Historians Falsify The Past Of Mankind With Rapture - - Alternative View

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Historians Falsify The Past Of Mankind With Rapture - - Alternative View
Historians Falsify The Past Of Mankind With Rapture - - Alternative View

Video: Historians Falsify The Past Of Mankind With Rapture - - Alternative View

Video: Historians Falsify The Past Of Mankind With Rapture - - Alternative View
Video: The Terrifying Truth About The Antichrist 2024, July

The past of our civilization is deliberately and very strongly distorted. Historians are more reminiscent of urban madmen than scientists: instead of solid knowledge, there is an abundance of obscure pseudo-scientific terms that do not carry any information …

Conversation with a historian

Along the way, I, like many other people, have to communicate with historians, ask their opinion on certain issues, listen to answers or comments. So that people do not have to step on the same rake every time, I decided to make an extract from such disputes, to collect, so to speak, in one the quintessence of wisdom and argumentation of historical science, so that anyone who wishes could get acquainted with it in one place, without wasting time for a long search.

Now I give the floor to a venerable professional historian who wished to tell an ordinary educated person the history of European civilization:

Professional historian: I will begin the story of human civilization from the very beginning, with the appearance of people in Europe. Once upon a time, a long time ago, Negroes from Africa moved here to Europe and founded the first settlements here, which is confirmed by the finds of Negro-type skulls …

Educated person: Wait, wait! What other skulls ?! For one thousand two hundred excavated in our paleostations, only 1 (one) skull was found, in which it was possible to see signs of Negroidism! And he turned out to be a carrier of the Slavic haplogroup "I" - the same one that every fourth Russian person wears to this day! We're not blacks, are we?

Professional historian: Genetics is a pseudoscience! Geneticists understand nothing about history. You should not believe in geneticists, you should only believe in us, the bearers of the highest undeniable truth! In addition, since then, the population of the Russian plain has changed completely several times. Nations came, left, came again, disappeared, settled again …

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Educated person: Wait, why on earth? Genetic studies have proven that the Proto-Slavic haplogroup "I" originated here, in Europe, 50 thousand years ago and has never disappeared anywhere! We still live here today. Every fourth Russian is a descendant of the Sungir people, the Kostenkovites, an indigenous inhabitant of thousands of generations. Plus there is also a part of the peoples who settled here in the last 3-4 thousand years, but did not displace or replace the Proto-Slavs.

Professional historian: They tell you that genetics is a pseudoscience! The Slavs were generally born only a thousand years ago. And before that, Mongoloids lived on the Russian Plain. Let us take the culture of pit-comb ceramics of the Neolithic era (late 4th - mid 2nd millennium BC). This is almost the entire Russian Plain. The settlements of this culture are always accompanied by burials of representatives of the Uralic race, in the phenotype of which Mongoloid elements are found, okay?

Educated person: Wait, wait! What other graves ?! In 56 burials found, only 2 (two) skulls from burials 19 and 20 (Sakhtysh II) were labeled with "traces of softened Mongoloid". And for that, anthropologists have concluded that the skulls definitely belong to Caucasians, with deviations within the normal range.

Professional historian: Anthropology is a pseudoscience! Anthropologists know nothing about history. You must not trust anthropologists, you must trust only us, the bearers of the highest undeniable truth! And in general, what's the difference, what was the genotype there? All the same, they were wild tribes of savage hunters, walking in skins and thinking only about food!

Educated person: Wait, how is that? After all, archaeologists were able to restore the clothes and utensils of our ancestors, and therefore they know that the Pre-Slavs dressed no worse than us, they made beautiful toys and tools, figurines and jewelry …

Professional historian: Archeology is a pseudoscience! Archaeologists do not understand anything in history and are always digging, whatever they hit! You must not trust archaeologists, you must trust only us, the bearers of the highest undeniable truth! The local people of the Neolithic were foreign savages who had nothing to do with the Slavs!

Educated person: How can they not ?! But ethnographers point out that the characteristic Slavic solar discs of a unique design are still widely used by the Russian people, the designs of traditional Russian embroidery go back to the sungir designsp.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 3.0px 0.0px; text-align: justify; text-indent: 28.4px; line-height: 11.0px; font: 11.0px 'Times New Roman'}

ceramics, as well as the decoration of modern Russian utensils!

