The Video Nurse Captured The Ghost Near The Baby's Crib - Alternative View

The Video Nurse Captured The Ghost Near The Baby's Crib - Alternative View
The Video Nurse Captured The Ghost Near The Baby's Crib - Alternative View

Video: The Video Nurse Captured The Ghost Near The Baby's Crib - Alternative View

Video: The Video Nurse Captured The Ghost Near The Baby's Crib - Alternative View
Video: Parents Insist Bizarre Video of 'Possessed' Baby Balancing on Crib is Real 2024, September

A device such as a baby monitor allows parents to remotely monitor their young children. It is enough to install a camera in the baby's room and put an observation monitor next to your bed in order to be able to make sure at any moment of the night that the child is sleeping without disturbing him or herself. However, sometimes something quite different from what happy parents would like to see gets into the camera lens.

So, on the Internet, the following recording is gaining popularity, received by a video baby monitor in the house of a certain European family. The couple are convinced that the camera captured a real ghost near the baby's crib. According to the parents, they made this discovery completely by accident and were incredibly scared by it. The family is currently planning to call a priest or psychic to cleanse the house of the alleged spirit.

A mysterious video shows a little girl who clearly cannot sleep and is very much tossing and turning in bed. At first glance, there is nothing unusual here, but if you look closely, you can see that there is something else in the frame. Near the crib there is something that looks like a face looking directly at the baby! Undoubtedly, such a picture looks eerie, especially considering the fact that we are faced with a helpless child - alone in an empty room.

However, not all users of the World Wide Web believe that we are talking about something supernatural. There were many skeptics who suggested that this is a simple toy or a pareidolic illusion caused by poor image quality in night mode. Be that as it may, the mysterious material flew around many foreign sites dedicated to supernatural phenomena, and made the regulars of the Network break their heads.

There was even such an opinion: baby monitors, like all other modern electronics, do only harm. Well, you never know subtle entities wind around us, for example, a grandmother may come to a child, who at that moment was winding her granddaughter with a sweet dream, since the baby could not sleep. And if it weren't for the baby monitor, no one would have noticed anything and would not make a noise and panic. Now what …