Trumpets Of The Apocalypse, December - Alternative View

Trumpets Of The Apocalypse, December - Alternative View
Trumpets Of The Apocalypse, December - Alternative View

Video: Trumpets Of The Apocalypse, December - Alternative View

Video: Trumpets Of The Apocalypse, December - Alternative View
Video: 15 Apocalyptic Trumpet Sounds from the Sky 2018 2024, July

As part of the tradition that began last summer, we continue to acquaint our readers with the most interesting videos, which reflect the mysterious apocalyptic sounds that people hear around the world in recent years.

However, the very first we decided to put a rather funny video from Poland, which suggests some thoughts about the source of these inexplicable, frightening of all planetary noises:

Probably, already at the beginning of watching the video, our readers guessed what it was about. Nevertheless, the video is important in that it is addressed mainly to people who have never heard such sounds themselves. It gives a visual representation of what people experience when they first hear the trumpet sound with their own eyes.

The first impression of him is the work of a tower crane or an excavator that moves huge pieces of iron somewhere nearby. But the problem is that there is no crane nearby, and the sound itself is heard for tens of kilometers. Sometimes, based on such comparisons, people assume that the cause of trumpet sounds is lithospheric layers rubbing against each other.

Oklahoma, December 27:

Spain, December 28:

Promotional video:

Canada, November 29:

The filming location is unknown, the date is December 23. Attention is drawn to the author of the video in the frame - he says that he hears it for the second time in his life.

December 10, location unknown:

Then there are several videos that fall out of the general row of sounds, which are compared to rubbing something huge against each other. This time, eyewitnesses write about the noise of some underground equipment or some underground work of the government, because people, like local residents, know for sure that there are no sources of noise in their area:

Despite all the eccentricity of some of the above videos (for example, from what happened in Spain, those who heard it in real life had to go cold on their skin), we left the most interesting, as always, for later. And the most interesting post of all is a recent post from our reader Dizel:

This is approximately how it all looks. And if people who are in the city often reduce it all to the sounds of an industrial landscape and calmly go about their business, then in an open area everything looks more terrible than if an invisible tank crawls onto the other side of a hill or dune.

And there is a suspicion that something like "armored vehicles" is approaching the planet, forcing many to fear that the planet is already vibrating and bursting at the seams. However, in reality, there is still nothing particularly scary in this and it will be necessary to be afraid later - when the lithospheric tracks hover somewhere overhead, so to speak "on the crest of a skyscraper." So the hour H will begin - that is, when the poles on the Earth will be absolutely ready to move. We hope that thanks to the MIMIC service, we and our readers will find out about this moment in about two weeks.