How To Predict The Future Or Higher Reality - Alternative View

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How To Predict The Future Or Higher Reality - Alternative View
How To Predict The Future Or Higher Reality - Alternative View

Video: How To Predict The Future Or Higher Reality - Alternative View

Video: How To Predict The Future Or Higher Reality - Alternative View
Video: 6 People Who Predicted the Future With Stunning Accuracy 2024, July

How future events are predicted

Human ability to imagine something is in many ways a derivative of his life experience. We will be able to imagine movement in space because we do it. We will be able to imagine the movement in time, because our whole life passes in this movement. It is much more difficult to imagine the movement of not a physical body, not objects, but consciousness. At the same time, into a field that also does not have, as it were, physical coordinates, into a certain field of absolute knowledge, which mystics often designate with the words “reality of the highest plane” (information field of the earth).

To bring this concept closer to the concepts available to us, we can imagine this collection of information as if filling the entire space of our world, as it can be filled with radiation or radio waves. Although there is no less reason to talk about a certain point completely devoid of volume.

Moreover, both definitions will be true. The difference between them is only in the description, that is, in how this reality is perceived by us. This reality permeates our world and at the same time lies outside its space. Some clairvoyants and prophets mention going into this "reality" in moments of insight.

• During the Cuban missile crisis, a man who knew him came to Wolf Messing. Here's what he said:

- I came to visit Messing: “Wolf Grigorievich, have you heard about the blockade of Cuba? When it comes to an atomic war, this is the end …”. He said when he entered a state of self-catalepsy that they would give him a pencil and paper. And now the pulse is almost impossible to feel, the pupils have almost no reaction to light. A pencil was put into his tightly clenched fist. “There will be peace” - these are the words he wrote on paper. “My subconscious mind connects with 'something' or with 'someone',” Messing said about the origin of information.

Unfortunately, the seers themselves, reaching the level of the highest reality, as a rule, bring out from there only answers to questions, but not the perception of this reality itself. That is why I was especially interested in the conversation with Inga P. (clairvoyant).

- I work with a space that gives information. I do not know what it is, but for me in my mind it exists as a space. This is how I perceive it. There are different spaces. What kind of spaces they are and how they differ, it will be absolutely incomprehensible to those who have not been there. For example, the space that came to me at the very beginning, when I was just starting to learn this, came to me from afar. It is dark and all dotted with golden little dots. However, it is very distant. These points are grains, they are felt and static. But they don't form networks. There is no network. At the moment I am working with a different space, it is faster. It carries a feeling of immutability, immobility. Nothing happens there, nothing changes. And there is also a sense of its completeness. Information saturation is only one aspect of this completeness. This spacein which information is, was, will be.

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Some see it as timeless. This is not the case for me. Nobody can tell how events actually coexist there in what I call space. When the human consciousness, limited and imperfect, penetrates there, it will be able to read this information only discretely, that is, by tying it to the concept of time. The information is refracted by the consciousness, passed through its stereotypes and attitudes, turning it into judgments like: "This will be then and there." However, this is all conditional: "and this and that" and "then" and "there". The sequence of events there does not necessarily reflect the sequence of time. Maybe it has its own logic, inaccessible to us. Consciousness, passing the received signs through its various structures, translates them into the language of our usual concepts, our temporal sequence.

Maybe a person's unconscious is in constant contact with a higher reality. The information that contains in our daily consciousness is a thin trickle in comparison with the oceans washing other levels and planes of being. Such a huge quantitative information gap inevitably carries other qualitative parameters. In reality, experts are talking about some other, different logic that dominates the unconscious. As you can see, this other logic is fundamentally inexpressible in terms of our everyday, everyday consciousness.

That is why soothsayers or mystics, having come into contact with certain signs of this higher reality, so often turn out to be powerless to pick up an adequate verbal meaning for them.

