The Ghosts Of The Victims Of The 9/11 Attack - - Alternative View

The Ghosts Of The Victims Of The 9/11 Attack - - Alternative View
The Ghosts Of The Victims Of The 9/11 Attack - - Alternative View

Video: The Ghosts Of The Victims Of The 9/11 Attack - - Alternative View

Video: The Ghosts Of The Victims Of The 9/11 Attack - - Alternative View
Video: 9/11 attacks 19 years on : Indian-American remembers Twin Towers collapse & homelessness after 2024, September

The whole world remembers the victims of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, which took the lives of almost 3 thousand people. Islamic extremists have crashed planes into New York's twin towers at commemorative service ceremonies at the Pentagon and at Ground zero, where the World Trade Center's twin towers stood.

Meanwhile, the Americans continue to capture unusual translucent objects and "play of light" in photos and videos. At the top of the beam, lit in memory of the victims of a terrible and large-scale terrorist attack in the history of mankind, a strange object appeared, which netizens called a "cross". Writes about this Daily Star.

For all 17 years, news has periodically emerged about how paranormal activity was recorded at the scene of the attack. Police officers say they saw ghosts that disappeared if they got closer. Someone saw the cabin of the liner with passengers. Others saw the moment of tragedy: people running, police officers and employees jumping from towers of the World Trade Center.

On the eve, in memory of the victims, the "Tower of Voices" was opened, which makes sounds from the wind. According to Reuters, the remains of more than a thousand victims of the September 11 attacks have not yet been identified. Officially, the terrorist attacks in New York have killed 2,753 people, including missing persons. However, only 1,642 fatalities have been identified, despite advances in science and technology over the past 17 years.

Recall that on September 11, 2001, terrorists hijacked four American passenger planes, two of which crashed into the twin towers of the World Trade Center, the third fell on the Pentagon building and the last crashed near the town of Shanksville in Pennsylvania. As a result of the collapse of two skyscrapers, more than 3 thousand people died, not counting 19 militants.

Vasilisa Morozova