Close Contact Of The Third Kind: Did The Deer Hunters Run Into The Predators? - Alternative View

Close Contact Of The Third Kind: Did The Deer Hunters Run Into The Predators? - Alternative View
Close Contact Of The Third Kind: Did The Deer Hunters Run Into The Predators? - Alternative View

Video: Close Contact Of The Third Kind: Did The Deer Hunters Run Into The Predators? - Alternative View

Video: Close Contact Of The Third Kind: Did The Deer Hunters Run Into The Predators? - Alternative View
Video: Top 10 Predators Surprised By Their Prey (PREDATOR LOSES) - Part 2 2024, July

Hunters Josh Brinkley and Daniel Lucero, dressed in camouflage gear, looked a little awkward sitting on chairs in the office of the state newspaper - they had a very strange story for us, so the guys were very unsure of a good reception.

“We are a couple of normal healthy American guys who don’t drink, don’t expand and believe in little, but now we are just filled with faith,” Brinkley began his story.

To begin with, Brinkley said that he works on a construction site and, sometimes, moonlights on film sets. He's a family man who really doesn't want neighbors and colleagues to think he's fucked up. And Lucero is his friend, with whom they have been working together for eight years.


On Sunday, September 1, the state is opening the moose and bow seasons, so the two guys grabbed some gear and set out on a scout to explore the area ahead of time.

Finding a suitable shelter, they hid behind the trees and waited. After three hours of useless waiting, Brinkley suddenly felt an inexplicable uneasiness.

"I'll go for a walk," Brinkley said. It was about 9:30 am.

Leaving the ambush, Brinkley crossed the field where they were waiting for the moose and climbed the hill. More precisely - to a mountain hidden by trees, which, like a huge bowl, surrounded the caldera left by a long extinct volcano. And when Brinkley began to advance among the bushes, he noticed two tall figures, which he took for the same as hunters.

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“They were very, very tall men who stood nearby and stared right at me,” Brinkley tells us. According to his estimates, the hunters were about 35 yards (30 meters) away:

“I saw them only up to the waist, and the lower half was hidden by bushes that reached my head. What they had, as it were, where their heads looked like huge hoods. They looked like two wide ribbons on the sides of the face, converging at the top and bottom. The right side was black, the left side was white and slightly shiny. And in the middle, instead of a face, there was just a huge gray hole. Due to the interfering bushes, I could not see many details, but the torsos were black and the hunters' veil was definitely like clothing."

Then Brinkley moved to the side to bypass the bush that obstructed the view, which took several seconds, however, when he appeared on the other side of the bush, the hunters were gone. They seemed to dissolve.

Brinkley later drew what he could remember in a leather-bound notebook he carries with him. He also showed on the map where it all was and drew what he saw next.


Brinkley hurried back to where Lucero was still waiting. The elk was still not there and Brinkley said that he was probably frightened off by these strange hunters.

“I told Lucero that I saw something strange. They were too tall, their heads were too big to be human. And he was not laughing, because he knows that I am not nuts and never tell fictional stories."

At the same time, Brinkley noticed that after meeting with the hunters, he felt a strong breakdown, so when he returned, he invited his friend to leave the ambush and return to the camp set up nearby.

After spending the night in the camp, Brinkley and Lucero again went to look for a moose. Earlier, moose literally crowded at this place, which forced them to make an ambush there, waiting for September 1, that is, the start of the hunting permit. However, not a single animal was found throughout the day.

“We couldn't understand why there was no elk,” Brinkley says.

Then they decided to get into the jeep and ride to the other side of the caldera, assuming that there was someone there who scared off the herd looked after for hunting. And what surprised Brinkley most of all was that on the way they saw no elk or anything at all. Everyone, down to the squirrels, hid in burrows and disappeared somewhere.

They drove for 10 minutes when they saw THIS.

Both Lucero and Brinkley sometimes work part-time on set, so he knows how everything looks when they shoot a film and at first took everything for filmmakers' base camp. It looked like two squat white rectangular buildings about a hundred meters long. The buildings were parallel, like a fence enclosing a target shooting area, and something like the tent of a traveling circus was erected above the end of each building. The height of the tent was 50-60 feet. The second end of the buildings was not visible, so Lucero and Brinkley decided to go around the hill a little to see everything.


They were about a quarter of a mile from the structure and looked at it for about a minute. Then, going around the hill, they lost sight of the building for a few seconds, but when it was supposed to appear again - THERE WAS NO BUILDING!

No mobile camp could disappear so quickly without leaving behind even raised dust.

“I just know it was there, it was real,” Brinkley says. "It was huge and white and then it disappeared."

Lucero and Brinkley rode in the area until dark, but found no tracks. Nothing! Then, when they got to the nearest cell tower, they decided to inform the Air Force about what they saw first, but a mutual friend whom they called dissuaded them from this venture and put them in touch with Peter Davenport, executive director of the National UFO Reporting Center in Washington state.

We contacted Davenport and he confirmed everything. In his 25 years in office, Davenport has listened to about 350,000 phone calls and spoke in person with a comparable number of witnesses, so he can easily see when he is being lied to. And everything that Lucero and Brinkley told on the phone is shocking truth in his opinion.

Davenport says UFOs are seen very often in the United States. His most impressive case was in Challis, Idaho, in 2000. Then four hunters set off for the mountains and a huge triangular ship hovered at a height of less than a hundred meters above them.

Nevertheless, it is very rare to meet aliens walking the earth. On the Heineck scale, this was a classic close contact of the third kind and, as Dr. Davenport said, the event worries him a little.