Professional historian: Ethnography is a pseudoscience! Ethnographers know nothing about history. You must not trust ethnographers, you must trust only us, the bearers of the highest undeniable truth! Plus, all of the drawings and discs could be a coincidence. The people are determined by language, religion, customs!

Educated person: Of course. So linguists point out that the Finno-Ugric languages are spread only in the east of the Russian Plain, in the Urals and in Finland. The Finno-Ugrians could not penetrate the rest of the lands inhabited by the Slavs. Which confirms the conclusions of geneticists, ethnographers and anthropologists.

Professional historian: Linguistics is a pseudoscience! Linguists know nothing about history. You must not trust linguists, you must trust only us, the bearers of the highest undeniable truth! There were no Slavs on the Russian Plain before the tenth century, and that's it!

Educated person: But academician Rybakov in his works confidently traces the Slavic religious cults of Makosha, Veles, Svarog, Kolyada, Perun from the Sungir and Kostenkovo sites …

Professional historian: Ugh, what an abomination! How dare you read scientific papers on history ?! These sacred texts are intended only for the initiated! Ordinary mortals will not understand anything in them and should not look into them! For your little mind, there are enough interpretations that we, bearers of the highest undeniable truth, endure!

And in general, there is nothing to waste time on the wild mindless tribes that lived on the Russian Plain! After all, civilization did not originate here, but in the south! In Mesopotamia! Somewhere 6 thousand years ago, the Sumerians began to settle there, and 5 thousand years ago there already existed a dozen city-states! Can you imagine such incredible antiquity of the appearance of the first cities?

Educated person: So at this very time, large cities appeared in our country, on the Russian Plain. For example, near the famous Slavic port. This city, by the way, still exists, it is called Vologda. The lower layers of the local Veksa archaeological complex date back exactly to the age of 5-6 thousand years. The excavation of Moldon II on Vologda itself gives an age of 5 thousand years.

Professional historian: Archeology is a pseudoscience! Archaeologists know nothing about history and are always digging, whatever they hit! What difference does it make what they found? In general, large architectural structures are a sign of civilization! Such as the Sumerian cities or the Egyptian pyramids!

Educated person: So the whole north of Europe is built up with huge megaliths! These megaliths are older than the Egyptian ones, and much older, by 2-3 thousand years, and the stones are used there heavier. Here are the traces of an ancient highly developed civilization! By the way, all this was built by the carriers of the Slavic haplogroup "I", since neither the Indo-Europeans, nor the Finno-Ugrians had reached Europe by that time.

Professional historian: This is just rudeness! Everything that happened before the Egyptians does not count as civilization! It was still the Neolithic, the Stone Age. This means that then there lived wild illiterate savages who could not create civilizations.

Educated person: But there are megaliths, that's a fact! Complex, very large, astronomically oriented buildings, mostly made of imported materials, and heavy ones …

Professional historian: Referencing facts is unscientific! You should not be interested in facts, you are obliged to believe only in us, the bearers of the highest undeniable truth! Forget everything that came before Egypt, civilization appeared in it! The Egyptians learned how to smelt copper and stepped into the Bronze Age. This is already civilization! With their copper saws, they sawed stone, limestone and granite and built pyramids.

Educated person: But this is nonsense! The hardness of copper on the Mohs scale is only 3 units, and the hardness of granite is as much as 7 units! Copper is impossible p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 3.0px 0.0px; text-align: justify; text-indent: 28.4px; line-height: 11.0px; font: 11.0px 'Times New Roman'}

process granite under no circumstances, any sopromator will tell you that!

Professional historian: Sopromat is a pseudoscience! The supporters know nothing about history. You do not have to believe in resistance to materials, you have to believe only in us, the bearers of the highest undeniable truth! And in general … Let's assume that the granite was sawn with copper using an abrasive! They poured sand under the saws, here!

Educated person: So nothing changes from this! The sand will sharpen copper, not stone! In addition, copper has never been used in real abrasive tools. Wood, bone and leather were used; at the end of the twentieth century, they began to use plastic, paper and foam rubber, but copper - never, any toolmaker will tell you that!

Professional historian: Instrumental work is a pseudoscience! Toolmakers know nothing about history! You must not trust toolmakers, you must trust only us, bearers of the highest undeniable truth! It has been said that they sawed copper - that means copper! And then the sawn-off stones were dragged up the ramp!

Educated person: Why then are there no traces of ramps anywhere? And why are they at all in the absence of heavy wheeled vehicles? The lifts described by Herodotus are simpler and much more efficient, or block lifts. Any engineer will tell you that.

