The Hypocrisy Of "Christians" - Alternative View

The Hypocrisy Of "Christians" - Alternative View
The Hypocrisy Of "Christians" - Alternative View

Video: The Hypocrisy Of "Christians" - Alternative View

Video: The Hypocrisy Of
Video: Christian Hypocrisy 2024, October

Recently, in a conversation with members of one of the communities, we touched on the topic of the participation of local authorities in church affairs. I will make a reservation right away that the community is originally an automotive theme.

So: one of the participants was outraged that in the water area of the bay next to one of the nearby settlements, contrary to usual, this year they did not cut an ice hole for "baptism" because local authorities did not give an order to the local hospital and the Ministry of Emergency Situations with a request ensure the safety of this event.

Of course, I was outraged that this participant seriously thinks that the "authorities" were obliged to do this. All my arguments that this "baptism" with swimming in the ice-hole of the so-called "Orthodox Christians" is a purely church event, and since our church is separated from the state, government officials are not obliged to do anything to ensure such events. my opponent has a wave of indignation.

He declared:

- Well, of course, because the overwhelming majority of Russians are Orthodox Christians.

Well, then he did it in vain and I decided to explain to him. So:

Not everyone who calls themselves "Orthodox Christians" is in fact such. You must agree, calling yourself an astronaut, but at the same time just reading a book about Gagarin does not mean becoming an astronaut. Calling yourself a ballerina, but at the same time weighing 120 kilograms does not mean being a ballerina. Having a driver's license, but not knowing where the brake is and where the gas is - does not mean being a driver yet. Etc.

So, if you have put on a cross, but at the same time you continue to gluttony, commit adultery, swear words, smoke, drink alcohol, be greedy and acquire wealth, do not regularly attend church, etc. - for me you are nothing more than a hypocrite and verbiage. And in connection with the fact that the fundamental of modern, so-called "Orthodox Christianity" is the Sermon on the Mount of Christ, it is not enough just not to break the "10 Commandments", but you must follow exactly what is said in this sermon. And those who are puffed up at full speed, proving to me that they belong to the so-called "Orthodox Christianity" are balabols for me.

Promotional video:

In fact, most of those who call themselves "Orthodox Christians" do not even know what they are talking about. The overwhelming majority of their book, something called "the Bible", was seen only in pictures or in movies. I'm not talking about reading. But reading it is not enough - you need to understand what is written in it. It was the repeated reading of it that caused many questions in my head. And the search for answers to these questions led me to Vedichestvo and Rodnoverie. But this is a departure from the topic.

After all this, I started asking my opponent:

- Tell me, your “Orthodox Christianity” teaches that God is one, that only he can help, that everything bad in life is a test, right?

“Yes,” he replies.

- Then tell me why you “Orthodox Christians” call Christ God? Is this a second God?

In response, bewilderment …

- And then tell me, - I ask further - Why are there a bunch of icons in your churches and you bow to them? Why do you ask for help from some saints who are not God, but church people have declared saints? Why do you, calling yourself "Orthodox Christians," once baptized (in essence, you swore an oath of loyalty to Jehovah), allow yourself to break your oath? After all, your second God, Christ, clearly explained everything to you in his Sermon on the Mount. What are you hoping for? What will forgive?

Naive … You run to healers, witches, witches and psychics when you are pressed by an illness or failure instead of going to your God Yahweh / Jehovah and the second God Jesus. What, do not believe that they will help? So well, then your "Orthodox Christian" faith is worthless !!!

And you don't need to tell me that the majority in Russia are “Orthodox Christians” …

After listening to me, my interlocutor said nothing, but thought about it. He was later told that I was Rodnover … Now he asks, asks a lot …
