Megaliths: More Than Just Stones - Alternative View

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Megaliths: More Than Just Stones - Alternative View
Megaliths: More Than Just Stones - Alternative View

Video: Megaliths: More Than Just Stones - Alternative View

Video: Megaliths: More Than Just Stones - Alternative View
Video: Синь камень / Велесов камень / Языческое капище / Места силы / Чашечник / Синий камень 2024, July

Today we want to share with you ideas that stimulate the imagination and open up new possibilities.

People who have visited ancient temples and megalithic structures often report strange sensations. It is generally accepted that these are only overwhelming emotions caused by the contemplation of a gigantic structure, be it a circle of stones, an ancient temple or a pyramid. However, the accumulated evidence suggests that megalithic and other sacred places really attract, preserve and even generate their own energy fields, within which one can enter a state of altered consciousness.

Generating energy fields

In 1983, engineer Charles Brooker explored the Rollright stone circle located in England using a magnetometer. He found that the lines of the magnetic field enter the circle through a narrow gap between the stones, and then, spinning in a spiral manner, are directed towards the center of the circle. Concentric magnetic fields pulsed around the two stones on the west side of the circle, resembling circles on water. The overall intensity of the geomagnetic field inside the circle was much lower than outside, as if the stones were acting as a shield. Such studies help us understand why the ancients built these megalithic structures.

In the Temple of Edfu in Egypt there is a wall, the space inside which is significantly different energetically from the surrounding landscape. According to legend, the gods poured a hill, and passed a snake through it, which caused the hill to be saturated with natural power, and a temple was later built on this place. It should be noted that the snake in many cultures symbolized the lines of force encircling the Earth, which modern scientists call telluric currents.

Control over the laws of nature

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It seems that the ancient architects were well versed in controlling the forces of nature. In 2005, John Burke conducted a study of energy fields in the world's largest stone circle - Avebury. He published the results of his research in the book Seed of Knowledge, Stone of Abundance.

By placing electrodes inside the Avebury circle, Burke discovered that the ring moat was an obstacle to earth's telluric currents, which were accumulated in it and then released at the entrance to the circle. Magnetic fields at Avebury weaken at night and intensify with sunrise.

Burke also found that Avebury rocks were deliberately placed and aligned to focus electromagnetic currents in the right direction, using the same principle as modern atomic colliders, where ions move under the influence of a magnetic field.

Avebury Stone Circle


The structure of stones containing a large proportion of magnetite also plays an important role. The stones were often delivered from afar. Thus, megalithic structures are, in fact, huge weak magnets.

Spiritual technology

The magnetic field has a significant effect on the human body, starting with iron dissolved in the blood, and ending with the pineal gland, which itself is very sensitive to geomagnetic fields and, when stimulated, begins to produce the hormones pinoline and seratonin, leading to the creation of hallucinogenic dimethyltryptamine. It is known that in areas with a reduced intensity of the geomagnetic field, people experienced a kind of trance.

An exhaustive study of the Karnak stones in France, where about 80 thousand megaliths are concentrated, reveals the work of a similar spiritual technology. Initially, the author of the study, engineer Pierre Mérieu, was rather skeptical. However, in the course of the work, it was discovered that the dolmens of Karnak increase and release telluric energy during the day. The magnetic field oscillates, causing electromagnetic induction. According to Merieux, “Dolmens act like coils or solenoids in which currents are induced by the fluctuations of the surrounding magnetic fields. But to achieve this effect, the dolmen must be built from quartz-rich crystalline stones such as granite."

Merieux also discovered that the magnetic field around the menhirs - standing stones - pulses at intervals of about 70 minutes, increasing and decreasing. And the further the stone is from the center of the circle, the weaker its magnetic field.

One of 80 thousand menhirs of the Karnak region


The composition of stones plays an important role in their ability to conduct energy. Very quartz-rich stones are piezoelectric, meaning they generate energy by compression or vibration. The megaliths of Karnak are located in the seismically active zone of France, and the constant vibration makes the stones electromagnetically active. It can be concluded that these stones were not accidentally brought from long distances and are located exactly here, because their position and orientation are directly related to earthly magnetism.

Sacred sites and magnetic portals

In many ancient traditions around the world, there is a common point: they note that some places on the planet have a greater concentration of power than others. In these places, temples and other religious buildings are most often built. Curiously, in every culture there is an idea that these places of power have a connection with heaven. The soul of a person who is in such a place during the ritual is able to visit other worlds.

In 2008, NASA indirectly confirmed these observations by finding that the Earth is connected to the Sun by a network of magnetic portals that open every 8 minutes. Such discoveries allow us to scientifically confirm the belief that megalithic structures and ancient temples are zones different from the ordinary world. Being in such a zone, a person can connect with places far beyond the planet.

It is not for nothing that the ancient Egyptian priests treated the temple as a living being that sleeps at night and wakes up in the morning, and in the morning they woke up every room of the temple with words of greeting.