Professional historian: Engineering is a pseudoscience! Engineers know nothing about history. You must not trust engineers, you must trust only us, the bearers of the highest undeniable truth! So there is nothing to interrupt me, listen and admire the great wisdom!

So, after the wild Stone Age, which left no traces other than the poor Neolithic sites and the Bronze Age, which gave us pyramids sawn with copper saws, the Iron Age began. About three and a half thousand years ago, the Hittites invented iron.

The fact that iron was actually discovered in Hittites is confirmed both by the Greek name for the steel Χάλυβας, and by the fact that one of the first iron daggers, clearly presented to him by the Hittites, was found in the tomb of the Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun (c. 1350 BC), and that already in the Bible, in the Old Testament, in the Book of Judges of Israel (c. 1200 BC), the use of even iron chariots by the Philistines and Canaanites is described.

There is also a letter from the Hittite king Hattussili III (1250 BC) to the Assyrian king Salmansar I, in which it is reported that the Hittites smelted iron. The Hittites kept the technology of iron production secret for a long time. Their production volumes of iron products were not very large, but they allowed the Hittites to sell them to neighboring countries.

Educated person: Are you sure that the Hittites made iron products themselves, and did not buy them from the Slavs?

Professional historian: What nonsense are you talking about ?! At that time, tribes of pitiful savages lived on the Russian Plain! First of all, iron metallurgy spread in Western Asia, India and southern Europe, where iron tools were widely used already at the turn of the 2nd and 1st millennia BC. In Northern Europe, iron processing technology spread only from the 7th century BC, in Egypt - in the 6th century BC, in the countries of the Far East - in the 7th-5th centuries BC. What do the Slavs have to do with it?

Educated person: As early as 30 years ago, the Veks 1 excavation near Vologda revealed vast slag fields associated with the processing of iron ores. Among the dumps were found pieces of crinits, as well as pieces of broken iron needles and awls, pieces of crucibles. On the basis of coal particles, the slag is dated "by radiocarbon" method, as melted 3 thousand years ago.

It turns out that at the time when the Hittites "discovered" iron, the Slavs were already forging it with might and main. Metallurgical production provides for a very large output of slag, the dumps of which are found everywhere on the upper Volga. It is clear that where there is slag, there is production. Are slag fields found in Asia, India or Hittites?

Professional historian: Metallurgy is a pseudoscience! Metallurgists are nothing p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 3.0px 0.0px; text-align: justify; text-indent: 28.4px; line-height: 11.0px; font: 11.0px 'Times New Roman'}

understand history! And archeology is a pseudoscience, and physics with its radiocarbon is also a pseudoscience! You don't have to believe all these pitiful metallurgists, archaeologists and physicists! You must believe only in us, the bearers of the highest undeniable truth! Only wild tribes lived in Russia, and everything known was invented by the Hittites and the Egyptians, okay ?! And a good example is the invention of the papyrus by the Egyptians!

Papyrus is a writing material used in ancient times in Egypt and other countries. When making it, the stems of the papyrus reed were peeled from the bark, the core was cut lengthwise into thin strips. The resulting strips were laid with an overlap on a flat surface. Another layer of strips was laid out on them at right angles and placed under a large smooth stone, and then left under the scorching sun.

After drying, the papyrus leaf was hammered and smoothed. In general, it was a long painstaking work, and therefore this writing material turned out to be incredibly expensive, which led to the appearance of palimpsests. That is, papyrus was not only used for recordings, first on one side, and then on the other, but also often washed off the previous text in order to write a new one over it.

In addition to being expensive, papyrus has one more drawback - in about two hundred years it completely decays. Ancient papyri have survived only in Egypt with its unique dry climate.

All this led to the emergence of parchment - a writing material made of leather. It was durable, but also incredibly expensive, and therefore almost all ancient books are palimpsests, or even hyperpalimpsests - that is, the text was washed off and another was written over it dozens, or even hundreds of times!

Such, rewritten hundreds of times, is, for example, the "Novgorod Code" of the 10th century. We, accustomed to cheap paper and mass circulation, do not understand how much money each page cost only a thousand years ago, even a used one, because it can be washed and filled up again. And in ancient times, papyri and parchment were valued at all worth their weight in gold!

