cheops pyramid with perfect engineering precision and symmetry. The pyramid is an example of the true squaring of the circle - a problem perfectly solved by the ancient architects who managed to build a square equal in size to the circle.


The main characteristics of the Great Pyramid of Giza - the pyramid of Cheops:

  • The initial height is 146.6 m.
  • The angle of inclination is 51 50 '.
  • The length of the side face is estimated (initially) - 230.3 m.
  • The length of the sides of the base of the pyramid: south - 230.45 m, north - 230.25 m, west - 230.35 m, east - 230.4 m.
  • The perimeter is 921.45 meters.
  • The average mass of stone blocks is 2.5 tons.
  • The heaviest stone block is 15 tons.
  • The number of blocks is about 2.5 million pieces.
  • The total weight of the pyramid is about 6.5 million tons.
I'm on the Giza plateau. August 20, 1996
I'm on the Giza plateau. August 20, 1996

I'm on the Giza plateau. August 20, 1996.

The design of the Great Pyramid is based on the proportion Phi = 1.618. The architects of the Pyramid embodied the fundamental principles of sacred geometry in stone:

  • The perimeter of the base of the Cheops pyramid, divided by twice the height, gives an approximation of the number "Pi" - 3.1415 … (921.45 / 2 * 146.6 = 3.142).
  • The perimeter of the base of the pyramid is equal to the length of the circle, the radius of which is equal to the height of the pyramid (2 * 3.14159 * 146.6 = 921).
  • The area of each of the pyramid's faces is equal to the square of its height.

The technologies of ancient civilizations for processing stone, moving huge objects and constructing colossal buildings far exceeded modern ones. Studying them, one can come to the conclusion that in the distant past there were civilizations on Earth that far surpassed us in terms of their development. Or maybe the technologies unsolved by mankind are "traces" of a highly developed extraterrestrial civilization?


The Mayan pyramids of Central America contain no less mysteries than the pyramids of Egypt.


The most mysterious are the pyramids in the city of Teotihuacan - “the city of the Gods”. The two largest pyramids are the Pyramid of the Moon and the Pyramid of the Sun. Pyramids are made of stone blocks weighing about 20 tons each. The stones were delivered to the construction site from quarries located 100 km from the place where the pyramids were built.


On the Yucatan Peninsula there is a complex of temples and pyramids of Chichen Itza. The pyramid of Kukulkan is a “feathered serpent”, 25 meters high and has 9 levels, at the base of the pyramid lies a square with a side of 55.5 meters, on its sides four wide staircases rise, each of which has 91 steps. If the number of steps of the staircase is multiplied by the number of stairs and the platform at the top of the pyramid, on which the temple stands, is considered as another step, the number of days in a year is 91 × 4 + 1 = 365.

The pyramid is built and oriented in such a way that on the days of the spring and autumn equinox, the play of shadow and light creates the illusion of a giant snake crawling along the northern staircase of the pyramid. Scientists concluded that the pyramid was based on the principle of the calendar, and the pyramid had astronomical significance.


In central China, about 100 kilometers from Mount Xi'an in Shaanxi province, there is a complex of giant pyramids, the height of the largest of which is about 300 meters (twice the height of the Great Pyramid at Giza). For the first time, the Chinese pyramids in the West became known back in 1947, when they were accidentally discovered by American pilots flying over the area.


The pyramids of China are mentioned in ancient records kept in a monastery in Shaanxi province. The records are about 5 thousand years old, but even there the pyramids are called "very old, built under the ancient emperors, who said that they descended from the sons of heaven, who descended to earth on their fiery metal dragons." According to researchers, the total number of pyramids in the region exceeds a hundred, all of them are made of clay, but over the past centuries and millennia, the clay has become almost as hard as stone.

The Chinese pyramids ask questions no less than the Egyptian ones. We know less about them only because they are almost secret ancient structures.


At the turn of the 1980s and 1990s, scuba divers discovered a pyramid and an amazing temple complex, resting on the seabed near Yonaguni Island, in the western part of the Japanese archipelago.


According to scientists, this complex could rise above the water surface at least 10 thousand years ago, when the water level in the world's oceans was 40 meters lower than the current one. Historians point to the similarity of the underwater terraces of Yonaguni with the high-mountainous temple complexes in South America, in particular with the ancient structures of the Incas - Sacsayhuaman and Kenko, completely carved out of the rocks of the Peruvian Andes.


Geology professors Masaaki Kimura and Robert Shoh, who studied the underwater complex, believe that the mysterious five-stage structure was created artificially more than 10 thousand years ago, when the bottom in the area of the island was still dry, that is, at the end of the last ice age.

Of course, there is some kind of connection between the pyramids: they were probably built by representatives of the same race or civilization. But which one? Most likely, nobody knows the answer to this question. We just have to guess.

Dolmens, Menhirs, Kromlekhs

Dolmens, menhirs, cromlechs are ancient wisdom of ancestors, mysterious buildings made of stones scattered all over the world, which have kept secrets of their origin and purpose for several millennia.


Official science determines the age of megaliths from 3 to 5 thousand years (Copper, Bronze Age), but a number of researchers believe that some stone structures are more than 10 thousand years old and they belong to the Neolithic culture. Who built the "villages" of dolmens, "alleys" of menhirs, "astronomical observatories" of the cromlechs? Atlanta? Priests? Are people giants? Cyclops?


The grandiose monuments testify that the ancient builders had knowledge of architecture, astronomy, mathematics and geology. How and why were dolmens, menhirs, cromlechs built? What tools were used to cut stones thousands of years ago? Who erected these grandiose structures? How did the builders manage to deliver multi-ton stones for tens and hundreds of kilometers and install them? The answers to these questions still remain a mystery. There are many versions - from myths to scientific hypotheses.

Megalithic structures are a kind of "stone books" of the ancients, in which data about the Earth, the solar system and the Universe are encrypted.

Continuation: "Part 2. Sphinxes"

Author: Valentina Zhitanskaya