Non-cultural Layers Of Krasnoyarsk - Alternative View

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Non-cultural Layers Of Krasnoyarsk - Alternative View
Non-cultural Layers Of Krasnoyarsk - Alternative View

Video: Non-cultural Layers Of Krasnoyarsk - Alternative View

Video: Non-cultural Layers Of Krasnoyarsk - Alternative View
Video: В Красноярском крае объявлена всеобщая мобилизация медиков 2024, September

With Andrey Khudonogov (on his tip) we visited the Krasnoyarsk construction site at 61 Uritskogo Street. A pit six meters deep is located in the city center near the Yenisei


To the Yenisei in a straight line about 270m.


Wooden piles from old houses are visible.


Either the basement of the house, or the collector.


Promotional video:


Upper, cultural layers (construction waste and organic matter).


The soil layers consist of (from top to bottom): asphalt with backfill, a very thin layer of soil (not always visible), sandy loam (sand with clay) and at the very bottom of the pit - sand and gravel soil (river pebbles).


Sandy loam.


The sandy loam-pebble boundary is clearly visible below.

And now the question is: where are the layers with soils, humus, layers with other rocks? It seems that there was no plant life hundreds of thousands (according to the official geochronological scale), or even millions of years ago.

Personally, I conclude that this entire stratum was formed almost instantly. By the waters of the flood. No flood will give such sediment.

Shingle, possibly - this is the bottom of the ancient Yenisei. And everything that is higher in the form of sandy loam is the drift of the water flow of the cataclysm in the past.

I think it's useless to look for the cities of Tartary with the remains of buildings on the banks of such rivers. Although, the remains of the former settlements can be traced in the examples below:

Excavations in Krasnoyarsk

In Krasnoyarsk, the second stage of construction continues - an interchange near the fourth bridge. Where builders find something, they call archaeologists and this time is laid down in the construction schedule.

Judging by the statements of archaeologists, the entire coastal slope is strewn with artifacts: from stone age scrapers to the remains of 19th century life.


During excavations in the construction area of the fourth bridge on Mount Afontova, the lower jaw of a Paleolithic man who lived here 12 thousand years ago was found. This is the third anthropological find in Siberia in the entire history of research.

The first anthropological find in Siberia was the remains of a child from the Paleolithic period, discovered in the 30s. last century by Irkutsk archaeologists, and the second - the lower jaw of a Cro-Magnon boy, found near Divnogorsk in 1992.

For an idea of what they are doing there:

It can be seen - these are all layers of clay, sand.

Finds made during construction:

And one more case:

The cemetery is almost in the center of the city with no information about it.

And everything is in clay, not in black earth. My opinion is that everything is mixed with a flood mudflow or covered by the fallen clay dust in the 19th century.

Author: sibved