The ancient era gave the world a huge number of the greatest thinkers and scientists. Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece gave birth to dozens, if not hundreds of inquisitive minds who left detailed information about their era. Herodotus alone wrote 11 rather thick volumes of his History. 11 volumes - if you count according to his latest, modern reprint.

Cicero left two dozen treatises, not counting articles and speeches. Ptolemy left several volumes of 600 typewritten pages. Hesiod also distinguished himself by several poems of 500 verses each, "Instructions" and "Works".

Let us also recall Socrates, whose thoughts are described by dozens of students in books of various sizes, Aristoxenus, who wrote as many as 450 books! Plutarch left 210 works, but Aristotle gave birth to only five volumes, although much more is known. Plato wrote something like 30 books.

Antigonus of Karitsky two and a half thousand years ago compiled a collection of stories, which was reprinted until the end of the 19th century, Archimedes left two dozen scientific books … Although, what am I trying? You can't list them all!

Only after Ancient Rome - I mean the period of time before the birth of Christ - the writings of 82 authors, not counting the anonymous ones, have survived, including 135 books by Cicero and 469 books by other authors, including about 37 thousand lines of poetry. And they wrote about three times more already at the beginning of our era …

Educated person: Forgive me for interrupting, but on what are all these works written?

Professional historian: How is it - on what ?! Written on something!

An educated person: Can you find out more specifically on what exactly the works of ancient authors preserved in such an incredible amount are written? Otherwise, as you said yourself, the writing material was incredibly expensive, and the papyri were larger than p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 3.0px 0.0px; text-align: justify; text-indent: 28.4px; line-height: 11.0px; font: 11.0px 'Times New Roman'} span.s1 {text-decoration: underline; color: # 0433ff}

do not live for two centuries … How do the originals of these texts look, where can they be seen?

Professional historian: Nowhere, they have not survived.

Educated person: Then where did the texts come from, how were they discovered?

Professional historian: The texts were discovered by scholars in the form of massive prints in bookstores. The fact is that after the invention of paper and printing, starting from about the 16th century, it became possible to make books as much as you want, and not very expensive. It became a business, and the main thing was not to write, but to interest the reader in the written, to sell him this product. So many of the dealer began to print antique texts.

Educated person: Why did you decide that these are really ancient texts, and not handicrafts, written for the needs of fashion by students hired for cheap?

Professional historian: How why? Think about it yourself - after all, the dealer won't deceive buyers just for the sake of double or triple profit?

Educated person: What if it's just a literary device? Maybe the founder of this genre wrote a text with the epigraph: "The manuscript found in the tomb", and this has become a popular direction of fantasy?

Professional historian: No-no, everything is checked! Historians asked the sellers where the text came from - and the shopkeepers always said that it was a translation from Arabic or a manuscript found in a tomb. It's just that immediately after the circulation was published, all the originals were immediately lost, spoiled or crumbled into dust. Think for yourself: the dealer will not bend his soul to sell an expensive product to a rich client!

Educated person: Okay, but are all these stories from the tabloid books at least somehow, somehow confirmed? Have you found any traces of states described in the texts through excavations?

Professional historian: Yes, of course! Many antique works of art, sculptures and ornaments were found of such quality that they cannot be distinguished from those of the Renaissance. This is a clear proof of the high level of development of ancient culture!

Educated person: How do you distinguish between them?

Professional historian: If a sculpture is signed, then it is new. And if not signed, then antique.

Educated person: What if they are all from the new time?

Professional historian: It can't be! Think for yourself - after all, the traders selling antique finds will not cheat the buyer just for the sake of fivefold profit! So there is no doubt about the achievements of ancient civilization.

Let's not get distracted and return to the history of the development of civilization.

Hellas took the baton of wisdom from Ancient Egypt, she is also Greece - the union of city-policies, the most famous of which can be safely considered Sparta! Created according to the laws of the Likud, it gives us an example of the courage of warriors and the severity of raising boys.

In the treatise "The State System of the Lacedaemonians" Xenophon tells in detail how the Spartan army was organized in his time, two and a half thousand years ago. The armament of the Spartan consisted of a spear, a short sword and defensive weapons: a round shield, a helmet, an armor on the chest and leggings.

The weight of the protective weapons reached 30 kg. Sparta could put up such heavy infantrymen up to 10 thousand people, and all of Greece - up to 110 thousand - as it happened in the battle of Plataea in 479 BC!

