The Mirror Turned The Life Of The Owners Into A Nightmare - Alternative View

The Mirror Turned The Life Of The Owners Into A Nightmare - Alternative View
The Mirror Turned The Life Of The Owners Into A Nightmare - Alternative View

Video: The Mirror Turned The Life Of The Owners Into A Nightmare - Alternative View

Video: The Mirror Turned The Life Of The Owners Into A Nightmare - Alternative View
Video: Theories About Kids' Movies That Will Ruin Your Childhood 2024, September

Mirrors have always been attributed to many mystical properties. Parapsychologists also urge to beware of old or just old mirrors: after all, the latter could have absorbed too much negative energy in their "life". An example of this is the story that happened recently with 20-year-old student Joseph Birch and 43-year-old artist Sotiris Charalambous.

Birch and Charalambus rented an apartment together. Once they picked up an old antique mirror on the street, thrown away by the owners, and brought it home. The men didn’t think about why the former owners didn’t put the household item up for sale, but got rid of it in this way, because the mirror was in almost perfect condition and there were only a few scratches on it …

In the next five months, both were pursued by various troubles, including those related to health and finances … In addition, something was happening in the apartment. So, Sotiris one night with a cry awakened from a sharp stabbing pain. He is convinced that the mirror was its source. Also, both neighbors saw in the mirror "shimmering shadows", "glimpses of black darkness" and glowing balls. And after Sotiris decided to paint the frame of the mirror, the men began to have nightmares. One day, Joseph woke up to find that his entire body was covered with red scratches. And the central heating radiators, located under the mirror, for some reason stopped working.

“I spent a lot of time in the apartment alone and became paranoid,” says Joseph Birch. - I had the unpleasant feeling that I was constantly being watched. I was so worried that my doctor had to prescribe antidepressants for the first time in my life. I have never been particularly superstitious, but when I am next to this mirror, goosebumps start to run through my body and my stomach cramps. Ideally, we would like the mirror to go to someone who has already encountered paranormal or supernatural phenomena."

So far, Birch and Charalambus put up a mystical mirror on eBay for $ 200, without hiding its history. They have already begun to receive offers, however, all buyers offer a price lower than the starting price. And one person even said that he would buy a "mirror of nightmares" as a gift to his ex-wife …

What kind of mirror fell into the hands of two unlucky comrades? This eerie case is by no means an exception. Since ancient times, master sorcerers have learned to make "black mirrors" with special magical properties: they could show the past and future, as well as distant events …

It is said that the alchemist Christopher Wagner, who lived in the 16th century, found somewhere in the East the secret of making such mirrors. One of them fell into the possession of the famous Polish warlock Jan Twardowski, and after his death passed to the princely family of the Drutsky-Sokolinsky and was kept in their estate Apolye. According to rumors, one of the owners of the estate, Prince Yakov, in his youth, saw himself in the mirror as an old man. He never looked there again, however, against the expectation of the mirror, he did not get rid of, only ordered to close it with a curtain …

There is also a myth that Napoleon himself stayed in the estate during the campaign against Moscow. By chance a mirror caught his eye. The emperor looked at him for a long time, then pallor spread over his face and with a cry he hit the glass with his fist … Cracks remained on the muddy tin surface. They say that in the looking glass Bonaparte dreamed of his inglorious future …

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One day the manager forgot to draw the curtain. And so, right before his eyes, a crimson ray burst out of the mirror and began to rush around the hall. A flame flared up, the curtains hanging on the windows flared brightly … Fortunately, the fire was quickly extinguished. They called the master - to glue the tapestries instead of the burnt ones. Out of curiosity, he looked into the mirror - and at the same moment a human hand stuck out from there, and so slammed the man on the floor that he fell unconscious!

At the end of the 19th century, the Smolensk nobleman MP Gedeonov, a great lover of antiquities, who had heard about the magic mirror, arrived in Apolye, long abandoned by the owners. The old manager agreed to show him a rarity for a small bribe.

Despite the manager's stories about the devilry that had taken place here before, Gedeonov ventured to look in the mirror. And - his hair stood on end: the whole hall was reflected in the mirror - furniture, chandeliers, paintings, but he, Gedeonov, was not there! In vain he continued to peer into the depths of the mirror, hoping to find his lost image there … Suddenly, the dimly shimmering surface began to darken quickly, the reflection of the hall disappeared … In horror, Gedeonov staggered away and hastily drew the curtain …

In 1918 the estate in Apolya was plundered by peasants. Nothing more is known about the further fate of the ominous mirror.

Margarita Troitsyna