The Vine And The Pendulum - Alternative View

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The Vine And The Pendulum - Alternative View
The Vine And The Pendulum - Alternative View

Video: The Vine And The Pendulum - Alternative View

Video: The Vine And The Pendulum - Alternative View
Video: Simple pendulum: compute g on another planet then amplitude and maximum speed relation. 2024, July

It is difficult for a modern person to imagine his life without various technical devices that greatly facilitate his existence. Mobile phones, the Internet and other means of communication help us communicate and save time. With the help of the latest technologies, you can get any information, see distant stars or penetrate the secrets of the Earth's interior. Much that science fiction writers described in their works has become a reality today. But technological progress often deprives a person of his natural, natural knowledge and skills. What our distant ancestors were able to do today is beyond our power. Evolution and the scientific and technological revolution have done their job - man has become far from nature and its natural energy. Less and less often we listen to our “inner voice” and trust our intuition.

But experts working with subtle matters and studying unusual human abilities say that the time will come and human evolution will make a new round. As a matter of fact, she has already done it: it is not for nothing that “indigo children” appear, and people's interest in secret knowledge has grown again. Of course, you do not need to give up modern means of communication or scientific achievements, but if a person has certain abilities, they need to be developed.

The first peak of activity and interest in the "unknown" arose in our country around the 90s of the last century. In those years, all bans on such information were lifted, and we learned about the phenomenon of Rosa Kuleshova, who could “see” with her hands, the works of Roerich and Blavatsky became available. The book "Rose of the World" by Daniil Andreev, and other works devoted to the knowledge of the World and the Universe were carefully passed from hand to hand. Gradually, interest in this topic began to fade, and only people devoted to this idea did not stop improving and developing their abilities.

Nevertheless, bioenergy has always been considered an official science as a kind of harmless entertainment. Conversations that a person can "heal with his hands" or search for objects using special frames were considered not entirely serious. But people with certain knowledge, skills and abilities tried hard to prove the opposite. And their theories have very real confirmation. It is enough to remember how our ancestors searched for and found sources of fresh water underground. "Dowsers", as they were called. These people with amazing accuracy found the places where underground rivers and streams pass. They resorted to the help of these specialists when it was necessary to find a place for a well, or other source of clean water. In their hands, an ordinary "slingshot" made of wood became a unique instrument.

How did the search for water take place? The dowser did not just walk along this or that area with a wooden twig, he specially "tuned in" to the search for life-giving moisture. He and his instrument for finding water became one. In the place where there was water, the vine curved and seemed to indicate where to dig a well. In this case, a person acts as a conductor of the earth's energy, he is like an antenna that receives signals from the depths.

Not everyone could be dowsers. To do this, one had to possess certain qualities: be able to concentrate, tune in to receiving information from the Earth and be able to listen. Most often, the dowser's talent was passed down from generation to generation, from father to son, and usually men were engaged in finding water.

Today the vine is replaced by special frames made of lightweight material. Specialists also use various pendulums to search for objects and determine geopathogenic zones.

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How it works?

As experts explain, to work with frames or a pendulum, you need to "tune in to the desired wave", mentally imagine the object. A framework or a pendulum can be "asked questions." Each specialist develops for himself a system of conventional symbols, with which he "communicates" with his instrument. For example, deviating frames to the left is the answer "no". And to the right - "yes".

With the help of frames and a pendulum, you can also search for various objects lying deep underground. One of the followers of this search system, Andrey, talks about this. In his youth, he, like many of his peers, was carried away by the idea of biolocation. He is one of the few who, over time, did not abandon this "hobby", but having discovered certain abilities in himself, he began to develop them. With the help of frames and a pendulum, Andrey searches underground for small objects, coins or antiques. He does not consider himself a "digger" and artifact lover. It is the process of working with frames that is important for him. According to Andrey, you can search for objects or people not only on the ground, but also using a map. In this case, says the bioenergy, it is better to take a pendulum. With its help, you can more accurately determine the coordinates of the object. Andrey is also engaged in finding water to build a well, he says,that it is for him the easiest "dowser" to work with.

With the help of frames or a pendulum, Andrey can also find favorable or, conversely, “bad” places in the room. Knowing how these zones are located can significantly improve the atmosphere in your home or office.

The specialist himself says that he is constantly improving his abilities, he believes that human consciousness has no limits for its development. Parapsychologists completely agree with this statement, they believe that all people are endowed with intuition and special abilities from birth.

You just need to develop these qualities in yourself, engage in self-improvement and not slide into the plane of only material interests.