Educated person: Wait! What are 110 thousand? The modern army of all Greece is the same in number! Meanwhile, demographers say that two and a half

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Thousands of years ago people lived there 60 times less. About two hundred thousand of the population in all of Greece.

Professional historian: Demography is a pseudoscience! Demographers know nothing about history! You don't have to trust demographers! You must believe only in us, the bearers of the highest undeniable truth! Since we say that the army was 110 thousand, it means that it is so! Perhaps in difficult times, all the men went into battle without exception!

Educated person: 110 thousand hoplites multiplied by 30 kg of equipment for each - this is three thousand tons of bronze. That is to say - three railway trains with twenty cars in each. Where did the ancient Greeks get so many weapons? Did they have copper mines? Have any traces of this insane bronze pile survived?

Professional historian: What difference does it make where they got the weapons? Probably bought. The Phoenicians. And, by the way, there were only 38 thousand seven hundred heavily armed soldiers in that battle, the remaining 69 thousand 500 people were lightly armed!

Educated person: 38 thousand is one thousand one hundred and sixty-one tons of bronze. What shisha could the Greeks buy so many weapons for? Bronze was a devilishly expensive metal, and Greece was a poor agrarian country, it fed only from small mountain pastures with goats and olive orchards. You will not clear up. How could its economy pull such costs?

Professional historian: Economics is a pseudoscience! Economists know nothing about history! You don't have to trust economists! You must believe only in us, the bearers of the highest undeniable truth!

Educated person: By the way, did Xenophon's stories about Spartan customs find at least some confirmation? About weapons, about weak children being killed, about general homosexuality, about money in the form of rods?

Professional historian: Archeology is a pseudoscience! Archaeologists do not understand anything about history and forever cannot find what should be! You must not trust archaeologists, you must trust only us, the bearers of the highest undeniable truth!

Educated person: By the way, can you tell me what the number of armies was in the famous Battle of Grunwald?

Professional historian: Well … from the side of Vitovt - somewhere between 16 and 39 thousand people, from the side of the order - from 11 to 27 thousand soldiers.

Educated person: Not a fig to yourself a spread in numbers! More precisely, it is impossible?

Professional historian: Where is it more accurate? It was the devil when, in shaggy antiquity, already 600 years ago! Almost no information from those times has survived!

Educated person: Doesn't it seem strange to you that about the battle that happened two and a half thousand years ago, when the papers had not even been invented, we know everything to the smallest detail, down to a single warrior, his weapons and the place of his call, but about the events very recent past, 500-600 years, almost nothing is known?

Professional historian: It's very simple. This is because dozens of ancient contemporaries have written many hundreds of books about those ancient, almost preliterate times! We know in the smallest detail the biographies of most ancient philosophers and scientists, their statements, the circle of their friends and students, we know to the smallest detail the course of all military campaigns, the number of armies, the weapons of soldiers, their food, the place of conscription, the method of training, the routes of movement … In general, all the smallest details, like a Hollywood action movie watched.

But there is practically no information left about the past very close to us, more than 300 years ago - only the most general vague data. Alas, the paper rots, burns, spoils by rodents, archives suffer from wars, fires, the stupidity of their contemporaries … Medieval documents had very, very little chances to survive.

Educated person: What about the ancient ones?

Professional historian: So they were published in thousands of copies, what will become of them ?! There are no originals, of course. But you don't need to pay attention to this.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 3.0px 0.0px; text-align: justify; text-indent: 28.4px; line-height: 11.0px; font: 11.0px 'Times New Roman'} span.s1 {text-decoration: underline; color: # 0433ff}

mania. Let's get back to science. Let us recall the great empire of Ancient Rome, which in its heyday was inhabited by as many as 60 million people!

Educated person: Did it spread to the entire planet? Indeed, according to the calculations of demographers, no more than 100 million people lived on the planet at that time. Of which about 70% are in Asia.

Professional historian: Forget this miserable demographic! Demography is a pseudoscience! Demographers know nothing about history! You don't have to trust demographers! You must believe only in us, the bearers of the highest undeniable truth!

We have books by ancient authors in which it is written that 60 million, which means that 60 is! Who do you believe more: pathetic, stupid specialists in their fields, or wise reprints from no one knows who from the originals that no one has seen? AND? So be silent and listen!