• In the treatise “St. Francis”mentions the episode when Saint Louis came to see his brother Aegidius. He ran out of the monastery to meet the king and, embracing him at the gate, stood for a long time in silence, then parted with him, and the king left without entering the monastery. Brother Aegidius explained it this way: “As soon as we embraced the king, as the light of the wisdom of God opened and revealed his heart to me, and mine to him, and, looking like this by God's permission into each other's hearts, we learned much better and with great consolation that what would you like to say to each other than if our lips spoke; and if we wanted to express in our voice what we felt in our hearts, then, thanks to the weakness of a person's speech, which cannot clearly express the innermost secrets of God, we would sooner experience grief, and now the king is clearly comforted."

Both in omens and in symbols of dreams, the sign that opens up to the soothsayer and the meaning contained in it turn out to be interconnected not by logic, not explainable, but in some other irrational way.

It is clear that a person who is far from this kind of experience, having barely approached him, feels his absolute alienation, transcendence in relation to the familiar experience of life. The strangeness is so great that a researcher who wants to designate this other, transcendental series of symbols sometimes has to resort to psychiatric terms.

Probably, due to the inexpressibility of this other reality in terms of everyday life, the seer, in order to paint the picture that was revealed to him, often does not describe it in words, but conveys it as if through a key image, a detail.

It was inadequacy, not the ability to express in words, that forced the seers-holy fools to try to express the seen future event through some key detail, a sign.

• Here is the Kiev holy fool Paisiy running past a house under construction holding a dirty shirt in his hands. One construction worker shouted to him from above, from the scaffolding:

- Where, reverend, are you running? Wait a minute. And he heard in response:

- Once upon a time, sweetheart. The shirt needs to be washed. It will take half an hour.

The rest, who saw the running holy fool, were silent. Only he, it was he, called out to him. And the holy fool answered him. Less than half an hour later, this worker falls from the woods and is smashed to death. By that time Paisius returned back with a washed shirt:

- Dress the deceased, mentally. I washed his shirt for him. The clean shirt, in which the dead man is dressed, was that key detail of the future event that was revealed to Paisius.

• Another example of an attempt to designate a future event through a similar detail.

When Prince Savva Obolensky married Princess Daria Lopukhovskaya, during the feast, the well-known Rostov holy fool Isidor entered the house. He brought a homemade hat, woven from wild flowers and herbs, and handed it to the groom, saying:

- So much for the bishop's hat!

Everyone at the feast was amused by this. But less than a year later, the young princess died. The prince, in grief, went to the Ferapontov Monastery and was tonsured there, so that later, in 1481-1489, he would actually become the Archbishop of Rostov.

It was this chain of subsequent events that were then still in the future, and the holy fool wanted to express the symbolic bishop's hat made of wildflowers.

• Also, through a similar detail, the Pythia told Nero the future awaiting him: "Beware of the number 73". Considering what is being said about his age, Nero, who was then 31 years old, was very pleased with such a prophecy. Could he have guessed that this figure actually meant age, but not his! And that in less than a year, the conspirators will kill him and 73-year-old Galba will be seated on his throne?

• Let us recall the episode when the prophetess, whom A. S. Pushkin visited, told him:

“You may live a long time, but in thirty-seven beware of the white man, the white horse, or the white head.

What in everyday life could have only one specific face - a "white head", "white horse" or "white man", in the sphere of higher reality, obviously constitutes a certain unified extension, a spectrum of indivisible concepts.

Soviet researchers who work in the field of foresight also encounter such a problem of the inseparability of concepts that are in higher reality, their smooth transition, flowing from one to another. This, some of them believe, is the reason for a certain percentage of "misses".

In cases where clairvoyants cooperate with the authorities, the latter each time expect from them an unambiguous, absolutely concrete answer. Only such an answer can be constructive in the physical world. For the soothsayer, in the highest reality, it is more likely that some spectrum, some kind of fan of symbols and concepts is more accessible. A distant view of the extent to which the experience of higher reality differs from the experience of everyday life provides a somewhat divinatory series. Anyone who is familiar with the practice of fortune-telling knows how wide and varied the spectrum of its signs is. Each sign corresponds to a whole set of meanings that are present simultaneously and depend on the location of the neighboring ones. Moreover, the very sequence of their meanings is a kind of series where one meaning passes into another, as it happens with images in dreams, and where, as in a dream, this is a shift,the transition follows its own system of connections that cannot be explained from the standpoint of logic and the experience of everyday life.

A. Gorbovsky