Boarding From The XVI Century - Alternative View

Boarding From The XVI Century - Alternative View
Boarding From The XVI Century - Alternative View

Is everyone familiar with the theory of the great Einstein? Do you know anything about other time dimensions, multiple changes in space? Not? Then this material will be even more interesting and mysterious for you.

In the early morning of July, the dry cargo ship Milena left Colombo, Sri Lanka, heading for Bombay Karachi Men, followed by a route through the Red Sea and Suez to the Mediterranean and Atlantic, and disappeared without a trace for several worrying months. The ship arrived at the Bombay port, which is 1,500 miles from Colombo, as late as if it had sailed around the world.

Meanwhile, in a completely incomprehensible way, all the instruments and the navigation chart of the dry-cargo ship asserted that the course was laid out optimal and the ship did not deviate from it a single mile! The captain and crew members kept repeating this.

The company dismissed the captain and navigator in the future, their arguments were not listened to. American newspapers of the time were sophisticated in casuistry at their expense. For example, the New York Times philosophized: “If you believe the captain and the records of the instruments, which must have been cleverly reconfigured, then the company simply must return Tucker to his post, but immediately after that place him in a mental dispensary.

Quite witty, but what to do with the sailors, members of the crew, voice to voice confirming every word of the captain?

However, the offended captain, in order to restore his good name, filed a lawsuit. The sensation sounded the bells and awakened the dozing scientists. And they found out something that the company's experts overlooked or did not want to investigate. First, the black box tapes reproduced the entire radio traffic of Milena from the moment it left the Sri Lankan port.

For almost seven hours the ship was in good faith in communication, and then … evaporated for months, while the communication was unsuccessfully searched for on the air on different frequencies in different voices and conducted extensive searches with the help of aircraft, helicopters and coast guard ships of the two states. The "black box" recorded all negotiations between the dry cargo ship and the shore. Interestingly, a piece of recording of incredible content, at the very end of the tape, was not accepted by any service. The text read: "GOITER, BOZ, EOB! We were attacked! We ask for help! We ask for help, we ask for help …"

We repeat, no one received this signal. But the entries in the ship's log confirm:

Promotional video:

“1983, July, 12. At 14.02, after emerging from a powerful tornado, he was met and attacked by a two-masted sailing ship of unknown nationality. The boarding attack was repulsed with the use of Thompson assault rifles. One attacker destroyed. I continue to follow my course."

One of the electronics experts added fuel to the conflict of opinions and versions on the case. It turned out that the entire crew, from the captain to the sailor, had to be placed in a psychiatric institution!

This expert made the following official statement: “The study of magnetosis records makes it possible to draw a conclusion about the strange and unnatural behavior of the ether during the minutes of the radio operator broadcasting the BOE signal. Other ship and aviation radio stations that had been working on neighboring waves and listening on Milena had disappeared from the air. On the tape, powerful atmospheric discharges are clearly audible, completely different from those corresponding to the area where the vessel was located at that time (the geographical coordinates are indicated below).

Captain Tucker's explanatory report reveals the following:

“A short time after the last radio session, Milena got into an unexpected and violent flurry. This is the first time I have seen such powerful and dazzling lightning bolts. A few minutes later, the flurry just as suddenly disappeared. The watchmen shouted: "There is a sailboat on our starboard side!" Indeed, an old-fashioned sailing ship swiftly flew over us and took us on board, throwing hooks aboard. On the deck of the Milena, screeching bearded men in some kind of medieval pirate clothes, leather pants and sleeveless jackets, with red scarves on their heads, poured down. It all happened like an 8 adventure movie. At first, the team members fought back with hooks and improvised means.

When the first blood was spilled (sailor Gover's forearm was cut open), my men took up their submachine guns, and the deck crew set in motion water hoses and foam fire extinguishers.

The attackers retreated in apparent panic, leaving one dead. I personally and the ship's doctor examined the pirate. He was an overweight, shaggy man of indeterminate nationality, overgrown with stubble and beard. He had a cleaver and a heavy saber. He was dressed in rough homemade pants made of tarred sackcloth, belted with a sash of red cloth. A vest made of goatskin, turned inside out with fur, rawhide boots made of bullskin …"

The corpse was transferred to the refrigerator, the captain closed all "foreign" things and objects from the deck in his cabin. However, the body was almost brought to the refrigerator, the same violent squall began and the corpse was washed away with water along with one of the sailors. This fact is also reflected in the report, which further contains the following:

“I decided that we were attacked by pirates who were using 'old' camouflage and there were too many of them in these waters.

Therefore, I immediately ordered the radio operator to contact the port of Bombay and report on the entire hurricane, pirate attack, battle, corpse, next squall, loss of a crew member. Soon the radio operator came running after me and, going down to him, I was very surprised to hear insane shouts on the radio: "Milena", are you found ?! You are alive?! Give details about yourself! Where were you? " We were all the time on our course, did not go anywhere and did not disappear from the connection. Arriving at the port of destination, the whole team was amazed to learn that it was the end of October."

Further. Although the pirate's corpse was washed overboard, his clothes and belongings remained in the trunk of the captain's cabin. Subsequently, after his dismissal, he handed them over to the scientists interested in them. As time went. In 1991, after an unsuccessful hoax with the return "from a different space and time of an Argentine passenger ship", interest in the "Tucker case" reappeared. And again he was accused of fraud. And again, this intractable man defended his honor and the truthfulness of his former sailors, but already having the results of solid research in scientific institutions, made by famous scientists. And radiocarbon analysis found this:

1. The clothes presented for examination in the form of men's trousers are sackcloth made of the 16th-17th centuries, impregnated with a substance containing resin. A vest, boots, a sash and a cleaver made of hardened iron with an admixture of copper belong to the same period.

2. Traces on board the Milena dry cargo ship were left by metal hooks, the smallest particles of which indicate that they were made according to the technology of 200-250 years ago.

3. The sheet on which the body was lying is of modern origin, as evidenced by the hallmark of the Colombo textile factory. The traces of blood on it do not lend themselves to precise identification due to the long prescription of its (blood) origin.

In addition to the materials of the examination, Indian scientists and their colleagues from England express a version that theoretically a dry cargo ship could fall into a "hole in time", i.e. another temporal dimension, and explanations for this and a number of similar cases can be found in the monographs of Einstein and his followers. The facts speak about themselves: dozens of similar cases are known that happened to our contemporaries both on land and at sea.

“Interesting newspaper. Psi Factor No. 3 2013