So, in 753 BC, the city of Rome was founded on the Tiber, to fill which the legendary Romulus declared the rule of universal equality and freedom, thanks to which many thousands of escaped slaves, exiles and just adventurers began to flock there …

Educated person: Where did the runaway slaves and exiles come from around the Tiber in such numbers?

Professional historian: This is the Ancient World! There always and everywhere there were thousands of slaves, yearning for freedom! They began to settle in Rome.

Educated person: What were they fed with? How did they live? More people cannot live in an agrarian area than the land can feed. People must have a source of existence. Usually it is either trade, if the city stands at the crossroads of roads, like Vologda or Novgorod, or some kind of local production, like in Staraya Ruse or Ustyuzhna. What did the Romans feed on?

Professional historian: War! They successfully fought, plundered the neighboring peoples and drove them into slavery! Due to the trophies, they grew rich and developed.

Educated person: But on what shishi were the original weapons purchased? The Legionnaires were heavy infantry, weren't they? 30 kg of weapons per bow? How did Rome earn money to arm the primary army?

Professional historian: Money is secondary! Rome fought with the skill of soldiers, their spirit and hard work! Roman soldiers, according to Polybius' testimony, walked 20-25 miles a day, carrying all their equipment, property and, in addition, a stake for a fortified camp, and stopping to rest, surrounded the camp with a palisade …

Educated Person: Excuse me, are you sure you are talking about humans, not elephants or aliens? The fact is that people have been fighting for more than a thousand years, they are doing this to this day, and therefore their physical abilities are well reflected in the charters and regulations. Estimated travel speeds: without load - 4.5 km / h, with a load of 21 kg - 4 km / h. Forced march - 5 km / h, on bad roads - 3 km / h.

Daily crossing: normal march - 32 km, forced march - 50 km. If people walked 20-25 miles in a day - even without a load - then they will not be able to build anything. And if they build, they won't be able to go anywhere. It's either one or the other.

If you force a fighter to constantly shove more than 20 kg on yourself, then you will not achieve either one or the other from him at all. No transitions 20 miles, no construction of camps, no ability to fight - the soldier will simply fizzle out.

Apparently, therefore, in real campaigns, no one ever built fortified camps at temporary sites, everyone did with combat outposts.

Professional historian: Military regulations are pseudoscience! They have nothing to do with history! The precepts that apply to ordinary people do not apply to the Romans! They were superhumans, walked faster than horses, carried weights heavier than horses could lift, and built like excavators!

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And they also had advanced tactics, advanced methods of combat formation, the best marching support technologies, they had ballistae, scorpions and many other powerful military devices with which they easily destroyed everyone and everywhere!

Educated person: And how did this affect the progress of the military art of mankind?

Professional historian: Unfortunately, no way. At the beginning of our era, wild, dirty and stupid barbarian tribes began to visit the Roman Empire, which quickly and easily uncovered the huge one hundred thousandth Roman army, and in 476 AD the empire itself was dissolved, so much so that no trace of it remained. Just nothing.

On the site of the Roman Empire, whose life we know literally by the minute, many kingdoms were formed - life, the emergence and history of which we imagine very, very badly. After all, it was so long ago that absolutely no sources have survived …

Educated person: Yes, and God bless her, with Roman history, known to us only from the counter-circulations. Let's better talk about Russia. What was it like in ancient times?

Professional historian: There was nothing there! Wild tribes roamed back and forth, replacing each other. Scythians, Sarmatians, Goths, Cimmerians … In general, Herodotus describes everything in detail: warlike nomadic herders lived on the Russian Plain, selling grain to the Greeks …

Educated person: Stop, stop, stop! How was it not ?! After all, three thousand years ago - this is exactly the time when the era of mass construction of cities and fortresses begins in Slavic Russia!

Only the cities of that period, from the 5th to the 10th centuries BC, archaeologists have excavated more than two hundred, and just settlements - more than half a thousand. And many cities and villages that arose 3 thousand years ago continue to exist to this day! These are Mozhaisk, Uglich, Zvenigorod, Belozersk … But why is there - even Moscow appeared back then, three thousand years ago.

The largest city of that time, surrounded by three rows of fortress walls, is modern Kuntsevo. Another area of Moscow that has a firmly proven thirty-century archaeological history is Kolomenskoye. The Moscow Kremlin itself was built at the same time, three thousand years ago, as evidenced by the ceramics of that period found in it during excavations.

And in Troitsk, for example, 3 thousand years ago, the fortress walls were cut down so that one could live inside them. Outside there is an earthen embankment, and from the inside - ordinary huts. That is, it had its own unique local fortification.

