American Nostradamus Predicted A Revolution In The United States - Alternative View

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American Nostradamus Predicted A Revolution In The United States - Alternative View
American Nostradamus Predicted A Revolution In The United States - Alternative View

Video: American Nostradamus Predicted A Revolution In The United States - Alternative View

Video: American Nostradamus Predicted A Revolution In The United States - Alternative View
Video: The Terrifying Truth About The Antichrist 2024, July

Prophecy of Gerald Selente: "Is that cannibalism will not …"

The outrageousness of the restless opponents of the President-elect of the United States, Donald Trump, is, to put it mildly, disturbing. No matter how America goes around, no matter how everyone fights there. It would not have happened some kind of revolution - the year is just the right one - the 17th, revolutionary. And there are prophecies on this score.

A certain Gerald Celente caught up with the horror in America. He predicted both revolution and depression, incomparably deeper than the "Great" of 1929. He promised hunger riots, crowds of unemployed, homeless, bankrupt and indigent, who came out to mass protest rallies.

- I do not predict only cannibalism, - said the American Nostradamus in one of his television interviews. “But I assure you that the best present for Christmas will be some kind of food.

You might think Gerald is crazy. Or just a maniac. But here's how the mainstream US media speaks of him.

CNN: "When we want to know about the main trends, we turn to Gerald Selenta."

CNBC: "There is no better forecaster than Gerald Selente. This man knows what he is talking about."

New York Post: "If Nostradamus were alive now, he would hardly keep up with Gerald Selente"

Promotional video:

The Wall Street Journal: "Those looking for serious forecasts go to the Institute for Trend Research."

Gerald has been the head of this institute since 1980, acting as the chief economic analyst, and publishes a monthly magazine. At one time, he predicted the collapse of the USSR, the collapse of the stock market in 1987, the crisis of Asian currencies in 1997, the global financial crisis in 2008. And much more on the little things.

By the way, Selente was one of the few analysts who predicted Trump's victory, not Hillary Clinton's, in the US presidential election.

This is what he is - American Nostradamus: Gerald Selente. The most restless


That's just the beginning of the nightmare in the United States, American Nostradamus, as he is called, predicted for 2012 - even under Barack Obama. However, nothing happened. Although it is possible that the "prophet" was mistaken only with time, but in general he correctly saw the future of his country.

Rallies and other atrocities have already begun. Albeit for another reason.

Yes, and Vanga - the Bulgarian colleague of the American Nostradamus - was not encouraging: she once announced that the 44th President of the United States - that is, Obama - would be the last. And before that, she "saw" him, promising the Americans a black president.

Again, it is alarming: as if something happened to Trump - assassination attempts, for example, as the "prophets" from CNN imagined in a sensational video.

And these brawlers teach us about democracy ?!



Self-confidence makes money

Gerald Selente made his first prophecy in 1979. He then heard President Carter speak about the Shah of Iran. Like, he is the Shah - a bastion of stability in the Middle East. Gerald saw the situation differently. And he predicted to himself that a revolution was coming in Iran. Believing this, the budding prophet invested all his money in gold and oil, the prices of which soared after the fall of the Shah and the Islamic revolution.

With the proceeds, Selente created his own Institute for Trend Research. Is still researching. And very profitable.