The Girl Accidentally Filmed A Strange Creature In The Bushes - Alternative View

The Girl Accidentally Filmed A Strange Creature In The Bushes - Alternative View
The Girl Accidentally Filmed A Strange Creature In The Bushes - Alternative View

Video: The Girl Accidentally Filmed A Strange Creature In The Bushes - Alternative View

Video: The Girl Accidentally Filmed A Strange Creature In The Bushes - Alternative View
Video: 15 Famous People Who Seriously Let Themselves Go 2024, July

A Reddit user posted a snapshot, which, according to him, was shown to him by his elderly neighbor.

According to the woman, the picture was taken by her granddaughter when she was checking her new phone. She photographed bushes and trees several times, and then in one of the pictures she discovered something strange.

According to the user, he trusts this family and says that they could hardly have made such a joke, deliberately creating a fake.

The girl photographed these bushes several times in a couple of seconds and the creature appeared in only one frame, so it's definitely not something stuck on the camera lens. But what is it?

In appearance, it looks like either a person wrapped in a piece of cloth, or an insect-like creature.


This picture, taken in the same area a couple of seconds earlier or later, has nothing of the kind.


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According to the user, this place where the picture was taken is just a couple of miles from his home. He does not name the city and country, but most likely it is somewhere in the USA.

Further, the user wrote that soon he wants to go to this place himself, inspect it and try to take photos there himself.


In the comments, other users suggested that it might be a "fake ghost" from a dedicated smartphone app, although this object does not resemble any of the ghosts in the app. A version was also put forward that it was a moth accidentally filmed in flight.

Other versions suggested an empty package, Grim Reaper, an Angel, a local ghost, or an alien.