Professional historian: I already told you that archeology is a pseudoscience. They will always dig up some kind of garbage and will not see that Herodotus has nothing written about him. In general, let's assume that there were no such cities …

An educated person: How was it not, if more than two hundred cities were found! And how many more remains are not covered by excavations ?!

Professional historian: Then let's assume that cities were like they were, but they have nothing to do with history. Unknown Finno-Ugric peoples appeared out of nowhere, they quickly built all this, lived, lived, and then quickly disappeared. And ends in the water! Did you agree?

Educated person: What nonsense? Firstly, geneticists proved that 3 thousand years ago the Finno-Ugrians had just crossed the Ural ridge, and secondly, fortresses were built by city-workers, metallurgists, century after century, who changed their instrument from bone to iron, one might say, in front of archaeologists.

And the Finno-Ugrians in modern times kept the tribal foundations, they did not build cities, did not develop handicraft production. Where have all their skills, customs, and they themselves suddenly disappeared after a thousand years of living at the forefront of technological progress? Especially consider p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 3.0px 0.0px; text-align: justify; text-indent: 28.4px; line-height: 11.0px; font: 11.0px 'Times New Roman'} span.s1 {text-decoration: underline; color: # 0433ff}

the fact that the cities themselves and production in them have not disappeared anywhere, but have successfully developed and improved. And they continue to do so to this day!

Professional historian: Okay, let's assume that this is just an unknown people who fell out of nowhere, built up, lived, and then disappeared. And forget about this damn damn archeology! Most importantly, do not forget that these were not Slavs! The Slavs appeared out of nowhere only in the 8-9 century, who knows how to replace unknown animals in the cities and villages of the Dyakovo culture!

Educated person: Why not the Slavs? After all, linguists argue that the Slavic language began to form exactly 3 thousand years ago, just in the era of mass city construction on the Russian Plain.

Professional historian: Linguistics is a pseudoscience! Linguists know nothing about history! You don't have to trust linguists! You must believe only in us, the bearers of the highest undeniable truth! The Slavs appeared in this world only a thousand years ago! They immediately took over as a huge ethnic group from nowhere, displacing the former peoples!

Educated person: But geneticists confidently assert that no one has gone anywhere. At least a quarter of all of us living on the Russian Plain are descendants of the genetic group of the Proto-Slavs who arose in Europe 50 thousand years ago, and another half are the descendants of Indo-Europeans who came here four and a half thousand years ago!

We are all in the absolute majority - the local indigenous population! Where do fantasies about the migration of peoples and the displacement of some peoples by others come from?

Professional historian: I already told you that genetics is a pseudoscience! You, in general, will remember once and for all: archeology, genetics, ethnography, linguistics, strength of materials, engineering, instrumental, physics and geology, anthropology and geography - these are all vile false inventions of the supporters of Fomenko and Nosovsky, created specifically in order to discredit shining building of true history! Therefore, it is impossible to refer to all these pseudosciences in disputes!

Educated person: What about toponymy?

Professional historian: What does she claim?

Educated person: That toponyms with the adjective "rus" appeared in the space from the Caucasus to the North Sea and from the Urals to the Elbe no later than two thousand years ago.

Professional historian: Then this is also pseudoscience! There were no Slavs and no Russians before the 8th century AD. Until that time, there was nothing on the Russian Plain. Wildness, desolation, nomads, small tribes with small swarms.

An educated person: And who then built the Serpent's Shafts? Many hundreds of kilometers of defensive fortifications made of wood-earthen walls 15-20 meters high, fencing off forest Russia from the steppes. Against their background, even the Great Wall of China can be considered a child's toy.

Such construction is fraught with huge economic costs and can only be done by a large, populous and rich state with developed structures of governance and redistribution. All this fortification was built just at the turn of the beginning of our era. And that means that a developed state already existed on the Russian Plain at that time!

Professional historian: You know what … Let's assume that Serpent Shafts do not exist! And that's it, the question is closed!

Educated person: How does it not exist? But this is a fact, they are!

Professional historian: Referencing facts is an unscientific approach. A real scientist should read holy books and draw conclusions based on the wisdom of ancient prophets, and not refer to some stupid facts and research!

You shouldn't think, you should just listen to us, bearers of the highest wisdom and admire our infallibility!

Alexander Prozorov